59. You can save hundreds of dollars a year by shopping at lower-priced food stores. Convenience stores often charge the highest price.
60. You will spend less on food if you shop with a list, take advantage of sales, and purchase basic ingredients, rather than pre-packaged components or ready-made items.
61. You can save hundreds of dollars a year by comparing price-per-ounce or other unit prices on shelf labels. Stock up on those items with low per-unit costs.
Prescription Drugs62. Since brand name drugs are usually much more expensive than their generic equivalents, ask your physician and pharmacist if a less expensive generic or an over the counter alternative is available.
63. Since pharmacies may charge widely different prices for the same medicine, call several. When taking a drug for a long time, also consider calling mail-order pharmacies, which often charge lower prices.
Funeral Arrangements64. Plan ahead, making your wishes known about your funeral, memorial, or burial arrangements in writing to save your family or estate unnecessary expense.
65. For information about the least costly options, which may save you several thousand dollars, contact a local Funeral Consumer Alliance or memorial society, which are usually listed in the Yellow Pages under funeral services.
66. Before selecting a funeral home, call several and ask for prices of specific goods and services, or visit them to obtain an itemized price list. You are entitled to this information by law. 66 Ways to Save Money was developed by a working group of representatives from government agencies, consumer groups, business organizations, and educational institutions that sought to develop and publicize money-saving tips. The initiative was managed by the non-profit Consumer Federation of America (CFA).
Over the past decade, nearly two million copies of this brochure have been requested. At present, the publication is among the most popular made available by the Federal Citizen Information Center (FCIC).
66 Ways to Save Money
is now being distributed in English and Spanish by CFA and the FCIC. A grant from MoneyManagement International, a nonprofit community service organization offering free credit counceling and financial education (visit
www.MoneyManagement.org or call
1-866-490-5362), covers the cost of printing.
Single copies of this brochure are availble for $.50 each from Save Money, Pueblo, CO 81009. Make your check or money order payable to Superintendent of Documents. You may also go to the Federal Citizen Information Center's website and order it online (www.pueblo.gsa.gov).
For information on bulk orders contact: Save Money, Consumer Federation of America, 1620 Eye Street, NY, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20006 or email 66ways@consumerfed.org .
Revised 6/06
Jul 2024
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