One of the most important habits you must develop as a network marketer is the tendency to help others, even before you attempt to help yourself. This sounds counterintuitive, especially if your goal is simply to make money at any cost; however, as almost all network marketers learn, helping others and helping yourself often means the exact same thing.
The reason why this is so true with network marketing is because the best way to earn is to get others to do the work for you – to gain leverage. Without gaining leverage, your best hope is to simply sell the product yourself through some type of direct marketing approach.
Now, if you want to gain leverage, you have to find ways to teach others to do what you presumably know how to do yourself – which is to find prospects, introduce them to the product, and then close sales. Conversely, if you are shooting for a networkperpetuation model, you will want to be able to show people how they can recruit people just like you.
With this being said, there is a significant difference between knowing and doing. You might know how to teach people this process, but if you are unwilling to actually do so, the skill is useless.
So make a habit of helping others – especially those in your downline. Whenever someone sends you an email, make your best attempt to respond to it quickly and comprehensively. Even if the person is unlikely to earn you any money, your simple act of kindness could stir him or her to spread the word about your network to their friends, coworkers and colleagues.
Additionally, remember that helping others is only one part of the equation: the other is making sure you do it correctly. If you can't come up with a workable model for people to replicate your success, then you may not want to begin building a downline; you might want to stick to direct sales.