How to Launch Your Music Career in 21 Days by Terry Moorer - HTML preview

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How to Launch Your Music Career in 21 Days.

By Terry Moorer
A guide for indie artists worldwide


The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility

for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and to act accordingly.

This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in the legal, accounting, and finance fields.

You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

Copyright Notice
The information contained in this book is Copyright © 2007 by Terry Moorer. It may not be sold, changed or stored in any
information storage or retrieval system, under any circumstances,

without express written permission from the author. Table of Contents

1) Setting up your web address (domain name)
2) Membership has its benefits Roles of the team
3) Get my attorney on the phone! (Pre-Paid Legal)
4) Where to find your team
5) Music publishing
6) Website designs
7) Networking at a music conference
8) Your day off
9) Putting together your EPK
10) How to tour on a small budget
11) Getting organized
12) Finding distribution
13) What is Social Networking?
14) Your day off
15) Brand Building
16) Creating your opt in page
17) Viral Video marketing
18) Your fan base
19) The benefits of a internet marketing team
21) Congratulations
About this FREE desktop book. This book was designed to help you launch your music career in 21 days. This is a day by day guide to your music career, but it is not intended to be a complete guide. This guide does not include detailed topics regarding management, radio promotions, etc.

Also note, you will see this icon throughout this book. This icon will indicate a bonus after specific days. A bonus can consist of a secret tip, software tip or a bonus tip.

For additional resources not covered in this online book, please visit

I get a lot of requests from people who want to be artist in the music business and they want my help. I am open to help anyone but most people I meet only dream about being the next big star. Most artists want the fame without the work. It'svery hard to talk to everyone especially with my hectic schedule. So I created this digital book to give artists some direction.

As a celebrity publicist, I’ve been blessed to work with everyone from MC Lyte to PDiddy. After being burned out over the years by nonpaying artists, prima donna stars and crooked industry types, I left the entertainment business to pursue a career with The Coca-Cola Company.

After 10 years with the world famous brand, I decided to get back into the music business after meeting so many independent artists on MySpace looking for advice and getting scammed.

After only a few months on MySpace, my phone started ringing non-stop with all types of music business questions.

Along with a team of web designers, Internet marketers, etc, I’ve also created music industry blogs, monthly video newsletters, free teleseminars and an exclusive membership based website –

So lets get started… you music career is waiting!!


Feel free to send this FREE book to other music artists that can also benefit from this information.






Setting up your domain name


Your domain name is your personal street address on the World Wide Web. To build your image on the internet, every artist should have a


domain name registered for their stage name. When marketing your


music, this will help your fans quickly find you. For example, if your stage name is be a star. Your website address should say be a Get your domain name fast because another person or company might be registering the same name.


As an artist, you don’t want your fans searching for be a and find a talent agency or something worse.


Don’t make it confusing for your fans to buy your music or you will


lose music sales. A site that I use for domain registration is GoDaddy. Go Daddy has low cost for domain registration and their customer


support is great! Plus you can reach anyone with questions 24/7.


Here are a few examples of celebrities that have already registered their domain name.


These artists have missed the opportunity. (note–if you type in, you are


redirected to an unofficial fan site) (no current site exist for this mega movie star, but the domain name is registered to someone in India)


Secret Tip #1

Important note. When you register your stage name – also register your given name. Find out why this is important and how not registering any name, could cost your music career hundreds of dollars, when you become a member at

Learn the music


If you could have unlimited access to hundreds of articles, thousands of


hours of audio and video clips teaching you about the music business, would that be a value to you?


How much would you be willing to pay on a monthly basis? Would paying $500, $200 or even $100 per month, be worth it if it


could help your music career?


If you could have access to the top producers, music executives,


songwriters and others high profile music professionals teaching you


about the music industry, could you put a price tag on it?

That’s the concept behind A website that combines all of the resources you need to manage your music career. Here is an incredible resource that I created to help you learn about the

business without holding anything back. Honest straight forward information.

For only twenty-six cents per day, you can have access to numerous articles, exclusive video and audio clips from well known music experts and established artists who are willing to teach you about the music business.

Here's what you'll discover just waiting for you...

Music Mogul Conference Calls: by far, the world's most active and powerful forum for music professionals.
Exclusive Audio Interviews: with the world's most successful music professionals and artist revealing how to make it BIG in the music industry. Each audio segment is over 30 minutes and guaranteed to give you the REAL DEAL about the music business.
Website Strategies: breakthrough plans on how to generate massive traffic to your website, so people can buy your music.

