Cost Per Action (CPA) King by Amit Singh - HTML preview

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Looking At The Figures

One of the most assured ways to make money with CPA marketing is to capture a simple zip code – not for you; for your network. This is usually achieved with a juicy bribe provided for your visitor by your CPA network: Something like a free coupon in exchange for an email address or zip code. Positioned and presented correctly, you will attract the most interested buyer – one who won’t feel like she’s being coerced out of her contact information. Click-throughs will flow naturally: In fact, your reader should find it harder not to click than to click!

This type of CPA offer also often pays a little better than others. You might make as much as a $1 per click (or more). This might not sound like much, but say you managed to attract 100 visitors to your website daily (not impossible, with the right tactics) and an average of 10 a day click through…

…That works out to $70 a week.

Now pretend you’ve got 6 of these sites set up, all equally successful.

Suddenly, that’s $420 a week – a cool $1,680 a month! (Not bad for a

semi-“autopilot” site with an irresistible offer.) You can see here that your research and knowledge will be crucial, meaning the difference between a nice little second income… or peanuts.

(How you set up your websites, too, will make a difference, once the costs are subtracted from your click-through sales.)

And the Reality Is…

Well, the reality, of course, is that most people half-read-up on CPA (usually a razzle-dazzle “CPA MILLIONS!”-type guide), slap something together after some hasty research, ignore SEO and promotion… and wait for the money to pour in. Then complain the most loudly when it doesn’t.

Undertaken this way, the only thing that can be “guaranteed” is that their profits will more likely be $2 a week (if their lucky).

“You Get Out of It What You Put In” – Who Said That?

So, does the old adage, “you get out of it what you put in” truthfully apply?

Pretty much. If you don’t do your homework and spend at least some solid initial time in:

Researching and signing up with the right networks

Researching and finding the right offer for the right target customer

Promoting it in places that target customer is going to find it

Learn Hidden Secrets To Make Money Online

You’ll end up with probably a little less than you started out with.

However, if you put in your time up front, do the research (about 3 times more thoroughly than you’d really like to) and set realistic expectations for yourself, you’re much more likely to hit our “Average Ideal Scenario”, above.