Affiliate Master Course by Ken Evoy - HTML preview

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4.1. Grow A List Of Possible Affiliate Partners

Remember how we brainstormed the list of KEYWORDS and then chose the best? We're going to choose affiliate partners in the same way. And, of course, Search It! will be our super-efficient assistant as per usual.

Solid research sets a solid foundation. That’s why the strategies below try to cover almost every angle for choosing POSSIBLE PARTNERS. However, being this thorough can be overwhelming, especially if you are already time-crunched. So pick and choose the strategies that you know you can realistically execute. And then do them!

I highly recommend that you do at least four types of searches if at all possible. You want to increase your chances of finding quality affiliate programs that fit best with your business blueprint. But more importantly, you want to be confident about the merchants that you represent!


4.1.1. Grow Through Search Engines…

I guess a good place to start your search for merchants would be, of course, at the Search Engines! Do a search for one of your keywords, plus the word “affiliate.” Let’s use this example...

+fashion design +affiliate


(The “+” sign means that both words must appear on the Web page returned by the search.)


Now open Search It! and do this search…


Search It! > Straight up Search (STEP 1) > Google, no quotes (STEP 2) > +fashion design +affiliate (STEP 3)


Your Search It! window will look like this…


00011.jpgHere are the top results from our search… Designers/Italy/Roberto_Cavalli/


If you have time, try a second search for the same term and compare…


Search It! > Straight up Search (STEP 1) > Yahoo, no quotes (STEP 2) > +fashion design +affiliate (STEP 3)



4.1.2. Grow Through Directories... Search and/or Drill Down

Directories are also a good place to research POTENTIAL PARTNERS. An interesting place to start is…


Search It! > Specialty Hubs and Directories > Yahoo! Wide (STEP 2) > fashion (STEP 3) > fashion design (STEP 4)

Since this is a large directory and there is a substantial annual fee, it has only serious merchants. Many of the sites listed here will have affiliate programs so this search is like hitting pay dirt in a gold mine. Simply enter your Site Concept word and hit Search It!.


4.1.3. Grow Through Specialized Affiliate Directories

Now let’s investigate your POSSIBLE PARTNERS and add some new merchants, too. How? Easy...


Search It! > Monetization (STEP 1) > Find Affiliate Programs (STEP 2) > fashion (STEP 3)

This search takes you to the affiliate directory of, run by Allan Gardyne, the #1 affiliate guru on the Web. Allan offers objective reviews based on his extensive experience in affiliate marketing. His forum is also a helpful source of information.

For each listing in this directory, you will see two numbers. The first number is the average rating that those who voted gave the affiliate. The second number shows how many votes that specific affiliate received on this site.

Visit a site that appeals to you. If it has an affiliate program that fits your Site Concept, first enter what kind of merchandise it sells and then enter the URL of the “join page” into POSSIBLE PARTNERS for that keyword (as explained above). Check the top ten sites -- twenty if you are feeling ambitious -and record those with potential.

Repeat the process for each keyword in your MASTER KEYWORD LIST (i.e., replace “fashion” above with another keyword like “fashion model”), starting with your specific HIGH-PROFITABILITY keywords and then following up with your general Concept Keywords (ex., “accessories” and other “concept-level” keywords that you develop, such as “design,” etc.).

Read the review of each potential match. Look at the ratings and take advantage of any other evaluation services the AssociatePrograms directory may offer.

You can also look for “cross-concept companies.” These are companies selling products that, because of their nature, fit with most or all Site Concepts. For example, whether your concept is about “Renaissance art” or “pricing” or “fashion,” you’ll find books about it. So always include a bookstore in your group of affiliate programs.

Still in the searching mood even after all that?

Try this final suggestion. You already have a list of POSSIBLE PARTNERS. Use the search tool at AssociatePrograms to check out partners. Just enter each domain into the search tool.

00002.jpgIf you want to be really, really, really thorough, and you have more spare time than I do, you could check out these affiliate directories…



4.1.4. Grow through Affiliate Backend Providers/Networks/Aggregators

There are several companies that provide the tools, technology and services that online businesses need to register, track, report and pay affiliates. In other words, merchants don’t have to “do it themselves” because these companies provide all the backend functionality necessary to run an affiliate program.

The “backend providers” prefer to call themselves “affiliate networks.” Why?

Because they do more than just provide merchants with affiliate software. They also provide merchants with affiliates, and vice-versa. Since they have a pool of hundreds of thousands of affiliates, a merchant’s program gets instant exposure to potentially interested affiliates.

And affiliates get exposure to a wide variety of merchants. It’s a good idea to join each of these backend providers. You will likely come across many of the same merchants that you found in the affiliate directories. But you will also find new ones. So it is worth checking to see whether they feature any programs that fit with your concept....

Commission Junction


If you find merchants with products that fit, enter what kind of merchandise they sell and also enter the URL of the “join page” to the POSSIBLE PARTNERS column in your MASTER KEYWORD LIST for each keyword that is relevant.


4.1.5. Grow through Alexa

Do a search for the Web site you are evaluating. In this example, we are looking at . This was the first result in our Search Engine affiliate search. Now it's time to use Alexa to find potential affiliates.

Search It! > Popularity (STEP 1) > Alexa Rankings and Review (STEP 2) > (STEP 3)


When the page opens, click on Related Links on the left of the page. Alexa also displays traffic ranking, in-pointing links, and even visitor reviews!


Once you establish which sites in your niche are the big players, use the Related Links tool from Alexa to expand your horizons!



4.1.6. Grow Through Search Engines & Directories... Favorite Tricks

Now for a few of my favorite tricks...


How else can you find merchants through the Search Engines? Easy!...


1) Visit the advertisers!

2) Sniff affiliate sites. (They’ve already done the homework for you!)... These “linked-to” merchants already have affiliate programs -- all you have to do is check them out and see if they fit with your Site Concept! Add the ones that do fit with your list of POSSIBLE PARTNERS.


4.1.7. Grow Through Back Links

Remember that CONTENT site, You can find the sites that link to (as outlined earlier).


Search It! > Back Links (STEP 1) > Back Links to Site (Yahoo! Search) (STEP 2) > (STEP 3)

This search yields a number of results. Let’s say your eye catches this site…. From the list of designers, you find two that have affiliate programs (Reebok and Liz Claiborne Inc.).

Liz Claiborne fits with an idea that you had added to the IDEAS FOR CONTENT column. So you entered into your list of POSSIBLE PARTNERS for the keyword “fashion accessories.”  (See how you can use the MASTER KEYWORD LIST to group programs according to keywords?) 

We’ll use as our example of how to grow your list of POSSIBLE PARTNERS for “fashion accessories”. Start by checking which OTHER affiliates link to! How? Simple. Go to…

Search It! > Competition (STEP 1) > Back Links to Site (Yahoo Search) (STEP 2) > (STEP 3)

At the time of writing, 12,600 pages linked to Many of these sites will be CONTENT sites that also link to other fashion-related merchants as affiliates (you can often tell by the linking URLs). More than likely, these linked-to merchants already have affiliate programs -- all you have to do is check them out and see if they fit! Add the acceptable ones to your list of POSSIBLE PARTNERS for each keyword.

And you can use this Search It! link-finder technique for all of your POSSIBLE PARTNERS for all of your keywords!

