How to Generate Massive Amounts of Traffic on a Shoestring Budget by Gary J. Kidd - HTML preview

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Other Ways to Generate Large Amounts of Traffic

So, what else can you do to continue getting quality visitors to your website?

The first thing you need to know is NEVER EVER pay for guaranteed visitors. No matter how tempting the prices may be, please do not waste your money.

Search engines will of course bring you quality traffic however, it takes a long time to get your site listed on the first page of any search engine. Even then you will probably be "outbid" by another site similar to your own. Most search engines are using pay per click advertising now, so if you have money to use, then check them out.
Placing Classified Ads online works very well. However, the major problem for most people is that they do not know where to start and where to go to place their ads. Some people fall into the trap of paying large sums of money to have their ads on these sites.

You should be aware that you can place your ad on thousands of Classified Ad sites for FREE! These really do work if you know how to do it.

To explain in this book would take too long and, anyway, it is better if you learn it from an expert - someone who has made millions of dollars from doing exactly that.

Go to the link below and check out the website. Yes it does cost money to purchase, but this minimal amount will repay itself over and over again if you use the techniques within the book. Join the Affiliate program for free and then purchase from yourself. This will open in a new window.


Many online marketers shirk at the mention of FFA Pages, however these can still be used effectively to drive quality traffic to your site, and help you build your mailing list.

I use 3 of these programs to bring in new subscribers to my eZine. Last month over 260 of them subscribed. Not only that, because I recommend people to my FFA sites, my downline is building and I make a regular monthly income from them. So, in effect, I had 260 quality subscribers to my eZine, and got paid for it also! Not bad when you consider it only takes 5 minutes a day to organise.

Before you visit any of the recommended programs below, please be aware you will need to take a paid membership with them in order to receive leads each day.


Once you join the first two, you will receive an email each day with a list of leads. Yes, there will be duplicates and some bad emails, however, amongst them will also be good leads.

With the third program you will need to login to your back office and download the leads from there.


You will be allowed to send each of these leads one email. So, send them an email with the subject line:-


"Please confirm your posting"

In your ad, just mention the following:- “Thank you for posting your ad to my FFA Page. You can now get your free bonus as advertised”. Then include your new ShoestringTraffic website link. This works great and adds over 250 subscribers a week to my mailing list.

So there you have it, simple, effective and cost-efficient ways to begin generating massive amounts of traffic to YOUR website.

Do not be fooled into thinking there are simpler ways to do this. The truth is, you WILL need to do certain things each day. The more hits you get, the more sales, members or subscribers you will get, it is as simple as that. Do not try to complicate this as it will only lead to frustration and failure.

I wish you every success with your online business.




Gary J Kidd

Please note: The information contained in this book does not guarantee your success. It is purely meant for informational purposes only and should act as a guideline to helping you with your online business. Ultimately, it is you who will decide if you are to become successful or not.

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