The train of time
Keeps rolling and
Bringing along irreversible
Changes that won't divert
Its course to make me
The exception to universal laws!
So, let's board now that train
That will take us to the temple
Where wisdom and faith
Gather at everything dawn
To lift up the higher spirit
Of love and peace,
Hold my hand and let's go
Together in harmony!
Take me as I come to you:
Genuine and honest
For I am nothing more
Than an entity made of
Flesh and a humble spirit!
Embedded I am with
The same substance
As anyone else but with
A unique vision and mission:
To spread the message of
Love and Peace throughout
The whole world!
Romeo della Valle: Born in a beautiful island named Quisqueya or Hispaniola and from Italian and Spanish parents and coming to America very young with a goal, mainly, to succeed in life and be happy. As a citizen of the world, there is not race, colour, or religious beliefs that would stop me from searching for happiness...I have become through times passed that I am a man with a Vision and a clear mission: 'To spread my message of Love an Peace throughout the World and if my poetry can touch a single soul in the World, then I would gladly die leaving my clear footprints behind!