4 Surefire Plans to Unleash the Real Potential of Private Label Rights by Ed Chaser - HTML preview

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The Steps

1. Start converting your PLR products into several info products (to make it simple, you can create them in the form of PDF ebooks).

You can do this by editing the raw PLR material, divide it into several related content and then convert them using any PDF converters available on the net.

You can turn the PLR material into 3, 5, 10 ebooks with your name on them… it depends on how much material you have. And remember, those ebooks should be related and contribute one to another.

As for PDF Converters, sure you can use several free services out there, but be careful… most of them apply these terms along with their free service:

· They embed their logo (watermark) inside your ebooks. This will make your ebooks look very unprofessional L

· All links inside your ebooks are not live links readers can click through. This could be a problem for you, especially if you are recommending affiliate products within the ebooks.

Sidenote : Visit my Secret Arsenal page to see free or low-cost PDF Converters that preserve hyperlinks and create password for your ebooks.

2. Don’t forget to entice your ebooks readers to subscribe to your list. You can offer free reports, free course, free membership, etc. in turn of giving their names and email addresses.

3. Because you want these ebooks to make a viral marketing effect, you should also give Resell Rights to every reader. Declare this at the beginning of each of your ebooks.

4. Clarify also all the terms and conditions you want for your ebooks. The first thing is that of course they cannot give away these ebooks as freebies. Furthermore, can they add these ebooks as bonuses for their paid products? Can they sell these ebooks at auction sites? You have to make clear any do’s and don’ts with your ebooks.

5. Create e-covers for your ebooks. It’s very important that you come up with excellent covers for your ebooks. Poor quality e-covers would only make your potential buyers run away!

Please visit my Secret Arsenal page to find further information on creating professional e-covers.


6. Make 2 profit-pulling sales letters. One is for you to sell your Resell Rights products to resellers and the other one is for your resellers.

To reduce the cost of this plan, I suggest you learn some basics of creating a profit-pulling sales letter and always learn how big players create their sales letter. Take a peek at their sites. You can adopt (not copy) their headlines, their powerful words, their sequence, how they entice visitors to become buyers, etc.

7. Create a Thank You Page.


8. Choose a merchant processor so you can take payment on your site. Of course there are several reliable merchants with variety of cost.

Some merchants ask for bigger one-time payment at the front and only take a very small percentage afterwards from every sale you make. Some merchants choose to apply a small one-time payment and take bigger percentage from every sale you make. It’s up to you to decide.

Please visit my Arsenal Page to find further information on suitable merchant processor.


9. Put your site online.

10. Seek Joint Venture (JV) Partners to help you spread the word about these products. There are a lot of JV-Manager tools out there to help you execute this strategy.

Make sure you give out generous commissions to your JV Partners. 50% is the minimum, I insist. Remember, doing JV with big marketers with big lists is your express way to build your own list! Imagine how many new subscribers they will send you continuously. So, giving out 50% per sale is really not a big loss… it’s actually a smart investment.J

11.What about submitting your Resell Rights products to membership sites? If you want to give up the profits from selling the Resell Rights products and focus more on building your list, then it’s fine.

If this is your goal (building your list), then you should also consider submitting your Resell Rights products to every ebook directories you know!

12.I give you an example using ebooks as your products, but of course you can apply the same steps with PLR software, scripts, etc.


Once again, please visit my Arsenal Page. I have provided all the resources you need to start Plan No. 2 immediately.