Deep Analytics: Technologies for Humanity, AI & Security by Sumit Chakraborty, Suryashis Chakraborty, Kusumita - HTML preview

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This session has outlined an interesting project for critical resources (e.g. river water) sharing among multiple entities rationally with fairness, correctness, transparency and accountability. It is also essential to control heavy rainfall which often results flood, landslide and soil erosion in urban and rural zone. Such type of project requires the support of deep analytics of river and irrigation engineering, water resource management and cloud physics. Rational resource sharing is basically the problem of real-time supply chain optimization.

It is also a critical research agenda to explore efficient risk mitigation strategies against heavy rainfall and flood. How can we fight against natural calamities like flood due to heavy rainfall? We need an optimal mix of proactive and reactive approaches. Intelligent urban and rural development planning is essential in terms of reliable infrastructures (e.g. houses, roads, bridges, flyover, drainage system etc.). Can we explore the concept of a ‘smart water grid’ to divert surplus water through pipelines, canals, rivers and drains to neighboring districts or states from flooded zone? It is rational to monitor timely release of water from various dams sequentially during rainy season; simultaneous release of water from all the dams of a state may aggravate the flood situation; it may be a conspiracy to draw flood relief fund by creating chaos through malicious artificial intelligence. Sufficient number of water storage or harvesting systems (e.g. dams) is required.

Modern, well designed networks of drainage systems should be built along with filters. Regular cleaning of drains is essential to remove mud, sand, plastic goods, polythene packets, haggis and pads to avoid congestion or jamming in rainy season. It is also required to open manholes during rain carefully monitored by municipal and cleaning staff so that there should not be water logging problems on the roads and streets. It is an interesting and feasible option to increase level of residential plots at low land using soil and bricks. Intelligent evacuation plan should be ready during natural disaster. Migration of human civilization from risky zone and fair rehabilitation is also essential. The problem should be tackled scientifically; there may be threats of false data injection attacks and rumors such as superstitions, narrow prejudices and religious curses through various broadcast communication channels. The system administrators should be alert of the readiness of natural disaster relief workforce (NDRF) and army with helicopters, choppers, life- boats and other relief equipments during rainy season. It is rational to exercise capital budgeting based on fair and correct valuation by the experts, surveys, audit and demand plan of reliable infrastructure (e.g. road, bridges, flyovers and nano- housing scheme). How can we tackle cloudbursts artificially applying the concept of cloud physics? It is an open research agenda.

It is possible to construct similar type of search mechanism like RPSM and risk mitigation strategies against the threats of geological hazards such as earthquake. For example, the risk mitigation strategies should include rational approaches in urban and rural development planning, public policy making, cautious approach and regulatory compliance on mining of earth’s soil (e.g. coal, minerals, sand, gas pipeline) and construction activities (e.g. saturation in metropolitan cities, building high storied buildings without soil testing, tunnels, metro rails, irrigation projects, dams etc.), monitoring of volcanoes and landslides in hilly zones. The aforesaid type of probabilistic search problem is really hard to solve and it is also challenging to deploy RPSM in reality and seeks extensive support, coordination, planning and corporate social responsibilities from various space research organizations and earth science institutes globally. The most critical challenges involve the innovation of automated real-time search algorithm, intelligent sensors and predictive analytics, resource planning and deployment, system administration and coordination both locally and globally. Artificial intelligence is basically simulation of human intelligence. A rational reasoning system often needs the support of an intelligent analytics. An intelligent reasoning system demands new solution methodology beyond traditional knowledge base with imagination, envision, perception and proper assessment of a hard problem like the aforesaid probabilistic search.



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img31.pngWhat are various types of natural disasters? What are the negative impacts of such disasters on poverty and humanity, plants, animals and nature? What is  the scope of technology for global security against various types of disaster such as flood, drught, storm, earthquake, volcano, woodfire, snowfall, epidemic and pandemic outbreak, astronomical hazards, environmental pollution and attack of malicious pastes and wild animals?

/* Hints :

Flood : Smart water grid, Canals, Drainage system, Irrigation system, Water storage system (e.g. dams, lakes, ponds, rivers), Migration of human civilization from risky zone to favourable zones

Drought : Artificial rainfall, Cloud seeding, Irrigation system, Water storage  system, Fertilizer and Migration of human civilization from risky zone to favourable zones.

Storm / Cyclone : Resiliency management, Infrastructure maintenance (e.g. energy, utilities, trees, huts, houses )

Earthquake : Soil mining, Tunnel, Unplanned urban and rural development planning and civil infrastructure development, Migration of human civilization from risky zone to favourable zones

Volcano : Migration of human civilization from risky zone to favourable zones

Wood fire : Water jet, Artificial rainfall, Migration of human civilization from risky zone to favourable zones

Snowfall : Resiliency, traffic congestion Epidemic and pandemic outbreak Astronomical hazards : Private search

Environmental hazards [Air pollution (Smoke from vehicles, power plants, industrial plants (e.g. chemical, metallurgical, fertilizers, oil, gas), factories); Water pollution: cleaning of weeds i.e. kachuripana, Soil pollution: plastic, garbage, recycle and reuse; Sound pollution : fire crackers, bombs, construction works, industrial plants and factories; Sunlight pollution : Nano-housing]

Paste / wild beasts : Mosquitoes - Malaria, dengue, chickengunia ( Mosquito net, DDT, Bleaching powder, Cleaning of garbage) ; Flies : food poisoning (use covers; no animal husbandries (e.g. khatals – cows, buffaloes, goats) and poultry firms in urban zone); Attacks of wild animals, Wild-life sanctuaries (e.g. tigers, loans, elephants, snakes, rhinos, hippopotamus, lions, monkeys, baboons), Conservation of forests and cleaning of bushes. */

img34.pngWhat is artifial immune system? How can it control epidemic and pandemic outbreak?

img34.pngWhat are the basic elements of system architecture for disaster control? How to represent the structure correctly?

img34.pngWhat do you mean by technology security for artificial immune system? How to verify the security intelligence? Wh