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Smart home environment

3.3.3 Integration and interaction

A major problem with smart home design is the integration and interaction among

heterogeneous subsystems, which may probably not be designed to interact with

each other. Assistive technologies are very heterogeneous when attending needs

due to individual and temporal variations. Moreover, devices are usually designed

by different manufacturers using different technologies for heterogeneous

applications. The Design-for-All concept considers the lack of simplification usually

made when considering a standard user. At the same time, this lack of

standardization and individual diversity and variability increases heterogeneity in

subsystem development, both in terms of applications and services, in a kind of

vicious circle. The result may be called "islands of functionality": solutions adapted

to specific users in particular environments.

A smart home should be able to support the interaction of heterogeneous devices,

networks, services and applications. First, there is a need to interact at the

internetworking level. At this level, the necessary mobility of the user implies that

interconnectivity cannot be guaranteed at all times so communications should be

asynchronous. Clients asking for a service and devices offering it may not be

connected at the same time. Therefore, the communication paradigm should be

connectionless (vs. connection oriented), well suited for intermittent connections.

In smart homes, if a backbone fixed infrastructure is available then a Nomadic

system may be better than an ad hoc system: mobile devices connected through

wireless links to a fixed wired network. For instance the backbone network may be

based on the IP protocol, a robust and contrasted solution, which has

demonstrated its success in the interconnection of heterogeneous devices (a good

example is the Internet). Most devices can be connected through this IP network

while secondary, maybe simpler, devices (e.g. sensors) may be connected using

non-IP communications. In this case a gateway is used to interconnect IP and non-

IP sub-networks. This solution permits environmental control in a remote mode via

a web page as well as direct Internet access in home automation through

residential gateways.

Second, interoperability should include dynamic service discovering (periodically or

triggered by determined events), service description (including actions that may be

performed, properties that may be useful), and service control (actions and

modifications of state or attributes of a service in a sub-network from another

device connected to a different sub-network). Services and information from a

given subsystem should be described using common languages and media formats

to be accessible to other subsystems. I n t e raction between context-awa r e

subsystems requires common context representations that are independent of the



Smart home environment

applications. But it is not just a simple problem of using a common format. Further

issues are how this context information is interchanged among subsystems, how

services are discovered or offered, and how they are integrated in user interfaces.

A number of available architectures can support these functions: HAVi, Jini, UPnP

(Universal Plug and Play).

This interaction is usually a syntactic intera c t i o n , without considering the

“meaning” of discovered and shared services. However, in the future a higher level

of semantic interactions may be possible allowing services to be pre-selected to

offer adapted assistive services to the right people or to adapt or empower the

functionality of existing applications according to new services. New applications

may become available based on the new services.

A typical example of this interaction could be a sensor network monitoring

physiological parameters (heart rate, blood pressure, sugar level). Some of the

sensors may be body-worn, using a low-rate WPAN like 802.15.4. Others, may be

integrated into the surroundings (chair, bed, building), probably connected through

a backbone network like EIB or a WLAN like 802.11g. One of the body sensors may

act as a bridge to the ambient sensor network, providing interconnectivity at the

network level. But additionally, these devices may interoperate themselves at a

higher level. As an example, in a health monitoring application alarms or drug

doses may be adapted using information from the ambient sensors, for instance

inferring the user activity state (e.g. driving, sleeping, exercising, or talking to


3.3.4 Wired versus wireless

Wireless technologies have clear advantages and drawbacks when applied to the

smart home environment. Among the advantages, flexibility and easy installation

are clearly important characteristics in this type of networks. Among the

drawbacks, clearly safety and security can’t reach the levels which can be obtained

with wired networks, deterministic response times are not possible and RF

emissions might cause some user concern.

Research investigating spread spectrum techniques in the 2.4 GHz range which

allow a protected transmission to solve the security problem are being conducted

[Fellbaum, 1999, van Berlo, 1999 and Flikkema, 1997]. They are robust against

sinus- and noise-like disturbance sources and wall reflections and they avoid

crosstalk effects between the different RF channels. There is only a serious problem

if a microwave oven is used. This device produces a wide band disturbance signal

which can easily blot out the control and communication signals, even if the oven

is carefully shielded.



