An Insiders Guide to Writing Articles by John Colanzi - HTML preview

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How To Create Killer Titles

When I first started writing articles the biggest mistake I made was not paying enough attention to the title.

You've only got one shot at grabbing a reader's attention and compelling him or her to read your article.

The secret of writing titles that seduce the reader into reading your articles is to appeal to his or her self-interest.

You title must spur the reader to action by showing the reader what benefits they'll derive from reading your article.

One extremely effective title is the How To.

Readers are instantly drawn to a how to title that will solve one of their pressing problems.

Examples of that have worked well for me are:

How To Explode Your Opt-In List With The Internet Two Step!

How To Harness The Power Of Residual Income

How To Brand Yourself On A Shoestring Budget

Another powerful method of grabbing a reader's attention is by asking a question. This type of title appeals to the reader on an emotional level.

Notice, when you're reading the following examples, how you subconsciously have a tendency to answer the question in your mind.

Are You Committed To Your Future?

Are You In Control Of Your Mind?

Are You Ready To Stop Working?

The third type of title I employ is the Command.

The command immediately focuses the reader's attention on your title.

Some examples are:

Forget The Hype ... Let's Get Real!

Take Time To Smell The Roses...

Set Your Goal ... Take Aim ... Fire

I also use titles that contain numbers in them.

Many times I'll combine the word secrets with a number.

Here are some titles I've had success with.

These are also the titles that usually end up making excellent email courses, books and reports.

Four Steps To Success

7 Secrets To High Performance Thinking

10 Secrets For Mining Network Marketing Gold