Do Less Work Make More Money by Leon Jay - HTML preview

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e sides, and stirs up emotions in

ersy encourages people to tak

people not usually voiced.

people not usually v


4. Humor



Often ludicrous things entertain us. Is there a silly angle you can tie in with your product that grabs attention without detracting from the quality of your product?

Most of us are familiar with Blend

Most of us are f


amiliar with Blend ec who uploaded a series


of videos

ec who uploaded a series

on Y

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to see if ev

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items would


blend in their blender.

blender It’s


entertaining to watch and brands their product too.

entertaining to w


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it real. If your product cannot be tied into something crazy k

, lea

eep it real. If your product cannot be tied into something crazy ve it to

, leave it

someone else who can pull it off.

to someone else who can pull it off.

How to Automate Social Bookmarking

Bookmarking your content can be time consuming, so don’t don’ tackle all social

bookmarking sites.


These f



These vfe sites are among the top performing: ive sites are among the top







, Digg, The Buzz,


www.dl Propeller.,

digg, and

If you’re looking for a free service use SocialMarker. This site will bookmark your content on 48 of the most popular social bookmarking sites.

If you’re looking for a free service use SocialMarker. This site will bookmark your content on 48 of the most popular social bookmarking sites.

To bookmark on more sites use

(This is a paid service.)

Tutorial Sites:

How is Traffic Generated Through Tutorial Sites?

A tutorial site is composed of a series of videos, audios or text explaining how to do something.

Learning through video and actually watching how something is done is a lot easier than trying to follow instructions for many niches.

Audio is less popular than video and appeals to less people, but still has potential in many niches.

Some people enjoy learning via text and prefer following a written step-by-step plan.

Traffic is generated when you direct people back to your site with an enticing call-to-action; such as, giving them further valuable or free information.

Where to Submit Your Tutorial Site? 3 Options Depending on what your product is, it may make sense to create your own tutorial site.

Or perhaps your product is better suited to submitting your videos and articles to tutorial submission sites.

To help you decided, this is what is involved (though chances are you will want to do both):

1. Dedicated Tutorial Sites

Depending on your niche, you may be able to find dedicated tutorial sites aimed at your niche. To find out, type in ‘your niche tutorial submission sites’ into Google’s search bar to see what comes up.

Traffic: The Life-Blood of Your Business

The traff

The traf ic generated from niche specif


ic sites will be highly tar

ic generated from niche specif

geted as

ic sites will be highly tar

these people are already interested in your niche.


2. General T



al T or

ut ial Sites


If you cannot find a tutorial site dedicated to your niche, submit it to the If you cannot find a tutorial site dedicated to your niche, submit it to more generic tutorial sites such as eHo

the more generic tutorial sites such as w, Good-T


utorials, Tutorialized,





, Tutorial-center, , TutorialsGarden


and TutorialKit, .www.,,


These may not be as dedicated, but they do get a lot of traffic and often and

rank well in the search engines.

These may not be as dedicated, but they do get a lot of traffic and often 3. Your Own Tutorial Site

rank well in the search engines.

The other option you have is to create your own tutorial site based around 3. your niche.

Your Own This is a long-term traf

Tutorial Site

fic generation strategy.

The other option you have is to create your own tutorial site based around (Plus, if you submit your tutorials to YouTube and embed them on your your niche. This is a long-term traffic generation strategy.

site, it’s possible to generate traffic quickly if you answer questions people ask you.)

(Plus, if you submit your tutorials to YouTube and embed them on your site, it’s possible to generate traffic quickly if you answer questions Do some keyword research to determine if people are searching people ask you.)

specifically on your product, or whether they’re searching on your niche.

Do some ke Then either b


uy or

ord research to determine if people are searching www.Y

specif ourNicheT

ically on


depending on the results of your k

product, or whether they’re searching eyw on ord



niche. Then either buy or depending on the results of your When you keep adding tutorials to your website, you’ll build up an keyword research.

authority site that will rank highly on Google. This is because your domain name is k

When you keep eyword tar


geted, and you ha

tutorials to your

ve re

website, gular

you’ , unique and

ll build up an

relevant content to that niche. (Just remember to do some back-linking authority site that will rank highly on Google. This is because your too.)

domain name is keyword targeted, and you have regular, unique and relevant content to that niche. (Just remember to do some back-linking too.)

