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Income Stream #2: The Free One Up Program

Excerpt of Prerecorded Tele Conference by Richard Morris Program Founder. Click PLAY below twice. Call is edited for length. To hear entire 2 hour call with Q&A, 100% FREE to join

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My friend does NOT lack for enthusiasm , when she is excited about something, (and she is about this) she gives it her ALL. Her problem is follow through and that is a problem suffered by many, (myself included). What I had to find for her was an income stream that practically worked on autopilot. Of course she'd need to get it setup, but that is true with anything; but once setup, I wanted the system to automatically sell itself, send out follow-up messages, advertise worldwide and produce QUICK CASH. What I didn't mention is Armanda is facing a very difficult financial deadline, and I had to MAKE CERTAIN she didn't lose money, instead I wanted her to be guaranteed a weekly (possibly daily) stream of cash.

If you'll take a moment to listen to part of the audio above, you'll hear an interesting statistic, MOST companies fail within their first year and affiliates (you, me, Armanda) may be left holding the bag. That's a scary thought, but it seems FREE One Up has taken this into consideration. When a sale is made with FREE One Up YOU are immediately sent your share by the customer. That means the company NEVER touches YOUR MONEY. This is perfect for Armanda, and I had to admit, I was intrigued too.

My suggestion to Armanda and you, is to get in on one of the


teleconferences and listen (they take place several times a week

PLUS Saturday) . They usually have an in-depth Q&A afterwards, so chime in and ask your question. You'll be talking with Richard Morris, the program founder and nothing beats hearing it from... "the horses' mouth".


Here's an important consideration FREE One Up is currently in PRE-LAUNCH, this means they have yet to really push the program. If you have an interest, and particularly since you can join and look around for free, NOW is the time for action.

Note: No business opportunity or income stream is a guarantee, all will take some work and you may make more or less than others in the program.
