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[1]. John J. Schneider, “The History of V/STOL Aircraft,” (two parts) Vertiflite, vol. 29, nos. 3–4 (Mar.–Apr. and May–June, 1983), pp. 22–29, 36–43.

[2]. For NACA work on autogiros, see J.B. Wheatley, “Lift and Drag Characteristics and Gliding Performance of an Autogiro as Determined In Flight,” NACA Report 434 (1932); Wheatley, “An Aerodynamic Analysis of the Autogiro Rotor With Comparison Between Calculated and Experimental Results,” NACA Report 487 (1934).

[3]. Michael J. Hirschberg, The American Helicopter: An Overview of Helicopter Developments in America, 1908–1999 (Arlington, VA: ANSER, 1999); and Col. H.F. Gregory, Anything a Horse Can Do (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1944). NACA–NASA contributions to helicopter development are examined in a separate case study in volume one of this work, by John F. Ward.

[4]. Edgar C. Wood, “The Army Helicopter, Past, Present and Future,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1956), pp 87–92; and Lt. Gen. John J. Tolson, Airmobility, 1961–1971, a volume in the U.S. Army Vietnam Studies series (Washington, DC: U.S. Army, 1973).

[5]. F.B. Gustafson, “History of NACA/NASA Rotating-Wing Aircraft Research, 1915–1970,” Vertiflite, Reprint VF-70 (Apr. 1971), pp. 1–27; John F. Ward, “An Updated History of NACA/NASA Rotary-Wing Aircraft Research 1915–1984,” Vertiflite, vol. 30, no. 4 (May–June 1984), pp. 108–117.

[6]. See Stephan Wilkinson, “Going Vertical,” Air & Space, vol. 11, no. 4 (Oct.–Nov. 1996), pp. 50–61; and Ray Wagner, American Combat Planes (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1982 ed.), pp. 396–397, 515, and 529–530 for details on these aircraft.

[7]. John J. Schneider, “The History of V/STOL Aircraft,” pt. 2, Vertiflite, vol. 29, no. 4 (May–June 1983), p. 36.

[8]. C.H. Zimmerman, Paul R. Hill, and T.L. Kennedy, “Preliminary Experimental Investigation of the Flight of a Person Supported by a Jet Thrust Device Attached to his Feet,” NACA RM-L52D10 (1953); Robert H. Kirby, “Flight Investigation of the Stability and Control Characteristics of a Vertically Rising Airplane Research Model with Swept or Unswept Wings and x or + Tails,” NACA TN-3312 (1956).

[9]. Maurice D. White, Bernard A. Schlaff, and Fred J. Drinkwater, III, “A Comparison of Flight-Measured Carrier-Approach Speeds with Values Predicted by Several Different Criteria for 41 Fighter-Type Airplane Configurations,” NACA RM-A57L11 (1958).

[10]. Edwin P. Hartman, Adventures in Research, A History of Ames Research Center, 1940–1965, NASA SP-4302 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1970), p. 352.

[11]. L. Stewart Rolls and Robert C. Innis, “A Flight Evaluation of a Wing-Shroud-Blowing Boundary-Layer Control System Applied to the Flaps of an F9F-4 Airplane,” NACA RM-A55K01 (1956); Seth B. Anderson, Hervey C. Quigley, and Robert C. Innis, “Flight Measurements of the Low-Speed Characteristics of a 35° Swept-Wing Airplane with Blowing-Type Boundary-Layer Control on the Trailing-Edge Flaps,” NACA RM-A56G30 (1956); George E. Cooper and Robert C. Innis, “Effect of Area-Suction-Type Boundary-Layer Control on the Landing-Approach Characteristics of a 35° Swept-Wing Fighter,” NACA RM-A55K14 (1957); Hervey C. Quigley, Seth B. Anderson, and Robert C. Innis, “Flight Investigation of the Low-Speed Characteristics of a 45° Swept-Wing Fighter-Type Airplane with Blowing Boundary-Layer Control Applied to the Trailing-Edge Flaps,” NACA RM-A58E05 (1958).

