Amazon Bestseller Genie by FABIOLA ASTUDILLO - HTML preview

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Final Thoughts

If you are ready to hit the bestseller lists on Amazon and really see your book sales take off, these tips and tricks will do the trick. Depending on your book’s theme, you could even hit the main bestseller list and watch your book take off like a shot!

Even if you don’t make the main bestseller list, there are many other lists you have the potential to show up on, which will increase your visibility significantly. You could show up on the bestseller lists for your categories, as well as new releases in your categories.

Additionally, you’ll start showing up on the book pages of other books in the genre as people buy your book along with others.

Remember: it takes sales to make sales!

Using this system, you’ll be able to pull in enough sales to rocket yourself onto the bestseller lists and get onto the “Also Bought” lists quickly.

Don’t delay this plan! The longer you wait, the harder it will be to gain traction, because Amazon greatly favors new books. Get started today!