In a crowded world
Our bubble floats in ecstasy
I stare at you unblinkingly…
You confront my gaze
Trying to peer into
Thoughts cascading through me
I hear the intent in your voice
Knocking on the threshold of my soul
You want to know if I’m thinking of you
Lost at something you have said or done.
But it is hard to voice my thought
As I hold your soul in my palm
Feel your tenderness, turn to your dark,
All consuming, fervent, longing love.
I stand here thinking of how to embrace
The whole of you knowing
The thousand ways you will love,
Devour and hurt me
During our days called “us”.
Panjami Anand: I am an occult practitioner by profession and I see every day it is hard to be honest in a brutal world that demands the best façade even at the cost of one’s inner well-being. Sometimes it helps to know that we are all fighting secret battles and we are not the only ones in pain. I love to observe human relationships and nothing inspires my writing more. Thus the dominating theme of all my writings are conflicts and triumphs of the same. I thank each and every one who has encouraged me to better my expression. Gratitude for reading!