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Conversion Therapy Fantasies and Religious Opposition to

LGBTQ-inclusive Education

Catherine Taylor, University of  Winnipeg

Each year on the 10 December we mark International Human Rights Day.277   I share the frustration of  many  students,  parents,  and  educators  that  in  our  nation,  we  tend  to  stand  timidly  by  while LGBTQ young people are being hurt in hostile school cultures, out of  a reluctance to choose sides between religious rights to disapprove of  homosexuality and gender variance on one hand, and the rights  of  all  Canadians  to  a  safe  and  respectful  education,  on  the  other  hand.  The  issue  is  often framed in public discourse as a stalemate between the Charter right of  freedom of  conscience and religion, and the Charter rights of  life, liberty, and security of  the person. This representation of  the situation is erroneous. I see nothing in LGBTQ-inclusive education that threatens anyone’s freedom to maintain LGBTQ-phobic beliefs if  their conscience or religion requires it: Rather, I see much in LGBTQ-phobic school cultures that threatens the life, liberty, and security of  many people – sexual and  gender  minority  children  and  youth,  children  and  youth  with  sexual  and  gender  minority parents,  and  conventionally  gendered  heterosexual  children  youth  who  are  sometimes  targeted  as well.

A  claim  frequently  made  by  religious  conservatives  to  justify  maintaining  LGBTQ-phobic  school cultures   is   that   LGBTQ-inclusive   curriculum   a   (which   they   typically   call   ‘pro-homosexual curriculum’) can influence students to become gay or to stay gay when they could, with the right guidance,  become  heterosexual.  For  example,  parents  opposing  Louis  Riel  School  Division’s  new policy are quoted in a November 2011 article in The Winnipeg Free Press as saying,

“They [the policies] were all geared toward the promotion of  the homosexual or gay lifestyle. My  question  is,  would  you  also  want  to  present  the  resources  for  those  people  who  seek counseling to remove themselves from that lifestyle? True education would give both, and let the student decide.” 278

Yet there is no evidence whatsoever that sexual orientation can be changed through curriculum or ‘counseling.’ If  education worked this way, almost everyone would be heterosexual. What is true is that  exposure  to  LGBTQ-inclusive  education  may  influence  some  LGBTQ  students  to  stop pretending to be heterosexual and/or conventionally gendered (the old ‘being/doing’ distinction), which is an entirely different question.

277  Human Rights Day. (2011). Home. Retrieved from

278  Godbout, A. (2011, November 9). Parents speak out on sexuality policy. Canstar.  Retrieved from http://– policy-133471938.html

Lay people might be confused about this, but the Vatican is not. In his lengthy 1986 “Letter to the Bishops of  the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of  Homosexual Persons,”279  Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (then Prefect of  the Congregation for the Doctrine of  the Faith or ‘enforcer’ of  Church law, now Pope) requires that people with the “homosexual condition” be counseled to resist their “urges.” At no point does he suggest that sexual orientation itself  could be changed by such efforts. Ratzinger  acknowledges  that  homosexuality  is  inborn,  at  least  in  some  people,  but  nevertheless constitutes an inclination to ‘evil’ acts, and gay people are admonished to exercise self-control and strive for salvation through devotion to God. Within this system of  rationality, it can make sense to maintain school cultures that encourage gay students to be ashamed of  being gay and to pretend to be heterosexual.

Claims of  enabling gay people to change their sexual orientation through conversion therapy usually turn  out  to  be  claims  of  enabling  gay  people  to  resist  their  homosexual  desires  and  “remove themselves from the lifestyle,” which is a much more limited ambition. There have been many media reports  refuting  the  success  of   so-called  ‘conversion  therapies’  in  making  homosexual  people heterosexual, and the American Psychological Association (APA) renounced the practice as not only potentially  damaging  but  bad  science  in  its  2009  report,  Appropriate  Therapeutic  Responses  to  Sexual Orientation:

“The  American  Psychological  Association  Task  Force  on  Appropriate  Therapeutic Responses  to  Sexual  Orientation  conducted  a  systematic  review  of  the  peer-reviewed journal  literature  on  sexual  orientation  change  efforts  (SOCE)  and  concluded  that efforts to change sexual orientation are unlikely to be successful and involve some risk of  harm, contrary to the claims of  SOCE practitioners and advocates. . . . [T]he task force  concluded  that  the  population  that  undergoes  SOCE  tends  to  have  strongly conservative religious views that lead them to seek to change their sexual orientation. Thus,  the  appropriate  application  of   affirmative  interventions  for  those  who  seek SOCE  involves  therapist  acceptance,  support,  and  understanding  of  clients  and  the facilitation  of   clients’  active  coping,  social  support,  and  identity  exploration  and development, without imposing a specific sexual orientation identity outcome.”280

That  last  phrase,  ‘sexual  orientation  identity’  is  an  interesting  one.  What  APA  found  was  that  a minority of  people experienced short-term (six-month) reductions in same-sex attractions. Very few people experienced long-term ‘reductions.. A minority experienced short-term increases in opposite- sex attractions, but these were primarily people who had experienced opposite-sex attractions before conversion  therapy.  However,  some  people  did  experience  an  increased  sense  of  entitlement  to identify as heterosexual after SOCE, even though their sexual attractions remained homosexual.

This outcome, conceptualized as ‘heterosexual orientation identity’ in a number of  studies, involves an individual working through SOCE to resignify the category ‘heterosexual’ from ‘attracted to the opposite  sex’  to  “supporting  heterosexual  values  and  resisting  same-sex  attractions.”  The  work  is motivated  by  a  strong  need  to  see  oneself  as  heterosexual  in  order  to  avoid  dissonance  with  a cherished belief  structure, usually religious, that condemns homosexuality. In recent years with the dramatic changes in attitudes to LGBTQ people in most parts of  society, people entering SOCE are predominantly   strongly   religious   White   men   who   believe   that   their   sexual   orientation   is irreconcilable with their religious beliefs.

279  Ratzinger, Joseph. (1986). Letter to the Bishops of  the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of  Homosexuals Persons. In The Vatican Official Website. Retrieved from documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19861001_homosexual-persons_en.html

280  American Psychological Association Task Force. (2009). Report of  the Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Retrieved from http://

Some parents however seem genuinely to believe that sexual orientation itself  can be changed, and that  the  school  system’s  time-honoured  combination  of   tolerating  homophobia  and  enforcing heterosexism  will  help  their  gay  children  become  happy  heterosexuals.  It  will  not.  So-called conversion therapies ranging from prayer, compassionate counseling and ex-gay support groups to aversion   training   involving   electroshock,   maggots   and   pornography,   have   all   failed   to   turn homosexual  people  into  heterosexual  people.  Likewise  the  completely  heterosexual  curricula  to which students have been exposed throughout Canadian history have been unsuccessful in making gay students heterosexual. Parents should be aware that such measures, whether they are faith-based, home-based,  or  school-based,  will  at  best  serve  only  to  reconcile  their  gay  child  to  a  lifetime  of feeling ashamed of  their ‘condition’ and pretending to be heterosexual.

As  Canadians  we  have  seen  an  analogous  example  of  conversion  therapies  applied  to  ‘race’  and ethnicity  in  the  residential  school  system,  where  children  were  taught  to  be  ashamed  of  being Aboriginal  and  to  identify  with  Britishness.  If  parents  have  received  the  message  that  conversion therapies  can  actually  kill  the  homosexual  in  their  child,  they  should  be  aware  that  there  is  no scientifically  rigorous  evidence  to  support  this  claim.  Perhaps  religious  conservatives  would  be prepared to rethink their support for conversion therapy and curricular silence if  they only would accept that the most likely outcome of  these efforts is not a heterosexual child but an unhappy one.

