Article Marketing Success by Catalin Trif - HTML preview

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The fact that many Internet Marketers don’t correctly evaluate the potential of a properly conducted Article Marketing campaign is a certainty. The feedback that a well written article can produce usually translates into money in your pocket. Every business needs visitors, and this is even more the case of Internet businesses, which can’t survive without having visitors to their sites.

Article writing, as many SEO specialists will probably tell you, is an excellent source of traffic for your site. There are many very good article directories available out there, and it’s recommendable that you submit your articles to as many as possible, if you want to maximize your traffic potential. They will help your traffic, your link popularity, your image, etc. The question is: what makes up good article writing?

First of all, you need to know that even article writing itself is a good source of income for many ghostwriters out there. However, if you don’t want to spend the extra money, you can choose to create your own articles, if you think you have at least a slight inclination to it.

Article writing is often referred to as content writing also. This is because you must build your articles on the skeleton of your own web site, focusing on specific keywords. For example, if you have a site about scuba diving, you will want to create articles about best scuba diving locations, scuba diving equipment, and so on.

These are called keywords, and your articles must incorporate these specific keywords related to your chosen field of activity. Also, you must remember that you can’t make your articles too rich in keywords, or they will be considered spam. The keyword density is better to be kept under the 10% threshold.

Then, your article writing must be clear and it has to inflict the readers with a feeling of trust towards the writer. Your readers must perceive you as an absolute professional in your field, because that’s what you are. So, your articles must be professional.
The article structure must be made out of medium length paragraphs, much like you see in this report. Too short or too long paragraphs will make your readers lose focus, whilst keeping them in a decent amount of lines range will make your readers be able to concentrate on your writing only.

Try to avoid grammar mistakes for as much as possible. This will be negative publicity to you and this is the last thing you need. Your typing software probably has spell checking capabilities, so make sure you run a spell check with it. After that, read your article one or two times more to make sure it is OK.

Unless you know what you are doing and really want to make a point, do not use capital letters, because that can be very annoying. Use them solely with the purpose of capitalizing the first letter of a sentence or name. Don’t write entire sentences made of capital letters only, or you will make your readers angry.

Last but not least, try to establish a connection with the reader. Talk to the readers as you would talk to your friends, and treat them accordingly. If you manage to build trust, you have won half the battle.

As everything, you will learn to write professional articles as you compose more of them. There are some unwritten rules that you will discover yourself. As your experience in sending articles to article directories grows, you will learn to become an expert in article writing.