Classified Ads:

A Powerful Way to Drive Traffic Back to Your Site The type of traffic you generate will depend where you place your ad. If you place an ad in a targeted, relevant place you’ll gain targeted traffic. But if you place an ad in a generic place, you’ll likely get unqualified traffic.

Remember it’s the quality of your traffic that counts (not the quantity).

3 Classified Ad Essentials

1. Sell the Click

Don’t waste space in your ad raving about your product. That’s not the purpose of a classified ad.

Your job is to ‘sell the click’—to entice readers with your call to action and click on your link. As soon as they’ve clicked the link, they have the chance to enter your sales funnel.

2. To Pay or Not?

Some sites are free to place your ad and others you have to pay.

Often paid ads will give you more qualified traffic, but this is not always the case. Testing is the key.

3. Featured Listings

Featured listings is where your ad gets a prime advertising position on their website. Perhaps they will draw attention to your ad by placing a border around it or using color.

Do your own testing to see if paying extra money, results in more targeted traffic visiting your site.

Traffic: The Life-Blood of Your Business

4 Tips to Creating Your Ad

Keep your ad as short and sweet as you can, while still keeping all the vital information in.

When creating your classified ad you need to do four things: 1. Grab Attention, 2. Spark Interest, 3. Create Desire and 4. Promote Action. Let’s have a look at these in more detail…

1. Grab Attention

Because your ad will be next to many others, yours must stand out. If you can use graphics, as this will help.

If you’re only allowed text, the only way to ensure your ad stands out is to use words. (Avoid using exclamation marks, all capitals and these symbols—@#$%&*—because they just shout SPAM or scam.) 2. Spark Interest

An engaging headline that arouses curiosity will make people want to read the rest of your ad.

The same rules that apply to writing a headline for sales copy apply here, only your headline must be much shorter—perhaps just one or two words.

3. Create Desire

As well as sparking curiosity, you also have to create desire. Connect with your readers emotionally and highlight the hidden benefits your customers desire.

This may be confidence, power or security. People don’t want your product, they want the intangible benefits your product promises.


4. Call T



all T Ac

A tion

By now your reader should be ready to act on your ad.

By no

This is where you

w your reader should be ready to act on your ad.


gi e them simple instructions and e


xplain what the

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xplain what the


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them time

time to





about an anything.





them to tak to

e take


action without being bossy

without being bossy. Giv . Give them an incenti e them an incentiv

ve to follo

e to follo

w your call to

w your call to action.

action. In short, e

In short, e

xplain what the

xplain what the

y need to do and wh

y need to do and why.


Where to Post Your Ad?

Where to Post Y

Depending what your niche is will determine which sites you advertise on.

Depending what your niche is will determine which sites you adv Search Google for ‘your niche classified


ads online’

online’ or ‘your niche classified


ad sites’.


It’ also



also orth










.dl It’s

It’ the








site on the web.

site on the web Y

. ou can tar


get specif

ou can tar

ic geographic locations, rene

get specif

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ic geographic locations, rene

easily and best of all it’s free (mostly).

easily and best of all it’

Video Marketing

Video Marketing

Video marketing is where you use video to educate people about you or your Video marketing is where you use video to educate people about you or your product. You may use it to brand yourself as an authority, or to demonstrate product. You may use it to brand yourself as an authority, or to demonstrate something.


By uploading videos to video sharing sites such as YouTube, you can generate By uploading videos to video sharing sites such as YouTube, you can generate a lot of traffic and even create a virtual celebrity status.

a lot of traffic and even create a virtual celebrity status.

The great thing about video marketing is that it allows you to piggy back off The great thing about video marketing is that it allows you to piggy back off a larger site’s SEO ranking. It is often easier to get a video ranked in Google a larger site’s SEO ranking. It is often easier to get a video ranked in Google than your own site.

than your own site.

There are two main types of videos you can create: There are two main types of videos you can create: 1. Screen capture: You record your computer screen to create a video. You 1. Screen capture: You record your computer screen to create a video.

can use which is a free screen capture You can use which is a free screen capture software, or software, or which is paid software that Camtasia which is paid software that has many more features.

has many more features.

