Beginners Guide to Free Article Marketing by Darren - HTML preview

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Beginners Guide To Article Marketing

Free Articles | Free Content

Article publishing is widely known as one the best internet marketing procedures to achieve free search engine rankings within top search engines i.e. Google, Yahoo and MSN. Any experienced online marketer knows using this technique will provide a free way to attract large sums of traffic to their website or affiliate programs, also this is a great way of achieving one way links which will increase their page rank on their web sites. So how do you write an article?

In article publishing you will write an article on a related topic of your web site, submit this article to various article directories, and wait for the search engines to pick up this article and credit you as an expert in this particular field. Article directories allow you to leave a link in the author’s bio, this will be where you place your link to your web site or affiliate program. As other related web sites place your article on their web site you will gain more exposure.

Why should we submit our hard worked articles to article directories?

Article directory web sites on the internet provide a free content service for their many website visitors. Webmasters often browse these directories if they are looking for fresh content, but are unable or don’t have the time to create their own content. This is where our articles come into play, webmasters will place this free content onto their website, blog or ezine, understanding they are not allowed to edit the content in any way. This obviously will increase our search engine ranking, as the search engine crawls their site and picks up our website link.

Where Do We Submit Our Articles?

There are thousands of article directories on the web to submit too, Submitting to the top article directories below will be surely enough, to get your article in the top search engine listings

Automated Article Submission

Submitting to various article directories can take so much time, so what option do we have I hear you say? Well Instant Article Submitter will automatically submit our articles for us, gaining us thousands of back links which will increase our rankings with all the major search engines, or we may employ some article submission service.

Article Submission Service

There are a few services who will submit your articles for you for a small fee. SubmitYourArticle will automatically submit your articles to thousands of publishers - hence saving you time, and get massive publicity for your web site.

With your articles within the top article directories, you will be gaining top search engine listings within a few days, this is because the search engines crawl these directories every hour looking for fresh new articles. Search engines love new fresh content!

By submitting more and more articles eventually you’ll be considered by the search engines as an expert within your industry.

Affiliate Marketers Can’t Be Wrong

Article marketing has produced great success for many affiliate marketers, with the ever increasing numbers of article directory websites, this has increased article marketing greatly for affiliates and their websites

Affiliate marketers are everywhere within the internet world. It is not unusual for an affiliate to gain six figure commission checks on a monthly basis. Article marketing is free so there is no outlay needed, but the benefits are extreme.

But one problem some affiliates are faced with is the lack of knowledge in article marketing. And this is how the top affiliates produce enough leads to their various programs. To be successful in any online business an affiliate needs various leads, this can be achieved by free article marketing and including a link to their particular program, that way the leads they will receive would lead to having a great chance of turning them into actual sales.

To be successful in article marketing one must produce keyword rich articles, content must be well written and unique. 500-750 words are an ideal length for an article. Also submit to numerous free article directories, there are thousands out there.

There is also semi-automatic article submission software’s out there you can purchase to help you with your submissions, these can be great time savers!.

Article marketing isn’t just for affiliates, you may have a website selling products or even an eBay shop. Article marketing is ideal for the new business to get their name out there. One of the most important items in your article is your title, make sure your keywords are all within your title, but at the same time making it catchy to the user.

One sure way of getting your article rejected by the article directories is to have spelling mistakes and poor grammar. It’s just common sense to run your article though a spell checking program before submitting to the article directories. I personally use Microsoft word which incorporates a spell checking facility. Your article should be informative to the reader and offer something of interest.

Your article should be easy to read with the correct formatting, it’s better to have lots of paragraphs than to have a huge paragraph with no breaks. The ideal paragraph would consist of two four sentences, just like this one;)

The most important part of your completed article is the author’s bio. This is where you’ll place your name, link to your website and description of your website. Make sure your anchor text includes your main keywords, so when the search engines crawls your article in the article directory it picks up your link with all your main keywords. It’s also advisable to include some keywords with your description.

It’s always ideal for some other person to proof read the article before submitting to the various article directories. If time is an issue, you might want to consider hiring a writer to publish some articles for you. is a great place to hire writers but remember you get what you pay for. If you hire a writer check they have recommendations from previous article writing projects.

Benefits Of Artic

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