3 Adwords Profit Secrets that Newbies Don't Know by Jean Paul - HTML preview

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Secret 1

Holy Grail of Adwords – Quality Score

After you read this chapter:


· You will be able to strategically minimize the cost of your clicks

· You will understand the most common reason why your ads may stop running
· You will know how to pay less for a higher position on Adwords · You will have specific tactics that will immediately improve the

performance of your ads and keywords.
This chapter introduces you to one part of Adwords that you will always want to pay attention to.

You may have heard about a concept known as Quality Score. Before I go on to tell you more about it, let me first explain to you why you absolutely need to understand Quality Score.

In fact, after this chapter you may want Quality Score to become your best friend! J

When your Quality Score is low, Google may actually stop your ads from running! In fact this the most common reason why many newbie campaigns are stopped.

With a good Quality Score you are assured, for the most part, that your ads will keep running smoothly and without interruption.

When your Quality Score is low, your clicks become extremely expensive. My biggest mistake when I was starting out was the fact that I thought Adwords was all about who could bid the highest. Boy was I wrong!

The irony is that, as your Quality Score increases, Google rewards with at least two things:


1) A higher ad position


2) Lower Cost Per Click


That’s right you end up paying less for a higher position.


Now, with a low Quality Score, you keep getting lower and lower positions.


This usually means getting less clicks on your ads.

When the Google “machine” sees your ad has less clicks it say to itself “Oh, she is not getting loads of clicks. This means users don’t like this ad, I will lower this ad’s/keyword’s position. In fact, if the bid is too low I will stop running her ad altogether”.

On the other hand, with a high Quality Score, your ad goes up. When your ad goes higher up you get more people clicking on it.


This makes Google happy. You are happy too, because you are paying less for more clicks!


To quickly illustrate, when I started out, in my niche I used to pay between $4 to $5 dollars per click.


After I learnt the strategies I’m about to show you I started paying between $0.29 to $0.50 per click.

That’s 10 times less!
So what is this Quality Score thingy?

The Quality Score is not a “thingy”. It is simply a way for Google to measure how relevant and useful your ad is to Google’s users.

You see, the people at Google are really smart; they know that if your ads are useful and relevant, more people will want to click on them (more money for Google).

In turn when you get more visitors from Google, you will keep advertising with them.

Of course, the more useful the “stuff” on Google is, the more people will keep coming and telling their friends about Google. (By the way, I think the only people, who haven’t of Google are probably those who live in caves, I’m just saying... )J
I hope you are getting the point. Google wants everybody (and that includes you and me my friend) to be happy with their service.

Because that’s how everybody makes more money.
And that’s where Quality Score comes in.

When people click on your ad, it’s like they are giving a vote for you to have a higher Quality Score.


So as your number of clicks increases Google rewards you by improving your position and lowering your Cost Per Click.


Geek Alert!


Let’s take a look at some definitions:

Quality Score: simply put a measure of how useful and relevant your ad is. Google Adwords “masters” like to refer to it as Q.S. for short. It is measured on a scale from 1 to 10(from 1/10 to 10/10).

Cost Per Click: The amount of money you pay per click. Also known as CPC.


Max. CPC: The maximum amount you are willing to pay per click.


Impression: Each time your ad is displayed is called an impression. I don’t think it has an acronym (I maybe...) J

Click-through-rate: The percentage of people who click on your ads as compared to the number of people who see it. Or if you like math: (Number of clicks/Impressions) x 100 = CTR. By the way CTR is short for Click-through-rate.
Ok, so you now know the most important thing that affects your Quality Score – your Click-through-rate (CTR).

But, there are other things that affect your Quality Score.


Let’s take a look:

- Your landing page quality
- Keyword relevancy
- And some other factors (many of them are secret, only Google knows


Landing page quality is different from other factors because if your landing page seems irrelevant to Google (i.e. it doesn’t contain unique, original content relevant to the keywords you use) you will lose some marks in your Quality Score.

But if your landing page is great your Quality Score remains unaffected! So, you could say that your landing page quality is kind of a prerequisite to a good Quality Score.


In other words, you don’t get rewarded for a great landing page because Google expects it to be good anyway.


I think that makes perfect sense. Why would you want to send users to a “bad” landing page?


Moving on.

Keyword relevancy can increase your quality score. To achieve this, I am about to show you not one but two Ninja Tactics that will increase your Quality Score almost immediately! If it takes longer, it’s simply because sometimes Google takes it’s time to update Quality Score in all the Adwords accounts .


