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Continuous Content

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Continuous content is probably the shortest of the 13 Pillars of Internet

Marketing in terms of length, but it should be one of the broadest pillars of your internet marketing strategy. By broadest I mean that not only should it be ongoing, it also impacts other pillars.

If linking is queen, content is king

I can’t remember who I heard this quote from first, but it certainly describes the high degree of importance of continuous content:
“If Linking is Queen, Content is King”.

While the number of quality links to your website tells search engines that your site is likely to be important, search engines are less likely to rank your site highly for a continuous period of time unless you continually update your website with fresh, original, relevant content.

It doesn’t even have to be content produced by you or your organization. But it is important to rank highly in search engines that it’s original content. Mad Content (Figure 12.1) is a great value content writing service which charges just $1.50 per 100 words.

Fresh information shows search engines that your website is more likely to be up-to-date, and therefore more relevant in your industry segment compared with your competitors.

Figure 12.1 – Mad Content


00080.jpgMad Content offers an excellent value-for-money content writing service


Blog technology makes your website easier to update

One of the reasons I encourage you to integrate blog technology into your website to make it easy to add new content to your site on a regular basis. By using a blogging system like WordPress, all you have to do is to log-in to your back office, enter a heading, some post content and press ‘submit’. That’s all it takes to create a new web page on your site through a blogging system.

With WordPress you can even schedule posts to be published at different points in the future. You just select your time of publication when you upload your post and it will be made live at your chosen date and time.

Great new content will encourage natural, organic linking

Whenever you add great quality new content to your site, and long as if it is good quality and useful, the more people that view it, the more likely it is that people will choose to link to it because they find it to be a valuable resource.

That’s one of the reasons why many successful bloggers don’t have to do any other form of internet marketing. Because they offer great content, and they’ve built up a band of loyal followers, as soon as they publish a new post, they suddenly obtain a build-up of new links to that new page.

Grinding out new content is worth it

Grinding out fresh content on a regular basis is something which you will have to work hard at. It is quite tough to begin with – especially if writing’s not your natural skill. But it doesn’t matter if you’re never going to be the world’s greatest novelist, you’ll still have your own distinctive style.

If for whatever reason you decide that you just can’t product one new article per week for your website, you can always outsource the production of the content. Just make sure that your business is represented in a professional, consistent manner. And that you try to get the same writer to write for you all the time. There are lots of great outsourcing services where you can find writers. Links to there can be found in the Pillars #12 resources section at

Pillar #12 – Continuous Content Summary

• If ‘Linking is Queen, Content is King’ – links tell search engines that you are important, but search engines are less likely to rank you highly unless you have good content.

• Continuous new content on your site is so important. It needs to be updated as often as possible. Search engines love new content as a website with fresh content is more likely to be the most up-to-date in its industry.

• Fresh information = more relevance.


• Great new content encourages natural, organic link building.

• Remember to integrate blog technology for ease uploading and effective distribution. If you are using WordPress then you can pre-set your blog to release blog posts on certain dates in the future.

• For links to the various websites mentioned in this pillar and up-to-date continuous content related and outsourcing resources visit http://www.13pillars.com/resources/pillar12.