Smart home environment

However, it is clear that, in many cases the advantages overcome the drawbacks

and wireless network become the most feasible alternative for home automation.

Originally wireless smart home networks were based on protocols specifically

designed for this purpose but currently, due to the huge penetration of computer

and telecom wireless networks, this is not always the case. To be more specific,

three different network families are currently used to support smart homes:

• Traditional RF Home automation networks: These are usually based on

relatively low frequency carriers and modulation techniques are usually quite

basic, thus available bandwidth is usually very small (a few kbits/s or lower).

Examples of these protocols include X10 over RF (at 200MHz) or KNX over

RF (at 868MHz). Many proprietary networks based on RF remote control

frequencies (433MHz) are also widely used

• Wideband RF protocols: These protocols were originally designed for

computer networks and provide relatively high bandwidth (currently up to

hundreds of Mbits/s). They usually operate at 2.4GHz or 5GHz. Currently the

most popular among these type of networks is the WiFi family (IEEE

802.11a/b/g). These networks are very useful for relatively complex devices

but for simple devices, the costs per node and especially power consumption

rule them out

• Generic Low power networks: These networks have been designed very

specifically for mobile device and optimized for low power usage. Bluetooth

is currently the most widely used but its protocols are relatively complex and

its power requirements are not suitable for devices that have to run on a

small battery for years (or get the power somehow from the environment).

Zigbee is a new type of very low power, low complexity network with some

built in localisation capabilities that seems to be very promising for smart

home applications.

Probably in the near future most smart home networks will be based on a mix of

WiFi and low power networks interoperating possibly with some wired segments

as well.

3.3.5 Speech technology

The principles of electronic speech processing as well as applications for persons

with disabilities have already been presented in Chapter 2.2.2. In this section the

focus will be on the use of speech technology in smart homes, especially for elderly




Smart home environment

A serious problem of a lot of technology in the home environment is an adequate

control of these systems. Let’s consider a person with some mobility problems,

sitting in a chair in front of a TV set. Usually a remote control is available. A first

idea could be to extend the number of keys of the remote control in order to add

more control functions. However, with more keys the number of malfunctions will

significantly increase and, especially with elderly people, the user acceptance will

dramatically decrease. With a voice controlled system, virtually all control functions

can be executed by voice, which also includes a voice output (with the aid of a

small built-in loudspeaker), a visual component is however indispensable to remind

the user about the functionality he is controlling. The right ‘mixture’ of audio and

visual information, in other words, the ergonomics, has a strong influence on the

acceptance by the user [Hampicke, 2000].

In an Ambient Intelligence environment (see chapter 4) walls and objects of

everyday use have intelligence. In the case of speech processing the walls have

built-in microphones, mostly arranged in arra y s, l o u d s p e a kers and enough

processing power to fulfil all speech processing activities being used for

recognition and synthesis: the walls can listen and speak. Moreover, displays which

are needed, also in a speech dialogue application, can appear everywhere on the

walls. The above scenario, which may sound like science fiction, is quite feasible


While speech recognition tries to detect the content of a spoken utterance, speaker

recognition investigates the identity of the speaking person. The main application

for speaker recognition is access control. It can be the access to houses and/or

rooms or the access to computers or household appliances (including voice-

controlled cooking or washing). The reliability of systems that are on the market

sometimes isn’t sufficient. The reliability of the total system can be improved by

combining speaker recognition with other forms of control, for instance face

recognition by a camera.

3.4 Products and services

Within the field of smart home technology products and services play an important

role in creating benefits for users. In general products and services can be divided

into six categories:

1. Comfort

2. Energy management



Smart home environment

3. Multimedia and entertainment

4. Healthcare

5. Security and Safety

6. Communication.

The division is not strict, the different categories overlap. Mostly people don’t

choose just one category but several. The different categories strengthen each

other leading to the fact that overall functionality of several categories combined

is more than the sum of functionality of the independent categories.

It is impossible to give an extensive overview in this chapter, or anywhere else for

that matter, since new products and services are developing at such a rapid pace

whilst by combining solutions new products and services are formed.

The emphasis in this section is on products and services belonging to the

categories healthcare, security and safety and communication, giving some

examples of solutions that fall within the different categories. For a broader

perspective a list compiled by the Ambient Assisted Living Initiative is available

[Steg, Strese, Loroff, Hull & Schmidt, 2006].

