Towards an Inclusive Future by Patrick RW Re - HTML preview

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in the previous example to interact with other people and access information.

3 A virtual dog is set of sensors (e.g., a worn T.V. camera, or some type of ultrasound or laser) able to spot obstacles.


4. Ambient Intelligence and implications for

people with disabilities Alarm and support/control services

The entire AmI is a pervasive and very sophisticated alarm and support/control

system. This may be very important for people with cognitive problems. AmI can

continuously control Maria’s behaviour in the various environments according to

her known habits and intervene if necessary, for example reminding her of tasks

and helping her perform them. When necessary, AmI can also contact the family or

a carer for advice and help. If Maria cannot see AmI is able, if necessary, to describe

its layout and functionalities, as well as the functionalities of its devices (e.g., the

remote control of the hotel room). Moreover, since Maria cannot do two acoustic

activities simultaneously, AmI is able to organize sequentially the flow of

information and the performance of the necessary tasks, allocating the necessary

time. In the Dimitrios scenario, D-Me can be part of a control system, in continuous

contact with relatives or helpers. In the Carmen scenario, the P-com can transmit

the news that Carmen is leaving home to a control centre or to a relative. A

continuous connection can then be established, and Carmen can be tracked during

her trip. Moreover, the micro-payment system frees Carmen from financial

transactions. On the way home, the shared car system senses a bike on a dedicated

lane approaching an intersection on their route. The driver is alerted and the

system anyway gives preference to bikes, so a potential accident is avoided. The

same service could be very useful for a person who is on a wheelchair and for a

person who cannot see. This can also be an invaluable help for Carmen when going

around alone. If the system becomes aware of Carmen’s problems, for example

evident confusion in finding her way and problems in coping with the environment,

it can connect with a relative or a control centre. The connection can be granted by

Carmen’s P-com without infringement of her privacy. A complex situation also

arises when Carmen must leave the car to use a public transportation service.

However, the navigation system takes care of that, and a support/control system

can intervene if she has particular problems or has a reduction in cognitive

capacities. Broadband communication facilities

The additional opportunities offered by AmI are related to the availability of

broadband communication facilities. Maria’ scenario offers a presentation of

advanced telecommunication facilities, in the car, in the hotel room and in the

presentation room. When Maria is driving, she is tracked by the navigation system

and people know (if she wants) that she can be contacted. If she is contacted in a

difficult situation and she does not want to answer, a D-Me type agent can deal

with the calls when they are not considered important or advice that she should


4. Ambient Intelligence and implications for

people with disabilities

call back as soon as possible. In the hotel room there is an audio/video system, the

video scenes of which are described if she cannot see, and automatically

captioned, if she cannot hear. The audio/video system can be used also for

communication with her daughter, with whom she can not only communicate, but

also go through the news as they watch them at the same time from different

environments. Obviously, if she cannot see, she listens to the news, while if she

cannot hear she can read the news, which is automatically captioned.

Conversation with her daughter takes place through AmI and the P-Com (relay

service). Audio/video interpersonal communication services

The fact that Maria and her daughter are able to converse on an audio/video

system and cooperatively access information, is very important from two different

perspectives. The first is that it introduces a remote socialisation component, which

can be crucial to reduce stress, and through which Maria can be supported. Even

if support by technology can be of invaluable value in some circumstances, support

by other people can be more efficient and acceptable in some situations and

activities. It can introduce a personal dimension, which increases acceptability and

efficiency in the intervention. AmI, with its emphasis on cooperative activities,

whereby people can remotely carry out common activities with audio and visual

contact, can increase the feasibility of the approach. When people are not able to

perform some actions, they can ask a relative, a friend or a support organisation.

Maria, for example, if she cannot see, can show the hotel room to her daughter

and get from her a personalised description that a computer system would had

probably given in a functional form. If Maria knows that she has left an object

somewhere in the room, her daughter can localise it. If Maria has cognitive

problems, her daughter can instruct her when performing difficult tasks. In this

case the advantage is reciprocal, because the daughter can “control” that

everything is all right without being too intrusive.

The same applies to the tasks related to the localisation of the presentation. If

Maria does not trust the suggestion made by the localisation agent and she cannot

see them, she can easily connect with a colleague in the office and ask for advice.

4.2.6 The individual interacting with the environment

After having examined the possible impact of services of general use on people

who have some activity limitation, it is necessary to focus on the individual user

and consider interaction with AmI in order to perform the tasks necessary to be

integrated, at home, in closed spaces (e.g., the airport, the hotel, the cafeteria, and

the learning environment), as well as in open spaces.


