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The Common Mistakes Internet

Marketers Did Not Realize

More and more startups had risen up nowadays thanks to the rapid growth of the technologies; Internet marketing is no longer new to us. However, not every one of the Internet marketers can survive until the end, because they do not know the right way.

Hence, when you see a flat movement in your conversion rates and sales rate even though you’ve done all you can to send the swipe emails to your subscribers, you are yet to find out which part of your marketing you did it wrongly.

If you are encountering the same situation, you are leaving your money behind if you didn’t read this part of the book. I am going to tell you what the common mistakes are that you did not realize.


This is one of the common mistakes that an Internet marketer, especially newbie, did most of the time but yet to realize. This is a common thinking, “The more emails I send, the more sales I am going to make.” This is a wrong thought that you must eliminate when you are planning your email marketing strategies.

Put yourself in the shoes of your subscribers. You wouldn’t want to receive emails every day, seeing that someone is selling something to you.

You can prevent this by adopting the double opt-in system in your landing page. Double opt-in requires the prospect to fill in their email address twice to confirm their subscription, thus, it is a double confirmation act that they are giving you the consent to send your newsletters to them.

It is true that you may lose some subscribers because of the double opt-in system, but see this from another angle; those who double confirm their consent and subscribe to your newsletters are the serious prospects that would consider your offer.

Compared to getting a bunch of ‘subscribers’, it would be an advantage if you can get ‘serious buyers’ into your list.

Small tip for you: Make sure the system to unsubscribe your newsletters is well functioned. Even though it is better that you can keep your list, yet, it is their freedom to opt-out and choose what kind of emails they want to receive.

Wrong Choice of Words

The art of words is powerful if you use it in a right way. This is indeed a difficult lesson to learn for each Internet marketer, however, if you can master this, you can easily earn yourself the title of super affiliate.

Throughout years, the way of writing emails and sales letter had evolved numerous times to cope with the needs of internet users. The choice of words that work few years ago will not be able to catch the users’ heart anymore.

To master the art of words, you must first understand the needs of prospects. The study of prospects may takes a lot of efforts, but it helps a lot for you to tweak the way you write to them. This little tweak may bring massive sales to you, you wouldn’t know until you did it.

One way to improve the choice of words is to do a split test. First, split your mailing list into half. Change one element in the email each time you are going to send it to your subscribers. Send the first edition of your email to the first half, and the second edition to the other half.

You can track the conversion rate by using the tracking system service from the net. This way, you can improve your email marketing along the way.

You can tweak your subject line, the opening, or the ending call to action.

Remember to change only one element each time, to keep track on which element affects the conversion rate.

It is recommended to do this once in a while, because the Internet business is an ever-changing platform. The way of doing things in as recent as last year may not applicable now.

Attract the Wrong Traffic

This is especially for newbie who do not understand how to generate the right traffic to the landing page. When you are directing the wrong crowd to your landing page, it will affect your subscribers list as well. It may seem that you are getting a lot of subscribers, but it is not the targeted subscribers that you actually need.

They want instant result but use the wrong way, such as generating traffic from different niche. This is not the right way to generate traffic; all you’ll get is increased number of subscribers, but not sales.

For starters, be patient and start with small amount first. There are ways to get instant result as well as boost your sales like buying solo ads or doing ad swaps with other Internet marketer.

After a few of solo ads buying, with a larger list you can then start doing the ad swaps. Growing your mailing list should be the utmost important task an Internet marketer should focus on.

In spite of all these techniques, some of the Internet marketers are still doing this wrong. Going to the wrong site and generate wrong traffic to the landing page. Hence, they couldn’t sustain and survive in the business.

Couldn’t Identify the Demand

A product or service demanded by the consumers is different from the product or service that the consumers want. While demands is something the consumers need, a product and service that the consumers want is just something they desire – not a necessity.

Compare to the instant and immediate desire of a consumer, a product that can fulfill the long-term needs of a consumer is obviously a better choice. Nonetheless, some marketers only see the short-term goals in the business.

They couldn’t identify which products are the evergreen products that could sustain longer in the market.

Apart from this, sometimes they’ve forgotten to make sure that the product is a proven seller. A product that is demanded by the crowd but couldn’t sell is no different than a wrong product to sell.

Before you make the decision to sell that particular product, do some research on the credibility of the product vendor, quality of the product, sales page, sales funnels, and so much more to be listed down.

So, make sure it is a proven seller even though it is a product that demands by the consumers.

Couldn’t Identify the Right Product

This is one major mistake that could ruin your credibility and sales. As mentioned, to identify the right product to promote, research on the product. This is an unavoidable act, especially for starters, to start with. Or, that is the first time you promote the vendor’s products.

Do not pick vendors that focus on collecting the leads. This kind of products is usually not a quality one, as they put their focus on growing the mailing list only, not the quality of the product.

If you are to promote this kind of low quality product, and lead your subscribers to subscribe to someone would spam on email marketing, your credibility could be ruined. Worst-case scenario, your subscribers unsubscribe your newsletters.

So, be sure of what kind of product you are promoting.