Traffic: The Life-Blood of Your Business

2. Live video: This is where you are talking in front of a video camera or webcam. This may be you at home, or perhaps a recording of a live event you have done.

3 Types of Videos

1. How-To Videos

‘How to’ videos demonstrate how to do something. These types of videos are popular with others who want to learn how to do something specific.

If what you are explaining is complicated, break it down into a ‘how to’

video series.

To drive traffic back to your site, have a strong call to action where you offer more free information. It’s a good idea to have your web address in your video description.

2. Promotional Videos

Although this type of video is where you pitch your product, you don’t want to come across too strong. Clearly outline the tangible and intangible benefits of your product so potential customers can understand what is in it for them.

Demonstrating your product being used is a great way to do this, especially if you can think of something a little off the wall to grab people’s attention (such as BlendTech), or informative (such as infomercials).

3. Product Release Videos

Sometimes it’s helpful to create a series of videos when you are launching a new product.

By communicating how your product can help your customers, you can create a buzz of what to expect. This anticipation can increase your sales, as your customers are already warmed up.

These videos often contain less demonstrating of ‘how to’ or of your product being used, but plenty of focus on the results it will deliver. Be sure to include education too. Teach people why they will need your product or service.

Video Submission

Once you have made your videos, you will want to submit them to a video sharing site so others can find them. has the clear monopoly over the video sharing sites. For this reason it makes sense to harness their huge amount of existing traffic.

In addition to this, you may find a more specific niche site to submit to as well.

This way you will find the mass traffic and the dedicated followers in your niche. (Search for ‘Your niche video site’ in Google. You may or may not find something, depending on the topic.)

3 Top Tips When Submitting Your Video

These three tips will ensure you are submitting your videos to maximize the number of views and traffic.

1. Keyword in Title

If possible, have the keyword you want to rank for not only in the title, but at the beginning of the title as well. Remember to make the title like a headline if you want people to watch your videos.

2. Website Link

Include your website link at the beginning of the video description. To ensure your website is hyperlinked (in YouTube at least) use http:// at the beginning of the URL.

Ensure to give a good reason for clicking on the link too.

Traffic: The Life-Blood of Your Business

3. A Secret Technique…

Find a video that has lots of views and is popular, that is related to what your video is about. Copy this video’s tags and use them for your video.

You’ll gain more views and extra traffic to your site because you are piggy-backing off other people’s views. When someone watches this popular video, your video will come up in the related videos section.

Adding Value or Clutter?

When you upload the same video to multiple video sharing sites, you are essentially cluttering the internet with the same content. Even if you change the title and tags, it just fools people into thinking you’ve put out new content, when it is not new.

It’s questionable if you are really adding value. For this reason, I recommend you find out where your audience is and focus your energy on uploading your videos to those one or two main sites.

Different video sites have different audiences, so target yours carefully (though I would always include YouTube simply because of its ability to get videos found in Google, and the sheer volume of traffic).

If you want to have a scatter gun approach to your video marketing and upload your videos to every video site you can, you can use automated video submission services. is free, or you can pay to use


Podcasting is a form of broadcasting using audio on the internet. Podcasts became popular when many iPod users started downloading the audio broadcasts onto their iPods. (This is where the term came from, ‘iPod’ and


Creating a podcast is a great way to tap into the lives of busy people who like to hear and watch information on the go. Not everyone likes to read and watch information from their computer screen.

When someone subscribes to your podcast feed, your podcast is automatically downloaded. This increases the number of people listening to it.

Having a strong call to action where you refer your listeners back to your website for further information generates traffic for you.

Your Podcast Topic

Your podcast can be about anything at all related to your niche. You may do a podcast on frequently asked questions, common myths or a regular ‘news report’ on your industry.

Make sure you deliver valuable, informative material in your podcast. If it is dull, people will switch off and not hear your call to action at the end of your podcast. (This means no traffic to your site.) One quick way to generate material for a podcast is to interview experts in your niche. As long as you ask questions your listeners are wanting to know, you will gain great information and build your reputation through association.