4. Ambient Intelligence and implications for

people with disabilities

It is clear that the main key to open the doors of the information society is the

personal communicator and the related set of agents, which are able to grant

connection to the environment itself and to all its facilities for accessing

information and interpersonal communication. Its characteristics are not precisely

defined. It does not have a specifically defined interface, but it can in principle

make available all the interaction technologies described in the previous sections

in order to adapt the environment to the type of interaction suitable for the user

and the context of use, for example, audio when eyes are necessary for other tasks

(for driving in the Maria’s scenario), or visual or tactile in noisy environments. It is

very likely that the interface is not part of the communicator itself, but of the

environment. The communicator is a disembodied functionality supported by the

ambient intelligence with different interfaces. Maria wears it as a bracelet. In the

case of Dimitrios, the communicator (D-Me) is embedded in his clothes but can be

also implantable. It is adaptive, and learns from Dimitrios’ interactions with the

environment. It offers communication, processing and decision-making functions.

Its functions may either be based on on-board intelligence or on distributed

intelligence in the infrastructure. Both ways, it offers Dimitrios the necessary

services. It deals with calls. When necessary, it becomes an avatar-like system and

deals with most of his social communication, using his own voice. In the Carmen

scenario, the communicator does not have a specific embodiment. It is a function,

enabling contacts with other persons (for example, her host driver in the shared

vehicle service) or with services (for example, the supermarket information system

or the city payment system). There are some characteristics of the communicator

important for all people: it is personal, lightweight, wearable, and continuously


Finally, it is interesting to observe that the personal communicator must not

necessarily be a highly sophisticated piece of equipment, the performances of

which are limited by size, weight, and power. The intelligence necessary to support

the transduction of information necessary to address the different modalities and

to support the user can be in the environment and in the network. The same is true

for the complex interaction peripherals. In principle, the only limiting factor can be


Taking into account that all the characters in the scenarios have with them a

personal communicator, it is interesting to discuss how they can interact with AmI

in the information society if they have some activity limitations.

The simplest situation is at home or in other closed environments (e.g., the hotel

room), because personal spaces are easier to personalise to the needs of different

users, even if, as shown in the previous section, the distinction between close and


4. Ambient Intelligence and implications for

people with disabilities

open environments in AmI is blurred due to the ubiquitous deployment of

functions. Carmen interacts with her fridge. If she is not able to see, she can receive

audio messages. If she is not able to speak at all, she can use gesture recognition

or text, and if she is not able to speak perfectly the voice recognition system can

be trained to match the characteristics of the produced audio signal. Output can

be given in any modality matching to the capabilities of the user. For example,

when Carmen is connected to the shop, all the information stored in tags is

translated in a properly encoded format for her to receive. Carmen may choose to

see the goods of interest or hear or read (e.g., in Braille) brief descriptions of them,

or to have a full presentation of a particular product or store shelf. Presentations

may contain information about the product characteristics (size, colour, and

weight), the packing, the price, potential offers or alternative selections and other

information that will help her to make her choice. Carmen’s P-workstation enables

her to explore and manipulate 3D models and artefacts by means of tactile


The same approach can be used in communication with the car driver, who can

have been made aware of Carmen’s abilities, and thus use the most appropriate

communication channel. Alternatively, the driver’s and Carmen communicators can

cooperate to transduce the information in a suitable modality.

The situation is more complex when a private but not personal space (e.g., the

hotel room) is used. Even if the room is adapted to Maria’s personality as she

enters, i.e., the room temperature, default lighting and a range of video and music

choices are displayed on the video wall according to her preferences, interaction

with the room can pose some problems. Obviously, interaction with the room for

adjusting features to the varying needs of its inhabitant can be solved using the

same methodology used at home for interacting with the fridge, but some

difficulties remain. The first is that Maria may have problems with the room itself,

if she cannot see or has some cognitive problems. In this case, a description of the

room and its facilities may be provided by AmI. If cognitive problems are present,

the number and complexity of facilities to be made available can be chosen

according to Maria’s profile. If necessary, the room can make all choices

automatically. Otherwise, suggestions can be offered by relatives or carers.