Ninja Tactics:


Ok, let’s make this happen! Bring it on!
Ninja Tactic #1 – Divide and conquer!
This tactic reveals how to:

- make sure your ad is only triggered when someone is looking exactly for what you are selling

- avoid spending excess money on irrelevant clicks
- and at the same time increase your Quality Score.

The biggest newbie mistake is to write a couple of ads and put as many keywords in the ad-groups as they can find.

Let me show you how the pros do it:
Let’s say you are advertising designer leather pants.
So you write and ad:
Really cool designer pants
Super smooth original pants shop.
Discount sale. Get yours now!

And then you add keywords into the ad group. (By the way don’t forget to check out my post on keyword match types(

http://www.adwordsmogul.com/adwords-keyword-match-type-tutorial ) So we have these keywords:
Leather pants
Cool pants Designer pants Real leather pants Designer leather pants

And so on and so forth. Now you may think that all of these keywords are relevant to designer leather pants.


Well, to a degree, they are.

However, there is one major problem. Because you have included the keyword ‘pants’, for instance, if the user types in “cool yellow cotton pants” your ad will be triggered!

They click on your ad and see your designer leather pants.


As you may expect they quickly hit the back button because this is not what they were looking for!


Unfortunately, you have already paid for the click and there is nothing you can do about it!


How you can avoid this


Here is another, much better version of this ad. Remember what you want to sell is designer leather pants.

Cool designer leather pants
Original designer leather pants.
Discount sale. Get yours now!
Then in the keyword list I put in these keywords:
“leather pants”
“designer leather pants” [leather pants] [designer leather pants]

If you don’t understand what broad match,‘phrase match’ and ‘exact match’ mean please read my post http://adwordsmogul.com/keywordmatches .

Newbie trap

Don’t write your ads before choosing your keywords. As a pro, what you want to do is to select your keywords first and then write ads that talk about those exact keywords.

Notice that I linked to a page that sells leather pants on my website. So when a user types in any of the keywords in the ad group, sees my ad and clicks on it, he gets exactly what he was looking for – sexy designer leather pants!

When you have very tightly grouped keywords you can now apply...


Ninja Tactic # 2 – “Bold and Beautiful”

Let’s take another look at our ad: Cool designer leather pants Original designer leather pants. Discount sale. Get yours now! example.com/leather-pants

Let’s say somebody types in “leather pants”.


When my ad shows this is how it will appear:

Cool designer leather pants Original designer leather pants. Discount sale. Get yours now! example.com/leather-pants

Can you see what happened? (as a true ninja you probably did)J


Each time “leather pants” appears in my ad Google shows this keyword in bold (and beautifulJ ).


This makes my ad stand out and the user can see that I have got exactly what she wants!


Plus, my ad now shows that it is highly relevant to my keywords. This means... a higher Quality Score!

And a higher Quality Score means I pay less for each click! Isn’t that great?! Now, if users find my ad really attractive and they click on the ad more often my Quality Score gets even better!

All you have to do is:
1. Include the keyword in the headline
2. Include the keyword in the ad text
3. Include the keyword in the destination URL Newbie trap!

This tactic will definitely improve your ad’s performance. But your work is not done yet!
Since your click through rate (CTR) is the most important factor when calculating your Quality Score make sure you keep making your ad as attractive to users as you can, to make sure they keep clicking on it!

In other words, remember: Your CTR goes down à Your Q.S. goes down!

Check the quality score for your keywords!
It is very easy to find out the quality score for your keywords
1. Log into your Adwords account.
2. Click on the Campaigns Tab
3. Click on the Keywords Tab
4. Next to each keyword you will see a little icon.
5. Hover over one of those icons and you will see the Quality Score for that



To quickly improve your campaign:

1. Go into your Adwords account
2. Look through your ad groups and see how you can make your keywords even tighter.
Newbie trap

Some of your keywords may already have a high quality score in the beginning. That’s good, however you must still link to directly related landing pages. Why?

Because when people come to your site and they don’t immediately see the specific thing they searched for, they will probably leave and never come back! We are about to look at another Adwords Profit Secret.
Let’s quickly remind ourselves of what we’ve learnt so far:

· Quality Score can make or break your campaign

· Quality Score is simply a measure of how relevant and useful your ad is to Google’s users.
· The higher your click-through-rate (CTR) the higher your quality score
· In order not to lose Quality Score you must have a high quality landing page
· Your keywords must be tightly grouped.
· It is best to choose your keywords first and then write the ads.
· Ninjas sometimes like to wear leather pants.

If you have a question about Quality Score, please write to jeanpaul@adwordsmogul.com Now let’s learn Adwords Secret Number 2...