3.4.1 Healthcare

On a global level healthcare solutions can be divided in the following categories:

• Active alarm systems: utilize remote emergency systems – usually telephone

based – installed in the home of older persons

• Passive alarm systems: do not require the interaction of the person. For

example, devices include sensors that are able to recognize the danger of a

fire and send an emergency call automatically

• Remote support for care staff: include all kinds of telecommunication-based

activities supporting the work of field staff

• Remote support for family carers: includes all kinds of telecommunication-

based activities supporting family carers

• Advanced services using video telephony: include remote monitoring and

video-based alarm services

• Telemedicine

[European SeniorWatch Observatory and Inventory, 2002].



Smart home environment

Alarm systems play a very important role in Smart Home applications. However, the

systems, existing so far, are very often too complicated or not reliable enough. The

key issue is the setting off of alarms. If, for instance, persons have an accident (fall,

injury), a fire breaks out or a person suddenly becomes unconscious, then there is

normally no time or possibility to operate a telephone or even an alarm button on

their wrist or around their neck. Although there were many alarm systems on the

market and several research projects have looked into this particular issue (e.g. the

TIDE projects FASDE and ASHoRED) exist, there is still a large knowledge gap as to

how persons react in a dramatic situation, be it panic or a collapse or simply

because they are confused or have memory problems (forget that they are wearing

an alarm button).

Probably the best solutions to overcome these problems are passive systems.

Passive means an automatic control of vital functions (e.g. pulse, blood pressure,

oxygen saturation), their evaluation and an automatic alarm being set off when the

values of the vital parameters exceed predefined limits. The reliability of the alarm

being set off can be dramatically increased when several different observations and

decisions are combined. Among the measurement of vital parameters as described

above, the person’s activity (leaving and entering rooms, using water, electric light,

TV and radio and many more) can give important additional information.

In order to avoid false alarms the receiver of the alarm (e.g. call centre or relatives)

sends back a signal to the user for instance by telephone or via a message that

appears on the alarm module worn on the wrist or around the neck. In the case of

a false alarm, the user can answer the phone or press the button of the module

indicating that no help is needed thus avoiding unnecessary attendance. If, on the

other hand, the user does not react, it can be assumed that the alarm is serious

[Hampicke, 2004].

One huge problem in healthcare is wandering and wayfinding. There are systems

to detect where a client leaves the house where this would be inappropriate or

dangerous for the client. These systems consist of magnetic contacts or pressure

mats at/near hall door connected to local area (family) paging. The system, of

course, does not restrict egress, but merely alerts a carer that the client has left.

Similarly, for wayfinding (at night) lighting strips and passive infra-red light

switches can assist and reduce the likelihood of a fall or disorientation around the

house at night.

An area that receives an increasing amount of interest is telemonitoring or

personal health monitoring is based on the idea that persons can monitor

themselves in their home using medical devices. Health care monitoring at home

enables continuous measuring of physiological parameters. It is possible to embed



Smart home environment

sensors in different places or objects at home (e.g. in the furniture, electrical

appliances), or to make them wearable by integrating them into clothing "Smart

Shirt" or small apparel items such as watches and jewellery. By combining these

wearable sensors with measurement devices embedded in home surroundings,

advanced multiparametric health monitoring may be achieved [Korhonen, Pärkkä

& van Gils, 2003].

Recording of physiological and psychological variables in real-life conditions could

be especially useful in management of chronic disorders or health problems; e.g.

for high blood pressure, diabetes, anorexia nervosa, chronic pain, or severe obesity

[Korhonen, Pärkkä & van Gils, 2003]. Telemonitoring could also be used to provide

feedback about someone’s health in the form of behavioural feedback in order to

prevent diseases.

Obviously telemonitoring has many advantages for both, the patient and the

medical institutions. The patient can stay at home and does not have the

inconvenience, associated with a visit of the doctor or in the hospital, and the

medical institution saves time because there is no need for spending time with

routine work and in the hospital enormous costs for the bed and the care of the

medical staff can be saved. In several telemonitoring applications the data are not

directly transmitted to the medical institutions but to a kind of ‘call centre’, which

performs a first data evaluation.

