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Success Strategies to Reach More Customers

Steve Martinez

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Reaching customers isn't as easy as it was twenty years ago. Twenty years ago, there were three ways to reach a customer.

1. US Postal Mail - Send customers a note or a letter.
2. Telephone - Call customers.
3. Sales Calls - Visit customers in their offices.

The Internet and digital technology changed business communications by adding the fourth method of communications.


4. Email Communications - Emails and text messages to customers

The Internet and digital technology changed the business world. The first introduction came with the Fax machine. The Fax machine did for communications what microwaves did for meal time. Everything became instant.

Unfortunately, many business owners and salespeople haven't adjusted to the changes in communications. Twenty years ago it was an era when most business people went out for errands, and driving somewhere took only a few minutes. Today, we have a major shift in our business culture. Many business people don't leave their offices during the day and many of them don't return phone calls.

Adjusting to Customer Communication Trends
We must adjust our communications to match customers and prospects preferences. Some customers will not return a telephone call but will answer an email in minutes. Most businesses don't send letters anymore which was popular a few decades ago and the dominant communication method.

Why telephone someone who won't return your telephone call? Write them an email and get the results you want. Instead of emailing some customers, send them a letter. A letter is a great method of reaching new prospects and a special way to thank clients for their business.

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About the Author :
Steve Martinez is the Founder of Selling Magic. His company makes selling easy - revolutionizing Sales Management by automating the sales process. Subscribe to his ezine to Increase sales with the best practices of sales management at

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