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Volume, Volume, Volume!

What’s the most important characteristic to make a single site profitable?


Many would argue that a high volume of traffic is right up toward the top of the list.


They’d have a strong argument.


You cannot sell anything or expect a single click on an ad if you don’t have visitors.

The problem, of course, is that getting massive traffic swells isn’t always easy. In fact, as more and more websites pop up every day, the online marketplace grows a little more diluted, making it harder to secure a steady stream of visitors.

At the same time, however, software advances and increased skill levels among Internet marketers have made site creation easier.


What used to take days can now be done in minutes.

Additionally, private label rights and free content is in greater supply, giving webmasters a chance to full outfit a site with relevant text with only a few clicks of a mouse.

Those two forces have led many to work from a different business model than what has been traditionally used.

Instead of building a top-drawer site, promoting it and developing a healthy readership, some are focusing on making many sites, each of which will generate a smaller number of readers and outfitting each of those sites with Goggle Ad sense as a means of producing revenue.

The strategy can make sense.
Let’s work from a hypothetical example.

Let’s say you can create search-engine friendly content sites that will attract twenty visitors per day. That sounds relatively easy. Let’s also assume that you can place Ad sense ads on the sites effectively enough to garner a 5% click through rate (CTR). That is also pretty believable. Finally, let’s say that each click will earn you a dime. That’s also fairly reasonable.

That site will make an average of a dime per day


(20 visitors X .05 CTR X $.10).


At first glance, that might seem absolutely horrible. Who wants a site that makes a dime per day, right? That’s only about $35 per year!


However, with one hundred such sites you could earn $3,500 dollars per year on an ongoing basis without doing much, if any upkeep to the sites.


If you went hog wild and built 1,000 of these Adsense mini-sites, you’d be raking in $35,000.


And what happens if our initial projections are low?


What if we could average forty visitors instead of twenty?


Our income would double.


If we could get that CTR up to 10% it would double again.

Suddenly, the person with a thousand Adsense mini-sites is clearing $140,000 in gross profits annually for a project that requires very little work after initial implementation.

There are tricks to making the strategy work.


Remember, it’s all about volume.


Thus, you are going to need the right software and content sources to make site construction incredibly easy.


Automation is a friend to anyone trying this technique.

Additionally, you will need to secure cheap domain names and inexpensive hosting, as well. All of those investments will cut into the bottom line. However, if you can make the proposition profitable on an individual site basis, all you need to do is multiply your sites to multiply your earnings.