Similar problems can be experienced with the remote control of the room, if Maria

cannot see, or she cannot manipulate it or understand its functioning. A first

efficient solution to the problem is for Maria to use her P-Com, which obviously

can be programmed to mimic any remote control. Support by personal equipment

well known by the user is very important, because the same approach can be used

in different environments, without the need of learning new interaction styles and


4. Ambient Intelligence and implications for

people with disabilities

patterns of presentation of information each time. However, this is due not only to

the use of adapted equipment, but also to its integration with AmI. Alternatively,

AmI can describe to Maria the layout and the functionalities of the remote control

available in the room, and its functions can be simplified according to her

characteristics and preferences

In the Maria’s scenario, she gives a presentation. If she cannot see, she needs to

know who is in the room, when she can start her presentation, and how to control

the pace of the presentation. The P-Coms communicate and exchange the

information on who is attending the meeting. She gets a multi-modal confirmation

(voice through earphone plus vibrator) that the presentation is ready for display.

There is a tactile display in the room or she can use her personal tactile display. The

tactile display has a copy of the presentation plus additional control functions

(active functions), pointing facilities and control of slide content details. In AmI, the

wide availability of tactile displays is part of the built-in virtual reality interfaces.

Otherwise the presentation can be controlled using a gesture recognition system.

If Maria is not able to hear, but is able to speak, she does not have problems for

the presentation. Otherwise she can use a speech synthesizer (see Dimitrios

scenario). During the discussion, a speech recognition system is used. She can type

answers to be read or synthesised. Alternatively, she can use sign language,

translated into voice in real time.

Dimitrios’ physical environment is not described in any way. It is the only scenario

in which some incongruence is present. Dimitrios has a very advanced D-Me

system, that according to the script is “equipped with voice, pattern and patch

recognition capacity. It has to identify places and people, but also to register

enough data to record the relevant events of Dimitrios’ life to process it in its D-

Me profile and offer it to other D-Me’s”. Then, in AmI there is an abundance of

screens (real and virtual) and audio communication channels. Any surface, in

principle, can become a screen, both because of the smart material of which it is

made and because images are projected on it. But when Dimitrios needs to speak

with his wife, he has to move to a displayphone, a device coming from the

prehistory of telecommunications. However, such a displayphone can use all the

capabilities of AmI. If Dimitrios cannot see, the displayphone is able to describe any

drawing eventually present on the screen. On the other hand, if Dimitrios cannot

hear, it can convert his wife’s voice into text. It is obviously able to convert sign-

language to voice (probably supported by the D-Me, in this case playing an

ancillary role) or can be used as a simple text telephone. Correspondingly, the

output of a speech recogniser can be translated to lip movements and/or sign

languages. If Dimitrios cannot speak and does not know sign language, he can use

a (virtual) keyboard and a prediction system. If Dimitrios has cognitive problems,


4. Ambient Intelligence and implications for

people with disabilities

the displayphone can adapt itself to his preferences and mimic the functionalities

and interface of a system he is normally using. The complexity of the displayphone

(functions, tasks to be carried out to use it, etc.) can be matched to Dimitrios’

capabilities. Support is automatically given if necessary.

Interactive simulation and projection facilities are enhanced not only regarding

technical performance (for example 3D presentations), but also regarding their

capability of adaptation to the needs of the users, both guiding them through the

tasks needed for presentation and tailoring performance to the complexity of the

required presentation. Nowadays, interactive simulation systems are inherently

based on interaction paradigms using direct manipulation of objects and on

complex (also three-dimensional) visual presentations. In the AmI environment, the

system will have evolved to be multimedia and multimodal. For example, a possible

solution for a person who cannot see could be the evolution toward a virtual reality

system based on sound and tactile interactions (tactile exploration of virtual

objects both for input and output of data). The new technology developed for the

implementation of the intelligent environment (e.g., tactile display technology,

virtual reality, tactile input technology) can contribute to an easier access to

information by people who cannot see.

When Maria arrives in the airport of a far away country, she is relieved of the fact

that she can travel with hand baggage only, because everything she needs for

interacting with the information and communication environment is the P-Com.

She does not need any computer or terminal. Computing power is available

everywhere, along with suitable peripherals for interacting with it. Even if not all

the people going around need complex systems as the ones necessary to Maria for

giving her business presentation, any simplification in the type and complexity of

necessary devices can be particularly useful for many user groups (for example,

people with spastic cerebral palsy and people moving in a wheelchair).

