50 Things the Most Successful Business People Have in Common & How You Can Begin to Emulate Them in 5 Minutes by iconsclub.com - HTML preview

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This Is Real Business

Next up, I want to touch on something that I still see every day, and to be honest, it does make me wonder. I want you to remember what you're doing here. You're starting or building a business. The problem I see every day is, as we already mentioned earlier, the opportunity is there for everyone, but it doesn't seem to sink in that they're actually starting their own business.

I can understand how you'd be a little miffed about someone starting a business that didn't know they were doing so, but let me explain. I'm sure you've seen those websites with links all over the place, totally disorganized, a page full of pretty colors telling you click on one and you'll earn thousands of dollars an hour, or a lovely free hosted site with ten pop ups on each page and a pretty floral border with bright pink animated background of happy little bunnies prancing around the place.

It's not just the layout of sites either, it's the customer service, the quality of the sales letters, the quality of the product, the price, the presentation, everything, every single aspect.

It really makes me think when I land on these pages. Do these guys know that they're supposed to be running a business? Don't hate me yet; I know that sounds very opinionated, but its roots are based in fact. Would you buy from these sites even if the product sounded totally amazingly great? I sure wouldn't. There are too many things on my mind. Too many questions I have to ask myself.

A good marketer knows that as well as having a good product, the worries of any visitor to your website need to be squashed as quickly as possible. All the questions you ask yourself before buying something about the person that's selling to you and the product itself need to be answered and answered well, or you're just going to click off and move along. The major point I'm trying to make here is understand fully what you're getting yourself into. With the anonymity of internet and the people selling products on it, you have to remember above all to be business like and professional at all times. If you create something and don't feel totally comfortable with it, chances are it's not up to scratch and it's not going to do you any favours, money wise, free time wise, long term, or short term.

Here's a good example. During the planning stages, this very report that you're reading has gone through no less than six drafts and different versions because it wasn't good enough. It wasn't professional enough, it didn't hit home the points strongly enough. This site has gone through many small changes, including three designs, one total overhaul, four versions of the scripts running in the background, two different affiliate scripts and some custom work.

I'm not saying you have to go overboard, but my personal belief, based in fact is that if you have put in the extra effort with something, customers will notice, and they will remember you, most importantly though, they will buy from you in the first place. Always, always keep your work professional and top quality if you want to get off the starting blocks, or it just won't happen for you.