There always will be some parents who opt for conversion therapy from fear that should their gay or lesbian  child  not  pretend  to  be  heterosexual,  a  lonely  life  at  the  margins  of  society  and  terrible discrimination  will  be  their  fate.  While  that  fear  may  have  been  well-founded  in  earlier  Canadian history, and may still be valid in some aggressively LGBTQ-phobic pockets of  Canadian society, it is by no means generally true of  Canada today. Polls, including one by Angus Reid in September 2009, 281  show that Canadians are generally not homophobic. They understand that being gay or lesbian or transgender  is  what  one  is,  not  a  choice  one  makes,  like  being  Ukrainian  or  Ojibway  or  female. Canadian law has been overhauled to remove discriminatory measures, and employers routinely offer same-sex pension, health, and other benefits.

Our  school  systems  remain  frozen  in  time  largely  because  officials  fear  complaints  from  socially conservative parents, and thus, wave after wave of  LGBTQ youth endure fear, anxiety, depression, isolation,  and  bodily  harm  caused  by  homophobic  harassment  and  exclusion.  Occasionally  the inevitable outcomes of  this recipe for disaster makes the news, and people across the country briefly rally  in  protest  against  yet  another  LGBTQ  youth  suicide,  aghast  at  the  cruelty  of  children  who bullied282  him.

281  Angus Reid Public Opinion (2009). Canada more Open to Same-Sex Marriage than U.S., UK. Retrieved from http://

282  Fedcan Blog. (2012). Archive for ‘Bullying.’ Retrieved from

There are signs of  hope: Courageous students and teachers and school officials are working hard to bring school culture into the 21st  century. The National Climate Survey283  found that 58 percent of heterosexual students report that they are distressed to some degree when they hear homophobic language.  We  know  that  LGBTQ  students  are  stepping  up  to  demand  that  educators  be  more proactive  on  this  issue;  that  58  per  cent  suggests  that  heterosexual  students,  too,  would  welcome some help from the adult world in this regard. And in some parts of  Canada, adults are responding. Many  school  divisions  and  several  Ministries  of   Education  are  speaking  out  on  the  issue  of LGBTQ-phobic bullying, and some seem to recognize that harassment will not stop in the hallways until LGBTQ people are treated respectfully in curricula.

Teachers’ associations, some of  which have been working on LGBTQ education for years, have also stepped  up  their  efforts.   Manitoba  Teachers’  Society284  is  partnering  with  my  Social  Science  and Humanities Research Council-funded research team on a project designed to unearth the wealth of expertise and experience in LGBTQ-inclusive education that exists in teachers across the country who have worked on these issues for years in isolation or in small clusters, with little institutional support, sometimes within socially conservative faith communities that have actively opposed these efforts.  As  long  as  we  fantasize  that  harassment  policies  are  enough  and  that  LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum is not needed, students will continue to learn what our silence teaches them: that human rights do not apply to LGBTQ people, and that there is no requirement to treat them respectfully if you’d rather not.

For  religious  conservatives,  the  crux  of   the  issue  seems  to  be  their  mistaken  belief   that  a heterosexist   curriculum   coupled   with   conversion   therapy   can   transform   gay   children   into heterosexuals. I am grateful to the APA for clarifying that it cannot. But the clash between socially conservative religious rights and LGBTQ rights continues to play out at the cost of  needless misery for LGBTQ students. I hope that researchers in a range of  disciplines will turn their attention to opposing religious conservative campaigns against the life, liberty, and security of  LGBTQ children and  youth.  In  their  very  useful  analysis  of  Canadian  jurisprudence  concerning  “Religion-based Claims for Impinging on Queer Citizenship,” Bruce MacDonald and Donn Short argue that, “[a] person  ought  not  to  be  permitted  to  make  his  or  her  inclusion  dependent  on  the  exclusion  of another.” 285

283  Taylor, C. & Peter, T., with McMinn, T.L., Elliott, T., Beldom, S., Ferry, A., Gross, Z., Paquin, S., & Schachter, K. (2011). Every class in every school: The first national climate survey on homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in Canadian schools. Final report. Toronto, ON: Egale Canada Human Rights Trust.

284 The Manitoba Teacher’s Society. (2012). Home. Retrieved from

285  MacDougall, B. (2010). Religion-Based Claims for Impinging on Queer Citizenship. Dalhousie Law Journal, 32 (2). Retrieved from