[12]. Seth B. Anderson, Memoirs of an Aeronautical Engineer: Flight Testing at Ames Research Center, 1940–1970, NASA SP-2002-4526, No. 26 in the Monographs in Aerospace History series (Washington, DC: GPO, 2002), p. 29; Robert C. Innis and Hervey C. Quigley, “A Flight Examination of Operating Problems of V/STOL Aircraft in STOL-Type Landing and Approach,” NASA TN-D-862 (1961); Hartman, Adventures in Research, p. 354; Paul F. Borchers, James A. Franklin, and Jay W. Fletcher, Flight Research at Ames: Fifty-Seven Years of Development and Validation of Aeronautical Technology, NASA SP-1998-3300 (Moffett Field, CA: Ames Research Center, 1998), Table 8, p. 49.

[13]. Hervey C. Quigley and Robert C. Innis, “Handling Qualities and Operational Problems of a Large Four-Propeller STOL Transport Airplane,” NASA TN-D-1647 (1963), p. 4.

[14]. Fred J. Drinkwater, III, L. Stewart Rolls, Edward L. Turner, and Hervey C. Quigley, “V/STOL Handling Qualities as Determined by Flight Test and Simulation Techniques,” paper presented at the 3rd International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 27–Sept. 1, 1962, NTIS Report 62N12456 (1962), pp. 12–13.

[15]. Quigley and Innis, “Handling Qualities and Operational Problems of a Large Four-Propeller STOL Transport Airplane,” p. 7.

[16]. Ibid.

[17]. Ibid., p. 15.

[18]. Ibid., pp. 15–16.

[19]. Curt A. Holzhauser, Robert C. Innis, and Richard F. Vomaske, “A Flight and Simulator Study of the Handling Qualities of a Deflected Slipstream STOL Seaplane Having Four Propellers and Boundary-Layer Control,” NASA TN-D-2966 (1965).

[20]. Barry C. Scott, Charles S. Hynes, Paul W. Martin, and Ralph B. Bryder, “Progress Toward Development of Civil Airworthiness Criteria for Powered-Lift Aircraft,” FAA-RD-76-100 and NASA TM-X-73124 (1976), pp. 2–3.

[21]. Hervey C. Quigley, Robert C. Innis, and Curt A. Holzhauser, “A Flight Investigation of the Performance, Handling Qualities, and Operational Characteristics of a Deflected Slipstream STOL Transport Airplane Having Four Interconnected Propellers,” NASA TN-D-2231 (1964), p. 19; Seth B. Anderson, Memoirs of an Aeronautical Engineer: Flight Testing at Ames Research Center, 1940–1970 (Washington, DC: GPO, 2002), pp. 41–42.

[22]. NASA test pilots from Langley and Ames participated in an 11-hour flight-test program in the German Dornier DO-31, a 10–jet-engine, 50,000-pound VTOL transport. The tests concentrated on transition, approaches, and vertical landing. Though a vectored and direct-lift thrust system, it is included here to show the international sweep of NASA research in the V/STOL field.

[23]. Theodore von Kármán, Aerodynamics (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Publishing Co., 1963 ed.), pp. 32–34; Michael Eckert, The Dawn of Fluid Dynamics (Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2006), p. 175; and Jan A. van der Bliek, 75 Years of Aerospace Research in the Netherlands, 1919–1994 (Amsterdam: NLR, 1994), p. 20.

[24]. Elliott G. Reid, “Tests of Rotating Cylinders,” NACA TN-209 (1924); E.B. Wolff “Tests for Determining the Effect of a Rotating Cylinder Fitted into the Leading Edge of an Airplane Wing,” NACA TM-354 (1926); Kurt Frey, “Experiments with Rotating Cylinders in Combination with Airfoils,” NACA TM-382 (1926).

[25]. Wolff, “Tests for Determining the Effect of a Rotating Cylinder,” p. 1.

[26]. Jakob Ackeret, Das Rotorschiff und seine physikalischen Grundlagen (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1925), pp. 34–48.

