How to Cash in With Private Label Rights by Simon Hodgkinson - HTML preview

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However by doing the same thing but shifting the focus of your sales message you will at least multiply your earning potential tenfold.

It's a simple shift to make but it makes a world of difference.

Sell A Solution - not a product.

Okay let me explain . . .

Article writer Joe creates a 2000+ word article on getting the best out of autoresponders - he can a) use the article himself to promote his web site and affiliate links to autoresponders and sell the article to a directory for anything up to $200.00


Private Label Rights creator Jane creates a 2000+ word article on getting the best out of autoresponders too but her focus is different from Joe's

Jane creates a book from her article in PDF format and a mini site to go with it. She then pitches this content within the Internet Marketing arena with PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS.
Now the marketers who see this will realise that they can use this content in all manner of ways - AND IF THEY DON'T Jane will tell them in her sales copy.

00008.jpg00009.jpg00010.jpg00011.jpg00012.jpg00013.jpg00014.jpg00015.jpgThey can simply resell the book


00016.jpg00017.jpg00018.jpg00019.jpg00020.jpg00021.jpg00022.jpg00023.jpg00015.jpgThey can offer Resell Rights or Master Resell Rights to the book


00024.jpg00025.jpg00026.jpg00027.jpg00028.jpg00029.jpg00030.jpg00031.jpg00015.jpgThey can break the book down into smaller articles to promote the Autoresponders that they sell or affiliate for


00032.jpg00024.jpg00025.jpg00027.jpg00033.jpg00028.jpg00029.jpg00034.jpg00031.jpg00015.jpgThey can add their name as the author and gain immediate 'expert status' in that market.


Jane also makes it easy for her customers to use her content by creating a 'mini site', some Ad copy and graphics.

Now unlike Joe's article / product that's worth just a few dollars - Jane's which is effectively the same article / product is worth far more.

She transformed her product into a solution - Jane identified how marketers could use her content to make money - and she made it easy for them to do so.

With some additional effort that article / report worth a few dollars to Joe becomes a product worth 10 times as much to Jane and can be sold a hundred times over.

Good, individual private label rights can sell for $50 - $100 or more.


With good presentation Jane could quickly sell 100 - 500 copies in a matter of weeks.


Joe Makes: 1 x $150.00 and gets on with writing article #2

Jane Makes: 100 x $75.00 and sits back to count her money. The financial difference in this example is more than $7,000.00 in Jane's favour.

The difference is a few hours extra time spent creating a solution!

NOW LET'S GET EVEN SMARTER: Once we've identified that

our customers are Internet Marketers let take a look at what they are interested in before we create a product to sell them.

NOTE: To be most appealing your Private Label Rights should relate to what your customers are already doing, selling or promoting - This makes it even easier for them to USE YOUR PRODUCT WITHIN THEIR CURRENT MARKETING EFFORTS.

It's time to look around at what the majority of the market is doing.

These are just a few examples: Advertising, Affiliate Marketing, Autoresponders, Blogging, Copywriting, Cover Creation, Ebay Selling, Firesales, Forums, List Building, Membership Sites, Multimedia, Niche Marketing, Ppc's, Recurring Commissions, Rss Feeds, Security, Seo, Software Development, Viral Marketing Etc.

Your plan should be to create content for your customers - don't get it the wrong way round and attempt to find customers for the content you've created.

For more ideas and inspiration check out a few of the popular marketing forums:
Allan Gardyne:
Anthony Blake:
Harvey Segal:
Jim Daniels:
John Calder:
Michael Green:
Phil Wiley:
Willie Crawford:

And My Favourite Forum:

The Warrior Forum At the Main Warrior discussion forum you'll get more help and information than you could ever need from the thousands of members. You'll also find it's one of the favourites amongst many of the Gurus so you'll spot some incredible posts. There is also a Warrior Joint Ventures forum a Warrior Special Offers forum an Article Database and a Free Ebooks section.

Unfortunately access isn't free - but to find out how to pick up some incredible books by the forum owner Allen Says that give you FREE membership as a bonus visit:

Using Private Label Rights For More Benefit:

Even though you can obviously make some outstanding profits by selling your own unique Private Label Content, that's not ALL you can do with it!

At some membership sites, you can even 'peddle your wares' in exchange for free members only access. Again, I have done this too. And with content that WASN'T Private Label-able!

You could also offer your PLR's in exchange with other marketers for their products. Try it - You'll be amazed at the results when you ask.


All throughout this report, I've been telling you how easy it is to create your own Private Label Content.

Now let me demonstrate it.

I wrote this report in a matter of a few hours. It sounds impossible when you first begin reading things such as this, and I even thought it an impossibility when I first started out in this business.

But now, I KNOW that it IS possible!

Here is a very simple formula to follow when creating your own Private Label Content:

Make A List Of Subjects You Know About.

Use A Free Service Such As the Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool:

To Look Up Specific Keywords In Your Subject List
Select The Most Popular Subjects From That Keyword Search And Write Up A Few Quick Ideas On The Subject
Turn Those Simple Ideas Into 400 - 1000+ Word Articles On The Subjects You Have Chosen Using a text editor
Advertise Your New Content To Everyone Who Would Be Interested, --Especially Internet Marketers
NOTE: You should also promote in places like Michael Rasmussen's FreeAdvertisingForum

Special Bonus: If you register for a FREE account with

Michael via this link you'll also receive 4 Best Selling Marketing books for FREE:

FINALLY: Deliver Your Product Digitally Through Your Website By Downloadable File Or Via Email Attachment, OFFER BOTH pdf and .doc or .RTF format to allow your customers to distribute and edit as they wish.

Then profit! - Simple as that.

In closing, I'm not going to TELL you what to write or how to write it. That is a bit outside the scope of this report but if you're really stuck for ideas try my other book Content Secrets:

Really, writing is a matter of personality. I could no sooner tell you how to write than tell you how to behave. This is something you must do on your own.

Everything you need to begin has already been revealed to you in the above pages. The next step is up to you!


I wish you the very best of luck with your writing. And remember, a terrible thing happens with information that you don't use.