An Advanced Interview Guide For Online Marketing Professionals by Vijay Sali - HTML preview

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Advance SEO Interview

Questions and Answers for

Experienced Professionals


This will increase your knowledge as a expert SEO level.


48) Do you know about Blog Flipping?

Ans: Blog Flipping is the practice to sale a blog when it becomes famous and popular as well as driving healthy amount of traffic.


49) What you opined about HTML either it is Case Sensitive or Case Insensitive?

Ans: HTML is case Insensitive. It doesn’t matter and deliver identical result either you write in Upper Case or Lower Case.


50) Under what circumstances you would intend to eliminate pages from search engines through robots.txt vs. Meta robots tag?

Ans: Generally, I would continue to employ robots.txt in order to make search engine indexing a directory on a website. This might be often a directory that is concerned with admin function or incorporate contents only in form of script or image gallery. Generally, robots.txt is employed to prevent a directory and its sub-folders and files to crawl by search engine bot as well as Meta robots tag for a specific web page.


51) What steps would you follow to optimize a website?

Ans: These are following steps to be followed while optimizing a website:


1. First of all we will interview webmaster or website owner to congregate relevant information, goals and website’s purpose.

2. Performing keyword analysis and find out the best search volume keywords that should be incorporated into the website as well as individual pages of the website.

3. Analysing the content of website in order to ensure usage of content relevant keywords and phrases. This comprises titles, “alt” attributes and META tags (Meta Title, Meta description & Meta Keyword).

4. Target & implementing keywords as H1, H2 & so on relevant to the site and its content.

5. Analysing website navigation.

6. Ensuring the robots.txt file and sitemap existence as well as check their efficiency.

7. If required, making recommendations for modifications in website as well as its each and every page and so on…


52) What will be your step when the company website you are working with wish to migrate its all content to a new domain?

Ans: First of all I would update the previous website with permanent redirect to new page for each and every page. Later eradicate previous content from search engines in context of avoiding duplicate content issues.


53) What is considered as more significant – Creating great content or building backlinks?

Ans: Both are obvious. Creating quality content is considered as the first element responsible for ranking as well as building backlinks is useful to build authority to a site.


54) In order to prevent penalty, what things you shouldn’t perform to increase ranking?

Ans: I would discard links from those websites which is supposed to act as link farm as well as poor quality sites which have low page rank. Ensure that our site must contain unique and quality content without keyword stuffing. Also, I used to avoid any practices of ‘spam’ which include certain affiliate advertising websites, unsolicited e-mail campaigns etc.


55) What mistakes you should avoid while optimizing the website?

Ans: The main mistakes that should be avoided are filling keywords in WebPage, employing identical anchor text for link building, keyword stuffing, getting low quality backlinks etc.


56) What is the meaning of competitive analysis?

Ans: Competitive analysis does the comparison, between the website I am optimizing, and the website that is ranked highly in search results.


57) What is Site Map and distinguish between HTML sitemap and XML sitemap?

Ans:A sitemap incorporates list of webpages which is accessible to users or crawlers. It might be a document in any form employed as a tool for planning either a web page or web design that enables them to appear on a website as well as typically placed in a hierarchical style. This helps search engine bots and users to find out the pages on a website. The site map renders our website more search engine friendly as well enhances the probability for frequent indexing.


HTML sitemap can be incorporated directly in a web page for user’s flexibility and can be implemented through proper design. On the other hand, XML sitemap is useful only for search engine crawlers or spiders and doesn’t visible to users. It sits in the root of website.


58) Define and Differentiate Webmaster Tool & Analytics Tool?

Ans: Webmaster Tool is a free service catered by Google which provide us a complete report for indexed data, crawling errors, backlinks information, search queries, website malware errors, CTR and submitting XML sitemap. Basically, it acts as a mediator between website and server provide complete overview of data, issues and other queries.


Google Analytics is a free web analysis tool acts between website & internet browser/users and offers complete overview of visitors statistics which exactly says about general website activities like page views, site visits, bounce rates, average time spent on site or pages, sources of traffic, location etc.


59) What do you know about Keyword stemming?

Ans: It is the practice to find out root word from search query.

For instance, a keyword like “playful” will be split to the word “play” by stemming algorithm that turns it possible. Thus, the search result appear on the screen will contain the word “play” in it.


60) What do you know about LSI?

Ans: LSI is the abbreviated form of Latent Semantic Indexing. It has been emerged as a technique of fetching data via establishing a communication among words as well as employing synonyms in the midst of retrieving the data from the index.


61) Can you tell me about Frames in HTML?

Ans: Frames in HTML are obvious as they used to discriminate the page content into distinct fragments. Search engines treat these frames as absolutely different pages as well as frames also put an negative impact over SEO. Therefore, we should avoid the practice of using Frames and implement basic HTML instead.


62) How can you know about your SEO campaign whether it is working or not?