Hot Links: - Links to the best resources on the web that will make (and save) you hundreds of dollars in your music career!


Bonus Tip

When performing, make sure to include a performance rider along with your performance contract. A performance/hospitality rider is a list of special requests for the comfort of the artist during the show. Sometimes this document is provided along with the technical rider; other times, it is provided much closer to the performance date. Some common requests are:

Specific foods
Particular beverages (sometimes alcoholic)
Transportation to and from the hotel
A personal assistant
A number of 'comp tickets' (free tickets for friends and family)
Specific hotels (Hilton, Marriott, etc)
Private dressing room

Notable Rider Requests

Van Halen requested in the technical rider that a bowl of M&M's be provided with the brown ones removed; the objective of this was to determine how much attention to detail the crew paid.

Frank Sinatra's rider included an ear, nose, and throat specialist, as well as an assortment of alcohol.


Paul McCartney requested a sweep of the venue by bomb-sniffing dogs before the show.


Source: “wikipedia” Putting your dream team together

Manager – The responsibility of the manager is to manage your career The manager is funding your music career by paying for your studio time, paying the photographers to take your publicity pictures. If you have a promotional show, in another state,. your manager will arrange your trip and pay for your hotel and travel expenses. Your manager is investing in your career with the assumption that when you make it big, he will get a huge return on his money
Publicist Keeping you in the media eye is the role of the publicist. When you see your favorite singer on the pages of Vibe magazine or performing on the Jay Leno show. Its the work of a great publicist. A publicist monthly fee can range from $1500 to $3000
AttorneyYour Legal team can help you stay out of legal trouble. Before you sign that muti-million dollar contract. Make sure your legal team reads it first. Your million dollar contract could be a million dollar scam, get everything checked before signing the dotted line
Business Manager (CPA/Financial Planner) Its not how much you make but how much you keep. Your business manager will keep you two steps ahead of an IRS audit and out of the broke house by helping you invest your money wisely. If you have your eye on buying that powder blue Lamborghini Gallardo, Your business Manager/CPA will make sure its a wise decision.
ChoreographerDo you want a banging stage show. Get a top notch Choreographer. Coming out with your debut video? Hire real dancers and a award winning instructor to make you really shine in front of the camera. Stylist-A great stylist knows how to make you look like a million bucks in front of the camera even when you feel like a bum. A stylist knows their client well and what works and don’t work. Keeping a good stylist on your team is critical.
Photographer A photographer is normally used only for publicity photo. But if you going to an all star music event – take your photographer with you to make sure you get those once in a lifetime publicity show with the A-list
Marketing team How do you get the word out, along with your publicist? Your marketing team will come up with ideas and strategies to maximize your brand. For example, ways to put your brand worldwide. Road manager-When you finally sign on for that major tour with Jamie Foxx or just performing at a local venue. Your road manager will help keep it all together for you. When on the road, Road Managers will coordinate hotel rooms, when and where the band will eat and when soundcheck is schedules. But most important, they collect the money from the promoter so you get paid.
ProducerFinding the right producer to get the hit sounds you need is not enough. You have to have a producer or production team that you feel comfortable working with. For example, the kind of relationship, superstar R&B singer Aaliyah had with Timbaland and Missy Elliot
Radio Promoter trying to get your songs on the radio? This important team member can make it happen for you. He has a great relationship with the program directors and radio DJ’s. Just like the club promoter, he may only have connections in the surrounding area. He may not have a connections nationwide

Web design/internet marketing team – The internet is a major marketing area for independent artists – We will discuss later on how to get a great looking website and how drive people to your website to buy your music Get my attorney on the phone!

I’ve save a lot of money on legal fees using a 35 year old company called Pre-Paid Legal Services. Pre-Paid Legal based out of ADA, Oklahoma and a New York Stock Exchange company, has a network of hundreds of attorneys and law firms. Between $26 to $50 a month, you can have access to top- rated attorneys across the country. Pre-Paid Legal does for legal bills what health insurance does for medical bills. Once you become member, they never raise your rates. Working with Pre-Paid Legal Services, your spouse and children (up to ages 18 to 23) will likely also be covered depending on whether or not they are in college. Pre-Paid Legal Services is only available in North America and parts of Canada

I’m an independent associate with Pre-Paid Legal, and a very satisfied member. If you are interested in finding out more and to see how this company can save you a lot of money in legal fess for your music career. Visit my website at
There you will see the different type of membership plans and sign up if you find one that’s right for you. The plans are based on a month to month contract so you are not tied to a long term contract, unlike your record contract.(smile) I highly recommend you to try it. As an independent artist, it’s important to cut costs and stay under budget but while getting the best legal representation.
A summary of Pre-Paid Legal benefits

Perhaps it will surprise you when you learn what is covered by the Pre-Paid Legal membership.

