An Insiders Guide to Writing Articles by John Colanzi - HTML preview

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Finding Hot Topics

A common question beginners have is, "What should I write about?"

Finding hot topics to write about is easier than you think.

You have to think like your audience.

What do they want, need or desire?

So, how do you know what they want?

What do you want?

Any problem you've overcome has more than likely been faced by your reader.

Start studying the articles in the newsletters you receive and you'll get a quick idea of what topics are in demand.

Many times you can take an idea that's been discussed by another author and cover the solution from another perspective.

Every problem is an opportunity for you to enhance your expert status.

Start looking for problems to solve and you'll never run out of ideas.

Spend some time in the online forums everyday and you'll come up with more ideas than you could ever hope to write about in a lifetime.

An article writer is an expert problem solver.

Once you become know as a problem solver, you'll always be in demand.

The world will beat a path to your door.