Core Concepts of Marketing by John Burnett - HTML preview

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also have been tested using a slightly different method. For example, the effect of televi-

sion advertising on the purchase of Dr. Pepper might have been studied by inspecting pur-

chases in two or more cities that are in the same general area of the country (such as the

Southwest) but in which different levels of television advertising had been used.

The second approach is the historical. In this approach, reliance is placed on past experiences in

soiutions to marketing problems. Historical marketing facts are relevant

only to the degree that they can be projected into the future. Fortunately, in many areas of

marketing, this can be done with a good deal of confidence. Certain types of changes, such

as populations and income distribution, come about rather slowly. The day-to-day effect of

these changes on marketiJlg is almost imperceptible. Projections of future population, gross

national product, and consumer purchasing power are practically foolproof. Historical analy-

ses of such factors as consumer behavior, competitive selling tactics , and distributors' buy-

ing practices tend also to be fairly reliable indicators of future behavior by these same

marketing components . Often, it is possible to trace the experience of organizations si mi-

lar to yours and assess how they dealt with similar problems. There are literally hundreds

of case studies on companies such as Microsoft that are useful to many business functions.

Learning from the mistakes of others makes good business sense.

The third approach that can be used in designing a marketing research plan is the sur-

vey approach. In the survey approach, marketing infonnation is collected either from observation or by quest:.onnaire or interview. In contrast to the experimental and historical

in which the data are more or less directly related to the problem, the survey approach nec-

essarily involves far more subjectivity and intuition on the part of the researcher.ยทยท.;yalch-

ing a customer make a purchase of a new TV reveals someth ing about his motives:

asking him why he is buying it is much better. Drawing conclusions from either observa-

tions of behavior or from the opinions offered by a respondent create important insig;1ts.

The survey method is flexible. It can be adapted to almost any type of research design. F o r

thi s reason, and because of the difficulties in creating marketing experiments and in col-

lecting pertinent historical data, the survey approach is the most often used in marketing


Determining the Types of Data Needed

Three types of data are used : fac ts, opin-

ions, and motivational information. The types of data required are partly identified by the

nature of the problem to be solved. For instance, if the problem relates to production and

inventory scheduling, the facts that are needed relate to market and sales potential. On the other hand, if the problem revolves around the choice between two new products, the opinions of potential customers are important considerations. Finally, if a problem involves the choice of an appropriate selling appeal, buyers ' motivations are probably be most important. Facts are quantitative or

infonnation that can be verified. Opinions are ideas

relating to a problem that are expressed by people involved in the solution. Motivat;ons are

basic reasons, recognized or unrecognized, that explain action. They are extremely diffi-

cult to discover.

Locating the Sources of Data

There are two general sources of data, secondary

sources and primary sources.

Secondary source information has been previou sly published and can be either inter-

nal or external. Company recurds and previously prepared marketing research reports are

typical of internal

source material. External secondary sources are widely avail-

able and can be found outside the organization. Excellent bibliographies of secondary data

sources are available, especially online. There are eight primary sources of secondary mar-

ket information:





1. Public libraries.

2. Universities-library facilities and bureaus of business and economic research.

3. Government agencies--especially departments of commerce, agriculture, and labor.

4. Professional and trade associations.

5. Commercial publishers--especially trade publications.

6. Research and nonprofit organizations.

7. Conferences and personal contact.

8. Computer-provided search systems.

There are tremendous advantages in using data from secondary sources. In the first

place, the expense of gathering information from secondary sources is a fraction of the cost

of collecting primary data. The time required to collect data is also less. Frequently, the

information required to solve a management problem must be

quickly. Thanks to

computer technology, it is now possible to gather, merge, and reformulate many second-

ary sources of data. This capability has made secondary data even more attractive.

The inherent limitations of using secondary sources data are twofold. First, the infor-

mation is frequently dated. Second, seldom are secondary data collected for precisely the

same reasons that the information is sought to solve

current marketing problem. In spite

of these limitations, the advantages of secondary research are so great that it is a common

procedure not to proceed with the collection of primary data until after a thorough search

of secondary information source has been completed.

Primary information is obtained directly from its source. It involves data that are not available in published form or in company records. It is gathered specifically to answer

your research question. The sources of primary information, however, cannot be as eas-

ily identified as can the sources of secondary market data. Having identified the information

required to help management solve a problem, it is usually possibie to identify the person

or persons possessing the information desired. In some cases, the infor:nation can be obtained

from one of several sources. In other situations , the information can be obtained only by

contacting specific sources. For example, a manufacturer of vitamins for children discovered

that it was necessary to obtain information from the users (children), purchasers (parents ),

sellers (for the most part, druggis ts), and purchase influencers (pediatricians). Similarly,

a manufacturer of feed for dairy cattle found it desirable to seek market information from

farmers, feed dealers , and dairy specialists. Obviously, it is expensive to collect market-

ing information from multiple sources, and often it is ratner time-consuming. These two

disadvantages are offset by the fact that the informati on so obtained is tailored to the spe-

cific problem at hand. Ultimately, the question as to which source of market information

to use depends on the value of the information in relationship to the time and cost required

to gather it.4

Choosing the Method of Collecting Data

There are various methods of collect-

ing data, both secondary and primary. Secondary sources of information, listed earlier, can

be gathered through a number of means. A company may establish a data-gathering/stor-

age system as part of their computer system. Sales, expenses, inventory, returns, and cu s-

tomer complaints are then gathered automatically. Or a company can subscribe to one or

more public research companies that gather relevant information. Finally, a company can

obtain information on a problem-by-problem basis .

There are three common methods used to collect primary information: observation,

questionnaire, and self-report. Observational data collection may be the oldest method.

Since the beginning of commerce, merchants have been watching their customers and