Have you ever been afraid to call a lawyer because of the cost?
Have you ever signed a contract or other document?

Have you ever just wanted to know what your rights are in a given situation when it comes to your music career or personal life?


Preventive Legal Services


Phone Consultations on Unlimited Matters

If you have question related to your music career or your personal life call your law firm and never worry about the bill. Questions about incorporations, setting up your business or personal matters can now be answered with a single phone call

Phone Calls and Letters...

Your Provider Lawyer will recommend a letter or phone call when that is the best step for you. One call or letter per personal subject related matter is free with your membership. Plus, you'll receive two business letters each year at no additional cost!

Contract and Document Review...

Before you sign that music contract, you can have an unlimited number of personal legal documents, up to ten pages each, reviewed by your provider law firm. Up to three business contracts per month included in the home-based/small business membership. Your Provider Lawyer will analyze the contracts and suggest changes for your benefit before you sign.
Wills for You and Your Family...

A Will for you at no additional charge, not just a "simple" Will, but one that meets most Americans' needs - with free yearly reviews and updates. Wills for covered family members are just $20 each; changes and updates $20. Trust preparation is available at a 25% discount.

Moving Traffic violation

Your Provider Lawyer will represent you or your covered family members against moving traffic violations at no additional cost to you. Now you can have help with traffic tickets, for example speeding tickets and not have to worry about the cost of representation. This part of the plan takes 15 days, after enrollment to become effective

Trial Defense Services and IRS protection


Other legal services

Your Provider Lawyer will render assistance at a 25% reduction to his or her standard hourly rate* for you or your spouse should you need legal services not covered by this plan. A retainer may be required for services being rendered under this benefit. Five days are required for preparation for court representation.

*Hourly rates for Referral Lawyers and court appearances may vary.

Legal Shield
Becoming a Pre-Paid Legal member gives you access to legal representation 24 hours a day. Imagine the power of having access to an attorney at 2AM.
Where to find your team

If you are ready to put your team together but not sure where you can find a good photographer of choreographer, a great website to visit is called Meet Meet up is a network of various people who have the same interest. For example if you live in San Diego and need a good photographer, join the San Diego Meet Up, a group with over 700 photographers. Take a look at this link to get an idea.

Billboard Directories

Billboard magazine publishes The International Talent & Touring Guide,both online and offline versions contains over 30,000 key listings covering all aspects of the talent and touring industry. Artists, managers, venues, instrument rentals, booking agents, security services, staging and special effects, hotels all in one easy-to-use reference source.

In addition to over 13,000 detailed U.S. and international listings of record labels, music publishers, wholesalers, distributors, service and supply companies, PR firms, entertainment attorneys, duplicators, equipment manufacturers, industry associations, and more. Included are names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, and email addresses. It makes a great reference when putting your team together. Current retail price is $275.00
Protecting your music

The days of poor man’s copyright is long over. Poor’s man’s copyright is when an artist mails himself the original music works. As an artist, if you really value your craft. copyright your songs the correct way through the U.S. copyright office in Washington DC. And take the steps to become a member of ASCAP or BMI.

BMI (Broadcast Music INC) is a performing rights company that was started in 1939 by a few radio executives. The other major player is ASCAP(American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) was started in 1914 out of New York City.

A sample of BMI roster
Miley Cyrus
Dixie Chicks
Mariah Carey

A sample of ASCAP roster
Queen Latifah
Van Halen

Bonus TIP

ASCAP has great workshops for songwriters. Log onto the ASCAP website to learn more about the ASCAP Writers Series, ASCAP's Music Business 101 for Songwriters and other seminars in your city. Website designs/logo designs
As an artist, building your image on the Internet is critical. It is more important to have a website that your fans can easily find and browse through. Getting together a web design team that you can work with on deadlines and multiple revisions. Most artist throw together a website and sit back and wait for the CD sales to roll in. The Internet is like a whole new planet and you are one tiny house on a block. It’s important to learn how you maximize your Internet CD sales.

Logos and headers are another way to brand your identity. Everyone recognize Oprah’s logo and everyone knows the trademark script in Coca-Cola. By the way, Coca- Cola script is called Spencerian.

A website header is similar to the Aweber or Armand Morin header below. It is also called a banner and it is very popular on mySpace pages. Click on the underline links below to visit each site.

