How to Build a World-Class Internet Lead Generation Program by Peter Geisheker - HTML preview

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Checklist 6: Landing Page Setup


When you are ready to start generating leads and sales with your advertising, you should always send people to very focused landing pages—not to your home page or to a normal website page that has distracting links all over it. Internet advertising statistics have shown that sending traffic to a sales focused landing page instead of to a website's home page will immediately increase leads by 10% or more.

When creating a landing page, you always want your landing page to match the text, color, and graphics of your Internet ads to create psychological congruence. This is why each opt-in email list and/or lead generation offer should have its own landing page, and each landing pages should have the same look and sales message as the ads that are sending traffic to those landing pages.

Another tip with creating a landing page is that it should be entirely focused on getting the person visiting that page to perform one single action. This action may be to opt-in to your email list, complete a lead generation “contact us” form, download a white paper, or any other action that you want the person to complete. The key is to remove all distractions so the person can only complete one action on that landing page.

The best platforms for creating lead generation landing pages and sales funnels are,, and The best of these three is It has everything you need to create a complete end-to-end sales funnel. Their technology is amazing and it is easy to use.

Here is a video that will give you an overview of

Here is a video that will give you an overview of

Here is a video that will give you an overview of


Need help?  Hire me to do it for you.

If you don't have the time or expertise to create your landing pages, write your sales message, and setup your sales funnel, I can do it for you and I am very good at it. For more information, email me at