However, some people may prefer a personalised system. For example, if Maria

cannot see, her P-com can be equipped with a specialised interface (e.g., a foldable

tactile interface). Even if tactile presentations are in principle available for all users,

she prefers to carry her own device so as to avoid potential problems during her

trip. When necessary, the P-com can communicate with sophisticated peripherals

(e.g., a tactile 3-D system) available in the environment. When going through the

airport, she can be guided by the environment to avoid unexpected obstacles (for

example a piece of baggage left unattended). Alternatively she can use a personal

system (e.g., a virtual guide dog). RFID on objects can be used for signalling the

presence of obstacles to the virtual guide dog.


4. Ambient Intelligence and implications for

people with disabilities

When navigating in the airport, if Maria cannot see or has fixation problems,

information is conveyed using the speech channel of the P-Com, whereas, if she

cannot hear, information is presented through text or maps (for example, on a

visual display embedded in her spectacles). If Maria has cognitive problems, the

single tasks to be performed can be conveyed though her preferred modality and

explained in details. If necessary, she can be put under control of a relative or a

service centre to follow her way through the airport and help and reassure her if

she has difficulties.

4.2.7 Design for All in the context of AmI

It is commonly accepted, also officially in political European documents [European

Council, 2000; i2010], that the emerging information society will have to be

universally accessible to all citizens. These include people who have functional,

sensorial or cognitive limitations due to disabilities or age. In the same documents,

explicit reference is made to the need of developing the new society (in terms of

technology as well as services and applications) using a Design for All approach.

Within the context of Universal A c c e s s, Design for All has a broad and

multidisciplinary connotation, and refers to the design of interactive products,

services and applications that are suitable for most of their potential users without

the need for any modification [Stephanidis, 1 9 9 8 ] , [ S t e p h a n i d i s, 1 9 9 9 ] ,

[Stephanidis, 2001].

This change of paradigm, as compared with the Assistive Technology approach,

which is based on the adaptation - on behalf of people with disabilities - of

systems and services produced for the general market, is often criticized on the

basis of various arguments. In particular, there is a line of argumentation raising

the concern that “many ideas that are supposed to be good for everybody aren’t

good for anybody” [Lewis& Rieman, 1994 - Section 2.1, Paragraph 3]. However,

Design for All in the context of Information Society Technologies is not to be

conceived as an effort to advance a single solution for everybody, but as a user-

centred approach to providing products that can automatically address the

possible range of human abilities, s k i l l s, requirements and preferences.

Consequently, the outcome of the design process is not intended to be a

“singular” design, but a design space populated with appropriate alternatives,

together with the rationale underlying each alternative, and critical property of

i n t e ractive artifacts becomes their capability for intelligent adaptation and

personalisation. Clearly, in a complex and dynamically evolving technological

environment such as AmI, accessibility and usability by users with different

characteristics and requirements cannot be addressed once the main building


4. Ambient Intelligence and implications for

people with disabilities

components of the new environment are in place. Instead, the need arises for more

proactive approaches, such as Design for All, which can optimally exploit the

adaptation and personalisation capabilities built-in in the environment.

In such a context, therefore the concepts of Universal Access and Design for All

acquire critical importance towards streamlining accessibility into the new

technological environment through generic solutions, and the requirement

emerges of redefining the role and scope of assistive technologies in the new

environment emerges [Emiliani & Stephanidis, 2005].

The point made in this chapter is that the two approaches can be considered as

complementary and converging towards the creation of a more accessible

information society through the continuous redefinition of problems in accordance

with the developments of both fields, with the overall objective of producing

barrier-free technologies. Complementarity and convergence are intended both at

a specific and at a general level. At a specific level, individual characteristics of

users are so varied that it will be very difficult, (if not impossible, to actually

integrate the requirements of all individuals within the specifications of new

products and services, and therefore Assistive Technologies are necessary for

specific cases. At a general level the lessons learned in Assistive Technology will be

fundamental in shaping the new environment. The integration of the two

approaches will make the use of Assistive Technology in Design for A l l

environments simpler and more effective.

The emerging situation can thus be addressed through an evolutionary approach.

In the shorter term, the development of ambient intelligence can be supported by

a technology which enhances the possibilities offered by Assistive Technology,

merging in the medium term into systems and services and, in the long term, into

an intelligent environment, which has the potential of being usable by most users

if their needs are taken into account proactively during the design phase. Through

such an evolutionary approach, Design for All emerges not as an abstract

methodology, but as a necessary and efficient approach for maximising the

potential advantages of introducing new technologies, and for minimising inherent

risks of the increasing exclusion and segregation of specific groups of people. The

effectiveness of this approach is essentially due to the fundamental fact that the

core of the Design for All approach combines user-centeredness with automatic

adaptation and pers