[27]. Alberto Alvarez-Calderon, “VTOL and the Rotating Cylinder Flap,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 107, no. 1 (Mar. 1963), pp. 249–255; see also his later “Rotating Cylinder Flaps for V/STOL: Some Aspects of an Investigation into the Rotating Cylinder Flap High Lift System for V/STOL Aircraft Conducted Jointly by the Peruvian Air Force and The National University of Engineering of Peru,” Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 36, no. 10 (Oct. 1964), pp. 304–309.

[28]. Leonard Roberts and Wallace R. Deckert, “Recent Progress in VSTOL Technology,” NASA TM-84238 (1982), pp. 3–4.

[29]. Engineering abbreviation for lift coefficient.

[30]. James A. Weiberg, Demo Giulianetti, Bruno Gambucci, and Robert C. Innis, “Takeoff and Landing Performance and Noise Measurements of a Deflected Slipstream STOL Airplane with Interconnected Propellers and Rotating Cylinder Flaps,” NASA TM-X-62320 (1973), p. 9.

[31]. Ibid., p. 1.

[32]. D.R. Cichy, J.W. Harris, and J.K. MacKay, “Flight Tests of A Rotating Cylinder Flap on a North American Rockwell YOV-10 Aircraft,” NASA CR-2135 (1972), pp. ii and 17–18; re: addition of vertical fin root extensions, see David Willis, “North American Bronco,” Aeroplane, vol. 38, no. 1 (Jan. 2010), p. 63.

[33]. D.D. Few, “A Perspective on 15 Years of Proof-of-Concept Aircraft Development and Flight Research at Ames–Moffett by the Rotorcraft and Powered-Lift Flight Projects Division, 1970–1985,” NASA RP-1187 (1987), p. 7.

[34]. Weiberg, Giulianetti, Gambucci, and Innis, “Takeoff and Landing Performance and Noise Measurements of a Deflected Slipstream STOL Airplane,” p. 9; Roberts and Deckert, “Recent Progress in VSTOL Technology,” p. 4.

[35]. M.H. Schmitt, “Remarks on the Paper of Mr. D. C. Whittley (Paper no. 13): Some Aspects of Propulsion for the Augmentor Wing Concept,” NASA TT-F-14005 (1971), pp. 1–9; W.S. Hindson and G. Hardy, “A Summary of Joint US-Canadian Augmentor Wing Powered-Lift STOL Research programs at the Ames Research Center, NASA, 1975–1980,” NASA TM-81215 (1980).

[36]. W.L. Cook and D.C. Whittley, “Comparison of Model and Flight Test Data for an Augmented Jet Flap STOL Research Aircraft,” NASA TM-X-62491 (1975); Few, “A Perspective on 15 Years of Proof-of-Concept Aircraft,” pp. 7–8; Roberts and Deckert, “Recent Progress in VSTOL Technology,” p. 5.

[37]. E.H. Kemper and D.J. Renselaer, “CV-7A Transport Aircraft Modification to Provide an Augmentor Wing Jet STOL Research Aircraft, v. 1: Design Study,” NASA CR-73321 (1969).

[38]. Few, “A Perspective on 15 Years of Proof-of-Concept Aircraft,” pp. 7–8.

[39]. Hervey C. Quigley, Robert C. Innis, and Seth Grossmith, “A Flight Investigation of the STOL Characteristics of an Augmented Jet Flap STOL Research Aircraft,” NASA TM-X-62334 (1974); Richard F. Vomaske, Robert C. Innis, Brian E. Swan, and Seth W. Grossmith, “A Flight Investigation of the Stability, Control, and Handling Qualities of an Augmented Jet Flap STOL Airplane,” NASA TP-1254 (1978); L.T. Dufraimont, “Evaluation of the Augmentor-Wing Jet STOL Aircraft,” NASA CR-169853 (1980).

[40]. Roberts and Deckert, “Recent Progress in VSTOL Technology,” p. 5.

[41]. DeLamar M. Watson, Gordon H. Hardy, and David N. Warner, Jr., “Flight Test of the Glide-Slope Track and Flare-Control Laws for an Automatic Landing System for a Powered-Lift STOL Airplane,” NASA TP-2128 (1983); James A. Franklin and Robert C. Innis, “Longitudinal Handling Qualities During Approach and Landing of a Powered Lift STOL Aircraft,” NASA TM-X-62144 (1972); Elizabeth A. Muenger, Searching the Horizon: A History of Ames Research Center, 1940–1976, NASA SP-4304 (Washington, DC: GPO, 1985), p. 272.

