13 Pillars of Internet Marketing by David Bain - HTML preview

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The Next Step

00001.jpgThe Next Step – A Strategic Internet Marketing Plan




I’d like to take to congratulate you for getting this far! I sincerely hope that you


have found this book to be relevant and useful for your needs.


The 13 Pillars isn’t a strategic internet marketing plan

But please bear in mind that because the 13 Pillars of Internet Marketing book is aimed at providing the reader with an general, broad introduction to internet marketing, it’s been structured in a manner which attempts to make the subject matter as easy to understand as possible.

This means that the order in which the 13 Pillars appear in the book is most likely not the order in which you would want to implement them in your business.


Establishing your own strategic internet marketing plan


Therefore, the next step, after reading the 13 Pillars of Internet Marketing, is to establish your own internet marketing plan.


Thankfully you don’t have to do that by yourself, because I’ve already done it for you!

It’s called the 26-Week Internet Marketing Plan, and it’s a free, weekly actionplan newsletter supported by video tutorials. Just visit www.26weekplan.com to sign-up today.

Internet marketing techniques never stand still


As Pillar #13 The Evolving Web discusses, internet marketing techniques never stand still.

Sometimes search engine algorithms are continually altered to try to counter spammers. On other occasions completely new online business models open up new internet marketing opportunities.

That’s another reason why you should subscribe to the 26-Week Internet Marketing Plan newsletter – you’ll be kept up to date with all the new techniques I consider to be important enough to incorporate into your ongoing strategic internet marketing plan.

I look forward to catching up with you on the www.26weekplan.com website.

David Bain
May 2009
Author & Founder, The 26-Week Internet Marketing Plan

P.S. If you found the 13 Pillars of Internet Marketing to be valuable, I’d like to ask one small favor… would you mind telling a few of your friends about this book?


Perhaps you’d be kind enough to share the http://www.13pillars.com link on Facebook, Twitter or your favorite social bookmarking site?


Thanks! It would be much appreciated! J