Recording Your Podcast

There are two main ways you can record your podcast: 1) In a studio style setting (even if this is your home office). To achieve this, get a decent microphone such as one of the USB microphones from Blue. You will also need audio software. Audacity is free and will easily record your podcast.

2) Live telephone recordings, such as interviews or webinars. You can record telephone interviews via using www.

Traffic: The Life-Blood of Your Business

Publishing Your Podcast

Publishing your podcasts allow others to easily find your content. This can be a great way to drive traffic to your site, as many people search for podcasts on a daily basis.

Here are three easy ways to publish your podcast…

1. Publishing via iTunes

After you’ve signed up for an account with the iTunes program, click

‘Podcasts’ on the left hand menu. Next, click ‘Submit a Podcast’ and then enter in your podcast feed URL. Lastly, follow the easy instructions on the site.

2. WordPress Blogs

If you have a blog that was built using WordPress, you can also use the

‘PodPress’ plug-in. This allows you to upload your MP3 podcasts and easily submit them to your blog.

(PodPress will also automatically submit your podcast to iTunes and a couple of other podcast directories.)

3. Podcast Directories

To increase your exposure, you can submit your podcast to multiple podcast directories.

Much like video submission, it is your call whether you target the sites where your audience already exists, or try and guess by submitting your podcast to them all.

Here are five popular podcast directories…,,, www.dlwmmm.

com/blogex and

Social Networking

Social Networking is a huge trend that has been popular for the last three or four years. Sites such as Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter continue to grow in popularity.

These sites have so much influence, they’ve even changed how we use the internet.

Many social networking sites have dedicated groups where like-minded people can come together to communicate their love of a certain topic.

When you tap into groups formed around your niche, you can tap into an already interested group of people and funnel them back to your website.

3 Tips for Social Networking Traffic Success

When it comes to social networking sites, there is certain unspoken protocol you must follow. Let’s take a look at three of the most important points…

1. No Pitching!

‘Regular’ people who participate on social networking groups do not want to be sold to. It’s important you don’t join a group and then only ramble on about your product.

2. Build a Relationship

You need to participate and provide the rest of the group with real value.

The more valuable information you give, the more people will come to view you as an authority figure.

Once you’ve built a strong relationship and have earned the reputation of a respected member of the group, then you can mention your product.

3. Be Real

Nobody likes salespeople, or people who ‘know it all’. Reveal your personality and show you’re a real person. If you’re talking about your Traffic: The Life-Blood of Your Business

product, always tie it into daily life to keep it real. When you keep it friendly and casual, people will be more likely to contact you about your product, than if you are too professional.

Really, it is much the same protocol as posting in forums or commenting on blogs.

3 Quick Ways to Improve Your Profile

All social networking sites give you a profile. This is where you have the opportunity to reveal who you are.

Here are three easy tips to improve the way you come across in your profile…

1. Language

Take a look at the language you use on your profile. Is it friendly, warm and nice? You want to speak in such a way so others want to get to know you better.

2. Profile Photo

A picture really does tell a thousand words. Ensure your photo is recent and portrays the best side of you. Upload a close-up photo so people can get a sense of what you might be like.

3. Attitude

Do you project a negative or positive attitude when you post or comment?

You don’t want to be known as ‘the moaner’ or the ‘bitchy one’.

By giving information freely, generously and sharing yourself, you’ll build a strong relationship with the other members of your social networking groups.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is the largest PPC network, and perhaps one of the fastest ways to generate targeted traffic to your website.

Pay Per Click (PPC) is simply paying per visitor. Cost Per Click (CPC) is how much you have to pay. With PPC networks, it is free to run your ad, but you pay for each time a prospect clicks on your ad and goes to your site.

As a website owner, you can advertise and have your ad show either in Google’s search results, or on a related website displaying Google ads.

After you’ve created a Google AdWords account and written your ad, traffic can come to your website pretty quickly.

Caution: If you don’t know what you’re doing you can lose a lot of money.

Where is Your Ad Placed?

Google determines where your ad is placed and this is decided based on two main factors:

1. The cost per click bid and how much you are willing to pay when someone clicks on your ad.