3.4.2 Security and safety

Top priority for many older people is the feeling of living safely and securely in their

own house. In general, people like to know who is at the central access door of the

flat and at the front door of the own apartment, before opening the door. In many

projects this access control has been facilitated via remote control by phone, on TV

and electronic locks on central access door and own apartment door. In some

projects an intrusion alarm is present. Residents have to enter a code or use a

proximity key to switch off the alarm.

A smoke detector is installed in all projects, as near as possible to or in the kitchen.

In some cases there are even smoke detectors in kitchen, living room and bedroom.

If smoke is detected an alarm signal is given to a call centre automatically. First,

the call-centre operator will speak to the resident via the safety alarm phone if

there is a real fire. The smoke detector can be accompanied by other sensors to

create an even safer environment.

Older people have a more frequent nightly toilet visit than younger people. With

automatic light switching on when the legs are put out of the bed, one can better

orientate and find the way to the bathroom without risks of falling.



Smart home environment

In most cases the electric or gas cooker can be switched off via an extra button,

which also switches off the light on the working area. On the other hand the

cooker cannot be used if the light on the working area is not switched on. There

are also examples where there are two switches: one switch to activate the cooker

and one to turn on the light. If the resident leaves the house, the cooker is

automatically switched off. The same is true when the tenant goes to sleep and

uses the button "day/night" above the bed or in case of an alarm.

3.4.3 Communication

One of the most commonly used smart home technologies is internal and external

Intercom systems, providing elderly and disabled people with a method of

communicating with those calling at their door and to other rooms in the home.

Many mobility impaired persons will require an intercom system in order to safely

answer the front door without having to go to it. Going to the door may be (a)

impossible or (b) difficult or slow causing danger transferring to a wheelchair or

missing the caller due to the delay. Using CCTV in addition can enhance personal

security when admitting visitors and may also provide verification that the visitor

has actually left the house if they have been visiting a person in an inner room.

The video signal can be distributed to a TV or any other kind of screen within or

outside the home. It is also possible to send the signal from the front door to a call

centre where a person at the centre can talk to the visitor. This could be helpful

when it is late in the evening and the resident feels insecure when answering the

door bell.

Communication isn’t restricted to ‘normal’ activities in the home environment it

can also be used for remote learning. In order for remote learning to be successful,

the technical infrastructure must be in place. In today’s technology, this means the

student should have access to a wireless network, web cams, a microphone,

keyboard access and full telecommunication infrastructure linking the home to the

outside world. All of these can be set up exactly to the user’s requirements, in a

manner that would be extremely difficult or even impossible in a classroom


Remote learning carried out in a smart home would need to take place as part of

a designed educational system, and could not be put in place piecemeal. An

assessment of the needs of the student would also need to be carried out to insure

that the student will be able to access all parts of the course he or she has enrolled




Smart home environment

Once the correct structure is in place, the potential benefits are impressive; a

student will have access to the expertise needed to complete the course, the

student experience will have an immediacy to it, as the student would not need to

invest time and energy travelling to a class. Their needs would be addressed in a

very individual way. Education delivered to a smart home would overcome

geographical or environmental barriers to such services. It would allow direct

communication with the instructor, and gives access to resources immediately:

educational as well as personal, health and social care. Because a smart home also

gives access to wider society (for example, e - g o v e r n m e n t , shopping and

entertainment), a student would have more time available to him or her, so their

quality of life would improve.

For many, accessing good and reliable information about suitable technology is a

significant barrier to using technology that meets their individual needs. The

Central Remedial Clinic in Ireland, provides a vendor neutral information and

evaluation service. People with disabilities, their families, carers and other service

providers can get up to date information about the technologies currently available

in Ireland and can receive guidance in terms of how such technology may be

installed and set up for use in their own homes. Staff at the Central Remedial Clinic

works to identify the reasons why a person is seeking such technologies and then

devise a solution based on the supports that are available to the person and

contextual and environmental factors such as the location of their home. Smart

home solutions usually comprise recommending a range of technologies that are

to be placed in a person’s home environment and a method of controlling these

that is suited to a person’s individual needs.

3.5 User interaction

The advent of smart homes is part of the overall pattern of convergence that is