[42]. Albert W. Hall, Kalman J. Grunwald, and Perry L. Deal, “Flight Investigation of Performance Characteristics During Landing Approach of a Large Powered-Lift Jet Transport,” NASA TN-D-4261 (1967); T.N. Aiken and A.M. Cook, “Results of Full-Scale Wind tunnel Tests on the H.126 Jet Flap Aircraft,” NASA TN-D-7252 (1973); I.M. Davidson, “The Jet Flap,” Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society, vol. 60, no. 541 (Jan. 1956), pp. 25–50; and D.A. Spence, “The Flow Past a Thin Wing with an Oscillating Jet Flap,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, vol. 257, no. 1085 (June 3, 1965), pp. 445–477.

[43]. John P. Campbell, “Overview of Powered-Lift Technology,” in NASA LRC, “Powered-Lift Aerodynamics and Acoustics: A Conference Held at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, May 24–26, 1976,” NASA SP-406 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1976), pp. 2–3.

[44]. Campbell, “Overview of Powered-Lift Technology,” p. 3; for early studies, see Thomas R. Turner, Edwin E. Davenport, and John M. Riebe, “Low-Speed Investigation of Blowing from Nacelles Mounted Inboard and on the Upper Surface of an Aspect-Ratio-7.0 35° Swept Wing With Fuselage and Various Tail Arrangements,” NASA Memo 5-1-59L (1959); Domenic J. Maglieri and Harvey H. Hubbard, “Preliminary Measurements of the Noise Characteristics of Some Jet-Augmented-Flap Configurations,” NASA Memo 12-4-58L (1959).

[45]. Joseph R. Chambers, Innovation in Flight, NASA SP-2005-4539 (Washington, DC: GPO, 2005), p. 174.

[46]. Chambers details Langley’s progression from EBF to USB in his Innovation in Flight, pp. 173–181. See also Arthur E. Phelps, III, William Letko, and Robert L. Henderson, “Low Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Semispan STOL Jet Transport Wing-Body with an Upper-Surface Blown Jet Flap,” NASA TN-D-7183 (1973); Phelps and Charles C. Smith, Jr., “Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an Upper Surface Blown Jet-Flap Powered-Lift Configuration,” NASA TN-D-7399 (1973); Phelps, “Wind Tunnel Investigation of a Twin-Engine Straight Wing Upper Surface Blown Jet Flap Configuration,” NASA TN-D-7778 (1975); William C. Sleeman, Jr., and William C. Hohlweg, “Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Four-Engine Upper Surface Blown Model Having a Swept Wing and Rectangular and D-Shaped Exhaust Nozzles,” NASA TN-D-8061 (1975).

[47]. E.J. Montoya and A.E. Faye, Jr., “NASA Participation in the AMST Program,” in NASA LRC Staff, “Powered-Lift Aerodynamics and Acoustics: A Conference Held at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, May 24–26, 1976,” NASA SP-406 (1976), pp. 465–478.

[48]. M.D. Shovlin and J.A. Cochrane, “An Overview of the Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft Program,” NASA TM-78545 (1978); Roberts and Deckert, “Recent Progress in VSTOL Technology,” p. 6.

[49]. J.A. Cochrane, D.W. Riddle, and V.C. Stevens, “Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft—The First Three Years of Flight Research,” AIAA Paper 81-2625 (1981); J.A. Cochrane, D.W. Riddle, V.C. Stevens, and M.D. Shovlin, “Selected Results from the Quite Short-Haul Research Aircraft Flight Research Program,” Journal of Aircraft, vol. 19, no. 12 (Dec. 1982), pp. 1076–1082; Joseph C. Eppel, Dennis W. Riddle, and Victor C. Stevens, “Flight Measured Downwash of the QSRA,” NASA TM-101050 (1988); Jack D. Stephenson and Gordon H. Hardy, “Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of the Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft (QSRA),” NASA TP-2965 (1989); Jack D. Stephenson, James A. Jeske, and Gordon H. Hardy, “Lateral-Directional Stability and Control Characteristics of the Quiet Short-Haul Research Aircraft (QSRA),” NASA TM-102250 (1990).