Ans: First of all I would attempt to make a search on all search engines employing relevant keywords and keyphrases, I am optimizing for. The analysis of result will say whether the methods of optimization have gain results or lost. I would analyze the report regularly as search engine make update and index. I would attempt to another aspect of website statistics which says about origin of traffic.


63) After implementing distinct SEO methods for a site, if you haven’t got any improvements. What would be your next step?

Ans: I would make troubleshooting for the issues. Firstly, I would designate whether it is a new project. Again I will analyse relevant keywords and phrase for the site I am optimizing for as well as took an insight study of competitive analysis. If the website and pages has been index and appears in the first 10 pages of search engine result page but not in the top three, I would go for some transformation to on page text, page titles and page descriptions. But in the case if website has not been indexed still or dropped from index, might be it comprises some big issues and total re-submission and re-work might be required.


64) What was the recent update which Google had and what changes would you suggest for it?

Ans: Google recently had the Penguin update which was a measure to control web spam. Penguin update had penalized websites which had a spammy back linking profile and returned more semantic results. Semantic results were based on the relationship between words present on the search query. Penguin trusted sites that had original and good content, fresh content, good social media presence and quality organic links.


65) What all verticals have you handled in your SEO career so far?

Ans: Verticals means on what themes of websites have you worked so far-this may include education, real estate, IT, travel, Shopping, jobs etc.


66) What do you understand by the Panda update?

Ans: The Panda update was done to improve the quality of search results in Google. Panda update also known as the farmer update was done to eliminate content farms which provided less user friendly experience. It used machine language scalability as one of the important metrics for judging relevancy of a web page. All the focus was transformed on the user and now quality content, proper design, proper speed, proper use of images and videos, content to ad ratio all mattered more after the Panda update. You need to optimize your site for better click through rate and a less bounce rate.


67) Does Google uses keyword tags?

Ans:No, Google does not make use of keyword tags.


68) What is 301 redirect?

Ans: It is a method of redirecting user from the old page url to the new page url. 301 redirect is a permanent redirect and is helpful in passing the link juice from the old url to the new url.


69) If a website has a search engine saturation of 40% , what does that mean?

Ans: It means 40% of web pages from that particular website are indexed by the search engine.


70) How will you neutralize a toxic link to your site?

Ans: Through Backlink Quality Checker you can know who links to your website. Now, you have to go to ‘Toxic link’ report, where you will find all the links that are harmful to your websites. If there is any link in ‘Toxic link report’ that matches with the link on your website, then you can remove it by using ‘Google Disavow tool’.


71) Do you use separate Seo strategies for Google,Yahoo and Bing?

Ans: Yes I use separate strategies for Google,Yahoo and other search engines.More backlinks are required for Google .It pays more attention to backlinks and site authority while Yahoo and Bing pays more attention to title and Meta tags. Hence, a site takes time to rank on Google as compared to Yahoo and Bing.


72) How will you treat Web standards while optimizing a website?

Ans: Google loves web standards hence I will apply the web standards provided by W3C while optimizing a web site.


73) What methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?

Ans: I would use external style sheets, less images (unless necessary), optimize the images and decrease the file sizes of the image without reducing the quality of the image, use CSS

sprites to reduce HTTP requests etc.


74) What are doorway pages?

Ans: These are pages that are specially created to rank high on search engines using deceptive techniques. Doorway pages do not provide useful content but instead redirect users to the main page.


75) Which is the popular search engine in Russia?

Ans: Yandex is popular in Russia.


76) Which is the popular search engine in China?

Ans: Baidu is popular in China.


77) If the meta robots tag has a value of "no index, no follow"  what does it mean?

Ans: It means the search engine crawlers would not index the contents and would not follow the links present on the page.


78) What is a Pizza Box in terms of Google?

Ans:Google server comes in a standard case which is commonly known as "Pizza Box".


79) Have you heard about ASO?

Ans:ASO stands for App Store Optimization which is a process of improving the visibility of mobile apps on app stores like iTunes and Google Play.


80) How can you search with the exact keywords you type on Google without using quotes?

Ans:We can use the Verbatim tool in order to search with the exact keywords entered on Google.


81) What do you understand by Google Authorship and how can you use it for Seo benefits?

Ans: Google Authorship allows you to link your Google Plus Profile to the content you create. This is a way to enhance the overall user experience and stop spamming. Results containing content from original and reputed authors are valued highly by Google and chances of spamming are also reduced. Hence, implementing Google Authorship is really useful for Seo as it helps a webpage to rank higher based on the author rank.


82) Is there a way we can tell Google that a particular webpage contains the Adult content?

Ans: Yes, we can do it by adding one of these two meta tags to that webpage


<meta name="rating" content="adult" /> OR

<meta name="rating" content="RTA-5042-1996-1400-1577-RTA" />


83) What is Pagination in SEO?

Ans: Pagination is the practice of dividing a piece of content into different pages while at the same time allowing Google to better understand the important pages to be indexed.