Deep Analytics: Technologies for Humanity, AI & Security by Sumit Chakraborty, Suryashis Chakraborty, Kusumita - HTML preview

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This session has explored the importance of a deep analytics based mechanism for cancer prevention in the context of human biological system. It presents a new framework of human biological system in terms of computing, data, networking, application and security schema of an information system based on analogical reasoning. DACPM promotes a hybrid approach which recognizes the role of both proactive and reactive approaches in making decisions on healthcare investment for cancer prevention. The reactive approach may outperform proactive one against the threats that never occur actually. Sometimes, reactive approach may be cost effective as compared to proactive approach. The basic building blocks of the proposed mechanism are threat analytics and adaptive secure multiparty computation. The threat analytics monitor the system performance of human biological system based on time series data, detects and analyzes different types of vulnerabilities on the biological system.

This work finds a set of interesting research agenda for future work: (a) explore new risk factors and causes of cancer, classifying cancers, opportunities for early detection and prevention and cost reduction of cancer care; (b) how to design an intelligent threat analytics; (c) how to design intelligent verification mechanisms; (d) how to rationalize DACPM, (e) how to quantify and code miscellaneous security intelligence parameters, (e) check the performance of kernel based learning algorithms with CNN, (g) how to apply integrated medicine for critical case (e.g. multiple organ failure syndrome) and exercise allopathic, homeopathy, herbal, yoga and naturopathy effectively for various purposes such as pain management, combating side effects of radiation and chemotherapy (e.g. hair fall, nausea, vomiting), every cancer patient requires specific treatment considering complexity of disease and (g) explore new approaches of cancer prevention such as vaccination for auto-immunity, laser therapy, integrated and regenerative medicine, precision medicine, gene therapy and stem cell therapy and (h) is it possible to imagine the security schema of human biological system based on antivirus, firewalls and various cryptographic tools (e.g. encryption, decryption, digital signature and signcryption) apart from secure multi-party computation? The next session explores the strategic option of bio-medical instrumentation and organ transplantation for various types of cancers such as pancreatic and liver cancer.

The expert panel are summarizing the outcome of deep analytic on the evaluation of today’s biotechnology technology. The diffusion of the technology is controlled by four factors: machine intelligence, security intelligence, collaborative intelligence and collective intelligence [Figure 5.5]. The machine intelligence considers a set of important criteria such as dominant design features, construction materials, system performance, biocompatibility and ease of use and deployment. It is essential to understand the fundamental principles, functions and mechanisms of the aforesaid biological organs through innovative experimental set up. The security intelligence considers safety, reliability, consistency, efficient surgical operation and reduced risk of infection. The design of biomedical devices must consider biological, chemical, mechanical, electrical and human factors of safety rationally. The collaborative intelligence demands proper integration and coordination among patient care chain, design chain and supply chain of biomedical engineering. The collective intelligence is determined by efficient demand, supply and capacity management of critical resources. Another critical success factor of technology diffusion is correctness and rationality of scope analytics. For example, oral insulin has more strength and opportunities of growth as compared to artificial pancreas. The technology of artificial kidney and liver should explore the hidden potential of tissue engineering. On the other side, the technology of artificial cardiovascular devices and limbs should explore the strength of mechanical and electrical engineering and mechatronics. It is also an interesting research agenda to explore the scope of living biological organ transplantation through organ donation, organ banks and alternative medicines (e.g. integrated medicine, regenerative medicine, precision medicine) as a part of proactive and reactive healthcare approaches. Finally, deep analytics can streamline the diffusion of biomedical technology through efficient coordination and integration among 7-S elements.



Figure 5.5: Technology diffusion of biomedical technology


This session presents artificial immune system mechanism (AIM). It is a new approach of epidemic and pandemic outbreak control. The basic building block of the mechanism is an analytics having multidimensional view of intelligent reasoning. The mechanism evaluates innate and adaptive system immunity in terms of collective, machine, security, collaborative and business intelligence. It is possible to redefine an efficient global healthcare policy for improved immunity and sustainable physical, mental and social health through reduction of artificial physical and mental stress. A biological system ensures optimal level of immunity by balancing natural and artificial intelligence (AI) based on intelligent reasoning. Effective control of epidemic and pandemic outbreak demands the innovation of smart biomedical devices such as non-contact infrared forehead thermometer. The digital thermal scanner is expected to have a set of important features such as capability to measure body temperature range with accuracy (e.g.0.30 C), 0C / 0F options, LCD backlight display, high or low body temperature indicator, high temperature alarm, auto power off after 15 seconds and warranty of one year.

The contribution of the present work is as follows. This novel concept of artificial immune mechanism has been applied to resolve the conflict between security intelligence and business intelligence for mitigating the risk of bio-terrorism today. The review of existing literature could not find out efficient mechanisms to counter bio-terrorism from the perspectives of security intelligence and business intelligence. The security intelligence has been defined weakly, incompletely and imprecisely. The system lacks intelligent model checking or system verification mechanisms based on rational threat analytics. The research methodology adopted in the present work includes case based reasoning, threat analytics and review of relevant literature on cryptography, secure multi-party computation and bio-terrorism. The logic of the bio-terrorism mechanism is explored through hypothetical case based reasoning on healthcare service chain, life-science supply chain, bio-technology and medical practice. The security intelligence is explored through threats analytics on malicious business intelligence.

A human agent must have common sense healthcare knowledge base for proper biological system control through intelligent self-assessment, self-confidence, life- style, diet control and right decision making at right time. It demands the necessity of learning the basic concept of AI reasoning, immunology and common sense healthcare from the childhood through an effective education and knowledge management system. It is not bio-inspired AI but the envision of AI inspired biological system which has a great potential to resolve the global healthcare problems significantly. AI has imagined the product concepts of highly complicated and costly artificial human organs such as artificial brain, heart, lungs, kidney, liver, pancreas, intestine, limbs, neural system, blood and cells though there are technological limitations and financial constraints of biomedical electronics, instrumentation, mechatronics, robotics, computational intelligence and materials science and also critical immunity issues. It is hard to develop and simulate artificial organs due to the inherent complexities of structure, material and mechanisms of the biological system. There are various risks of adaptive immunity and transmission of deadly diseases in artificial organ transplantation, artificial reproduction, common immunization programmes and breast milk feeding to the infants. Relaxation music, yoga and meditation is expected to be a good solution for the treatment of mental health though the modern entertainment world is getting flooded with ‘boom boom digital dhamaka’ and panic buttons through digital media and horror movies. AIM may be able to overcome some of those practically feasible constraints of the aforesaid imaginative reasoning through intelligent analytics and reasoning. AI community needs a new broad outlook, imagination and dreams to solve a complex problem through a set of simple mechanisms and solutions. Life is beautiful, let us apply AI for rational social choice to save the world.



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