Jokes and Fun Feb 2014 JustJok.In by - HTML preview

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Table of Contents 1

 Love well explained by an Engineer 1

 Its not about Earning Money.. Its about Spending Time With Loved Ones!! 3

 What if Animals post updates on Facebook? 5

 Didn't you apply for TCS yet?? 6

 Santa Goes to Interview 7

 There is a world out side Internet 8

 Give her another Chance 11

 Black Sheep White Sheep 12

 Honey Do you think I work at McDonalds? 14

 Ultimate way to propose a Girl 15

 15 things that will be implemented for Aam Windows User If Arvind Kejriwal Is The CEO Of Microsoft 16

 Top 10 Facts About you 29

 Santa The smart Driver 30

 Honey guess who's in Bed?? 31

 Few and Simple ways to make a woman happy 32