13 Ways to Profit from Website by James Smiley - HTML preview

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8) Leveraging Your Phone and Affiliate Marketing

Markets and media are in upheavals and it is continuously shifting towards digital. There are fewer target groups that can be reached through the traditional way of advertising, such as TV, billboards, print, or broadcast advertising.

In order to follow the trend, we must all shift towards the digital way to advertise too. To reach out for more target audiences, the mobile web has proved to be one of the best ways to do so. The mobile web is still rapidly growing due to innovative transmission technologies today, which creates completely new business opportunities for us.

For your information, 50% of mobile phone users rely on their phones as their primary source of Internet nowadays. The percentage may be more by now, which proved that mobile affiliate marketing is a tested technique.

As an affiliate marketer, if you don’t adapt to the trend, you will be left behind. For starters, you must join the affiliate program that enables you to advertise with mobiles. Once you’ve joined their program, you will get the mobile ads in different sizes, mobile text links, and other necessary tools for you to promote their product.

The commission scheme varies depending on the program, you might get pay for Pay-per-View, Pay-per-Click, Pay-per-Order, or even the combination of these. Read the terms and conditions before you join.