Examples of headers and logos


00002.jpga great email marketing website for artists



A good resource for indie artists


Armand’s website is great for internet marketing -Armand Morin

00005.jpg – Host your website for about $5 per month


00006.jpgAdd credit cards to your website –


Bonus TIP

Elance is a great option for artist to save money on web design. By posting your project on Elance, you can receive bids from hundreds of webmasters looking to take on your project. You control your budget, review the webmasters portfolio and decide who you want to hire. Check out

I also suggest The Banner Queen website for great logos, banners and headers. For only $45.00, she can design a great image for you. Visit

Another recommendation is Arturo who does great MySpace designs.
He designed my PublictyMaxx MySpace page and I get a great response from people all of the time. Take a look at his work at

00007.jpg00008.jpgHow to play the music conventions

There is an old saying “it’s not who you know but who knows you!” The music business is all about networking and building relationships. One of the best ways to network within the industry is to attend music conferences. Most artists attend music conferences and spend all of their time standing in the lobby trying to be seen.

There is a right way and wrong way to network a major convention or even a local college event.


Right way (Do)

Who do you want to meet? If you know that a music executive is attending a discussion panel on radio promotion, make it a point to meet him/her? Decide on what topics do you want to learn about? Plan what you will wear.
Carry business cards and keep the conversations short
Call your network to set up meetings with others while you are at the conventions
Make it a point to meet the convention organizers and compliment them on a job well done
Plan where you will eat. You can waste a lot of time looking for a good place to eat
Learn the rules of the hotel where you will be staying. You don’t want to arrive at 4:00pm and learn that you lost your room because check out was at noon.

Wrong way (Don’t)

Go to a convention to party like a rock star Talk loud in the hallway or inside the seminars Hand out your CD’s to everyone you meet, most of them will end up in the trash.
Don’t stand in the hallway all day while the sessions are going on Don’t try to sign a record deal on the spot. Some artists go to a major convention thinking they will walk away with a signed contract. Wow! You learned a lot over the last few days. Day 8 is all about you. Relax and take the day off. Tomorrow we will learn about press kits.


Putting together your EPK

When you hire a publicist a press kit becomes a critical part of your music business. It helps to sell your image to magazine editors, TV show producers or potential concert promoters. A press kit will consist of a black and white photo of you, abio and a sample of your tracks on CD. Most artists will also include news clippings from various magazines and newspaper articles. Of course, you only want to include the positive stories.

When your publicist hears “send me a press kit on your artist and I’ll take a look.…they know that they have a chance to get you placed. But now however, the Internet has changed the way the press kits are delivered. Back in the day, you mailed a press kit. Today you email an EPK (electronic press kit) because it’s electronic. An EPK can also be distributed via DVD, CD and electronic business cards. Below is an example of how your bio and the layout of your /b/w photo.

00010.jpg00011.jpg00012.jpgBonus Tip Secret tip


To learn more about EPK. Visit The prices ranges from $49.95 to $99.99 per year. They also offer a free trial to test the system.

If you don’t know where to go to order your publicity photos, join learnthe ( and I’ll share a secret on how you can order hundreds of black and white publicity photos for under $80.00.
DAY 11

How to tour on a budget

As an independent artist, it is important to keep cost down especially when touring with a large group of people. Your expenses can skyrocket. If you are based in New York City and you have a show in Dallas, Texas, It’s hard to find a concert promoter who will pick up travel expenses for everyone in your entourage. Or sometimes as a new artist, you might be responsible for expenses when it’s a promo show.

One way to make sure that you stay within a promoter budget or your budget is to consider a luxury motor coach. If you travel with a group of 5-10 people, that most likely includes your dancers, stylist, band members and others paying

$200 per person on airfare alone can cost you about $2000-$4000. Some motor coaches come with 12 bunk beds and a large bed and shower in the back. Most buses can be rented at about $300-$800 per day. You can really cut your cost in half.

Take a look at a few websites below and ride to your next show in style and under budget.
Day 12

Getting Organized

As an artist you play many roles. On some days you are the publicist, following up on calls as the manager, scheduling your shows as a booking agent and even double duty as an accountant.

When you are not organized, you tend to leave a lot of money on the table. The promoter you forgot to call back last week or the record producer who wanted to introduce you to the record executive a month ago, It can all be overwhelming. There are a few products that have made my life a lot easier. I want to pass along the information to you.

Chaos Intellect is an excellent contact and email manager. I have several different email addresses. Before I would have to log in and

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