How to Generate Massive Amounts of Traffic on a Shoestring Budget by Gary J. Kidd - HTML preview

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Start Generating Traffic

There are programs available for you to join for free that will allow you to advertise your website to others members of that program. All you have to do as part of your membership is to view others members sites. Sounds simple enough doesn't it?

These programs are called "Start Page Programs", or "Traffic Exchanges".

They were set up originally to help the Internet Marketing community promote their websites to other marketers. Over time they have developed and changed.

Some software has been introduced to help members automate the viewing of sites, however many of these programs have become wise to the software and have taken steps to prevent it working.

For many members, their Start Page Programs were just not worth using with so many people using this automated software. Although they were getting hits, they were worthless.

Now things have changed and, by using the right programs, in conjunction with the techniques in this book, you can start to drive quality traffic to your sites once more.

So what is a Start Page Program?

To explain this in simple terms, when you open your Internet Explorer, or Netscape browser, you automatically go a website. For some it may be or etc, etc.

Start Page Programs rotate the first page that appears in your browser. You open your browser, view another members website, and in return for doing so, you begin to build "Credits" in your account.

Let us use a simple formula here to help you understand how this works.


You view two websites of others members. In return for doing so, you will receive one visitor to your website.

The programs vary on how many times you must visit other members sites for you to receive one hit to your own, so the above example may differ.
When you visit another member's website, you will be required to leave the window "open", for a set amount of time. This can vary from 15 to 30 seconds. Once the timer has finished, you can then move to another site, by clicking on a special "icon" or place on the website. Only when the timer has finished and you have clicked in the correct position, will your account be credited.

Watch this short video below which will show you what a Start Page Program looks like.


Click Here now.


Now I want to show you how you can use these programs to begin generating quality traffic to your website.

There are hundreds of Start Page Programs available however, very few are worthwhile. After a long time using these programs, I have whittled them down to what I believe to be the most effective, which in turn produce the best results. Also, I have tried to utilise programs which need real people and not software to generate credits.

Below is a list of the top programs I recommend. You will need to join each of these programs. Don't worry, there is no cost involved as you can join all of them for free. Do this now and then move to the next section for further instructions. Click on each link below and join each program. Each link will open in a new window on your computer.

Hit Safari
Trafficg FantasticHits
Earnings Exchange


Now you have joined each of the programs above, it is time to organise yourself with these programs.


Firstly, you should have received a welcome email from each of the above programs. Keep these safe as they contain important information.


Each email will contain the following:-

Your Surfing URL
Your Referral URL
Your Member Login URL

For the next exercise you need to open up your text editor. This could be Notepad, Word Pad or indeed Microsoft Word.


From each of the programs copy the "Start Page URL"or "Surfing URL". Then paste them into your text editor.


If you are not sure of how to do this, CLICK HERE to watch a short video. Again this will open in a new window on your computer.

Once you have all ten start page URL's in your text file, you will need to save the file to your desktop. Make sure you save it to your desktop so it can easily be found.

Next, you need to go to the following URL and download the Crazy Browser. Install this on your computer. This browser will become an important part of your business over the coming months. The link below will open in a new browser window on your computer.

The main advantage of the Crazy Browser is that it lets you open up new windows without closing the one you are viewing. Again, this is important as you will soon see.

So, now you have your Crazy Browser installed, you are ready to begin generating hits.

CLICK HERE to watch a video which explains how to set up your new Crazy Browser with your Start Page links. This will open in a new window once more.

Before you go any further with this book, make sure you set up your two surfing groups as described in the video above.

Surfing each group for at least 15 minutes each day, will begin to build you credits in each of the programs. Now, you need to make sure you have entered your website into your members area so that others will start to visit your site.

Firstly, you need to decide which web page you want others to visit. A few tips here for you.

1. The site you choose MUST be fast loading. Remember, it may only appear for 15 - 30 seconds, so if it takes longer than that to load, you will not get the response rate you desire.

2. The page MUST attract attention. You will have around 5 to 7 seconds to grab the viewers attention, so, when your page loads, it must be powerful.

3. Capture pages are normally the best to promote. A short powerful message with a great free offer is good. A subscribe box is essential to capture the visitors details.

4. Use the same page for all of the programs. Some people may need to see your site six or seven times before they finally read it thoroughly.


Providing your site meets all of the above criteria you will, over time, find this system working well for you.


So now you have chosen your website to promote, you need to login to each of the programs member's area.

Once there, study the back office and see where it is you need to enter your Website URL. I will not use an example for this as nearly all of the member's areas are different.
Please note that with some of the programs, you will need to ensure your website meets the standards. Some allow pop ups and others don't, so please check before you enter a website using pop ups.

Also, as you build credits with some programs, you will need to login and "assign" those credits to your website. In other words, please check each of the member's areas to see if you have completed everything.

Now the second part of your Traffic generation begins. The more people you refer to these start page programs, the more hits you will receive. All of these programs will reward you for referring new members. Begin building your downlines in these programs, and you will receive extra credits for referring them, and when they surf, you also earn extra credits. The programs vary as to how many levels deep you can refer.

Yes, this may take time to achieve, but, all good things come to those who are prepared to work and wait.