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Selling Informational Products on Ebay

Ebay is well known as the world’s most successful and highly frequented online sales and auction site.

In many cases, we think of it as a place to buy and sell household items and collectibles, but its potential with respect to informational products shouldn’t be overlooked. One can generate profits by selling ebooks and similar items via Ebay.

Think about it. One of the most difficult parts of successfully selling your own product is generating an adequate flow of traffic to your sales page.


Often, this requires the use of an advertising campaign, affiliate program or other methods.

Ebay, on the other hand, is already visited by millions of potential buyers every single day. The traffic flow is already there for you, and if you can put the right product in front of that audience, you can reap the rewards.

A cursory examination of the informational products offered on Ebay may dissuade some online entrepreneurs from pursuing the strategy.

They will note that hundreds upon hundreds of ebooks are listed and often they are sold for only pennies. It doesn’t seem as though any profit potential exists. That view, however, may be shortsighted.

Many of the bargain-basement listings are for older materials or ebooks that have already reached their zenith and are now in decline.

Many were sold repeatedly with resale rights, flooding the market with copies of the same material. If you have an exciting and new product, you may be able to avoid that fate.

Additionally, even those penny sales can turn into big money if your product is properly designed.

You can think of Ebay as a pay-per-click advertising campaign with fringe benefits. Buyers may snap up your book cheaply, but in return, you will be putting your text in front of an interested reader who may be quite likely to follow the affiliate links or up-sells offered in your ebook. The initial purchase may not actually be the part of the deal that makes the real profit.

Thus, Ebay provides two ways by which one can profit from selling their informational product.


A new item may have a great chance at reasonably priced up-front sales.

Then, there is an added opportunity to make a residual income from the backend of each sale. The combination can make selling your product at the auction site a moneymaker.

The information product on Ebay is crowded, but that popularity is not an accident.