[50]. Borchers, Franklin, and Fletcher, Flight Research at Ames, pp. 187–189; Chambers, Innovation in Flight, pp. 188–189.

[51]. Quote from Chambers, Innovation in Flight, p. 187; V.C. Stevens, D.W. Riddle, J.L. Martin, and R.C. Innis, “Powered-lift STOL Aircraft Shipboard Operations—a Comparison of Simulation, Land-based and Sea Trial Results for the QSRA,” AIAA Paper 81-2480 (1981); Roberts and Deckert, “Recent Progress in VSTOL Technology,” p. 7; David D. Few, “A Perspective on 15 Years of Proof-of-Concept Aircraft,” p. 11.

[52]. Author’s recollections; Glenn E. Bugos, Atmosphere of Freedom, Sixty Years at the Ames Research Center, NASA SP-4314 (Washington, DC: NASA, 2000), p. 139.

[53]. John L. Loth, “Why Have Only Two Circulation-Controlled STOL Aircraft Been Built and Flown in Years 1974–2004?” in Gregory S. Jones and Ronald D. Joslin, eds., Proceedings of the 2004 NASA/ONR Circulation Control Workshop, NASA CP-2005-213509/PTI (Washington, DC: NASA, 2005), pp. 603–615; Robert J. Englar, “Development of the A-6/Circulation Control Wing Flight Demonstrator Configuration,” U.S. Navy DTNSRDC Report ASED-79/01 (1979).

[54]. Robert J. Englar, “Development of Circulation Control Technology for Powered-Lift STOL Aircraft,” and Dennis W. Riddle and Joseph C. Eppel, “A Potential Flight Evaluation of an Upper-Surface-Blowing/Circulation-Control-Wing Concept,” both in NASA ARC, “Proceedings of the Circulation Control Workshop, 1986,” NASA CP-2432 (1986); R.J. Englar, J.H. Nichols, Jr., M.J. Harris, J.C. Eppel, and M.D. Shovlin, “Circulation Control Technology Applied to Propulsive High Lift Systems,” Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE Paper 841497, in Society of Automotive Engineers, V/STOL: An Update and Overview (Warrendale, PA: SAE, 1984), pp. 31–43.

[55]. Swanborough, Vertical Flight Aircraft, p. 78; Anderson, “Historical Overview of V/STOL,” pp. 9-7–9-8.

[56]. Borchers, Franklin, and Fletcher, Flight Research at Ames, p. 56.

[57]. Drinkwater, Rolls, Turner, and Quigley, “V/STOL Handling Qualities as Determined by Flight Test and Simulation Techniques,” p. 15.

[58]. Turner and Drinkwater, “Some Flight Characteristics of a Deflected Slipstream VSTOL Aircraft,” NASA TN-D-1891 (1963), p. 9; Turner and Drinkwater, “Longitudinal-Trim Characteristics of a Deflected Slipstream V/STOL Aircraft During Level Flight at Transition Flight Speeds,” NASA TN-D-1430 (1962).

[59]. Swanborough, Vertical Flight Aircraft, p. 19; Schneider, “The History of V/STOL,” p. 36; Aircraft Industries Association, The Aircraft Year Book for 1959 (Washington, DC: American Aviation Publications, Inc., 1959), p. 447.

[60]. Donald L. Mallick, with Peter W. Merlin, The Smell of Kerosene: A Test Pilot’s Odyssey, NASA SP-4108 (Washington, DC: GPO, 2003), p. 55.

[61]. John P. Reeder, “Handling Qualities Experience with Several VTOL Research Aircraft,” NASA TN-D-735 (1961); Seth B. Anderson, “Historical Overview of V/STOL Aircraft Technology,” NASA TM-81280 (1981), pp. 8–9.

[62]. John P. Reeder, “Handling Qualities Experience wit