50 Things the Most Successful Business People Have in Common & How You Can Begin to Emulate Them in 5 Minutes by iconsclub.com - HTML preview

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Ï This section wasn't at all planned. I wanted to give you the essence of what's going on in my mind every day as I carry out my online marketing because, even though this is not a direct how to step by step guide, it's imperative that you understand this before going further.

Ï Something that I want you to try and do is keep an open mind throughout the whole course. Be open to new ideas and the new information that’s coming your way. This is the only way that you'll get the best out of it and create an abundance of awesome ideas for your business.

Ï Myself not being a fan of positive thinking, this section is not related to that, but rather based around the concept, that it's not what you know, it's who you know.

Ï Have you ever woken up one morning and regretted missing an opportunity, or wondered why you didn't do something the previous night that you had the chance to do? How about in the longer term? Is there anything in the past that you wished you'd have done differently and that just maybe you might have been somewhere else doing something else because of that? If so, don't worry. Everyone has these missed opportunities and this section is all about making sure that never happens again.

Ï All day, every day new opportunities present themselves to us, and many don't even notice it happening. We need to wake you up and open your eyes to this happening around you right now, because ultimately it will lead to your success.

Ï The starting point is to understand that you shouldn't do everything on your own. I have never met anyone successful in the online marketing world that does not or has not at one time or another used this tactic to his or her advantage. If you want to be a success, from this point onwards, I want you to use it too.

Ï Sometimes you may feel that your goals, hopes and dreams are too far away for your liking, and it's frustrating because it's going to take too long to reach them. If we assume that the first step to being a success is about making contacts, scientifically, everything you want and could ever want is never more than seven steps away from you.

Ï An experiment I discovered recently showed a hermit living in isolated mountains in a far off country, and the challenge was to find someone from London, England, who knew him using seven steps. A friend of a friend, of a friend, of a friend, and it was a success.

Ï Understand right now that opportunities are out there. You need to open your mind, take a step back and pay attention. If you can do this, you'll start to see when and where opportunities are presenting themselves to you. All of which you want to be taking. The big business contact that could bring two or more of you mutual but massive success could be just a conversation away.
Ï I'm not saying you're going to wake up tomorrow with an e-mail in your inbox solving all your problems, but the potential to solve them is there. Opportunities in all shapes and forms are ripe and ready for picking, and if you don't do so, you'll miss out and someone else will take your spot.

Ï The power of the opportunity and contact making is immense. Lets imagine you're a budding new marketer who's made ten contacts by just being able to see these new opportunities arrive and meeting new business people. Ten times the income for all of you, ten times the promotion power, ten times the success. Can you meet ten people in the rest of your lifetime? If you answered yes, you can be a success.

Ï See how success isn't actually as far away as you may think. Imagine you're in a white room. Place a small dot on a wall; this dot is you. Now place a green dot next to you for friends you have, and next a blue dot for every friend they have and so on. Before long your room will be totally covered. Looking at this room full of dots, you can see how easy it is to start at the bottom of the line, and using this small scientific technique explained above, you have more potential than you ever dreamed of.

Ï On that same note, let me ask you, if you wanted to, could you get an introduction to your friends friend that you've never met before? I bet you could with a few words. The same is true with marketing. Everyone that you want to contact in the future for a mutually successful business relationship is right there and is reachable through someone you know. See how your success is closer than it appears?
Ï On top of this, for even more re-enforcement of how you can put this effect to good use, is to control it. What did you do when you just asked your friend earlier for an introduction to another friend? You controlled who you were meeting. How are you going to be a success in online marketing? Through the same scientific process of controlling where you want to go instead of waiting for opportunity to come to you.

Ï Opportunity can come in all shapes, forms and sizes, it doesn't have to be just meeting people. Use and apply this technique, take up everything you can as often as you can, and even though you can't predict where it's going to lead, at the end of it, you'll always have more than you started out with. This opportunity spotting and taking is the key to your success, plain and simple. (We'll also be talking more about this later, don't worry about specifics for now, just understand the concept, take it in, and know it exists)

Ï When you wake up tomorrow and any situation presents itself, any situation at all, think, where could this take me if I say yes, where could it take me if I do this instead of watching TV, who could I meet if I go here instead of taking an extra lie in after a late night. Remember your friends’ dots that you drew on the wall?

Ï Where will this take you? Who knows, I don't know, you don't know, but one thing I can most definitely tell you without a doubt, is that it's going to take your forwards, towards your goals. Remember, you have the control here, no one else. It's in your hands and totally down to you. Always create options and opportunities for yourself in this way, and you'll never be stuck in a rut, not to mention how you'll immediately see your rapid forward movement in the direction that you want to be going in.

Ï Don't be afraid of change or new things. I need your full attention, dedication, and an open mind, that's all I ask of you. This alone will push you in the direction that you want to go in.