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Affiliate Promotion: Teleseminars & Webinars

Teleseminars and Webinars have become quite popular recently. This is because they are highly effective. If they didn’t work, Internet Marketers wouldn’t be wasting their time with them. But they do indeed work, if they are done right.

It is important to understand the difference between a teleseminar and a webinar. First, a teleseminar is held over the phone, and an active Internet Connection during the call is usually not required. A webinar, however, may be held 100% on the Internet, or held via telephone with the ability to view webpages or slides over the Internet during the call required.

Point 15: Why Teleseminars Work

Teleseminars work because people feel like they are getting content from experts that they can’t get from a website. If you have built a relationship with your potential customers, and you have established yourself as an expert in your niche, then those people want to hear what you have to say.

They also like to hear from other experts in the field, so doing interview type teleseminars is also a great option. Before the teleseminar, simply send an email to those who have registered for it, and ask them what they would like to learn on the seminar. Use those answers to ask questions of your guest speaker on the call.

Getting experts to do a call is usually easy. They are not paid for this. Instead, they get to promote their product, for which you are hopefully an affiliate. Ideally, you would ask the guest to use your affiliate link during the call, and they will agree to this.

Teleseminars can be a one-time thing, which may last an hour or two. But ideally, a teleseminar series works best. This is where you have a call every week for a certain number of weeks, and you literally teach the callers something during the series.

If you are worried about the cost of a teleseminar, don’t be. You can use free services, such as Free Conference at . You only pay if you want the service to record the call, which is a good idea, and doesn’t cost very much at all.

Other than promoting the call, there are not other costs, and there may be no costs involved in promoting the call either.


Point 16: Why Webinars Work

Webinars work just as well, if not better than teleseminars. Webinars are ideal when courses are being taught. However, hosting a webinar is not free, and usually takes quite a bit more work before the presentation.

Typically a webinar will have callers on the telephone, where they will listen to a presentation or instructions that are visual as well, with the use of web conferencing software, on their computers.

With a teleseminar, all you need is your voice, and a plan for what is going to be said or discussed on the call. Again, a webinar takes a great deal more planning. You will need visuals as well, which will be used in conjunction with the web conferencing software so that your callers can see the visuals during the call, as you are talking.

Usually, the callers will need to download software before the call, however this usually doesn’t take very long at all, and instructions should be sent to them well in advance of the call.

While teleseminars may or may not be free for the participants, Webinars often have a fee for the participants to help offset the cost of the event. This of course will reduce the number of people who will be on the call.

If you do charge for your Webinars, it is important to keep the cost as low as possible, only charging what you need to in order to cover your costs – unless of course the webinar is the product. But, if the purpose of the webinar is to sell something else, try to make it free or very low cost for participants.

Overall, teleseminars are the way to go when promoting affiliate products. Again, a teleseminars series is best for high ticket items, while one call is usually sufficient for inexpensive items such as information products.

Depending on how content packed the teleseminar series will be, you could charge for participation, and use the teleseminar as your product, with the related affiliate products as cross sells or back end products. The same is true for Webinars.

Point 17: Know How To Get Participation

You’re all set to do a teleseminar. You’ve lined up some experts, you’ve outlined some great content for the call, and you have a product that your target market really needs. But how do you get participation?

Start with your list. Set up a page where people can register for the call, and then contact your list, letting them know the date, time, and topic of the call, and where to register. Consider throwing in some bonuses, which will be given out at the end of the call, such as a free ebook or report.

If you have an expert that will be on the call, ask them to notify their list, if they have one, about the call as well. Also, consider purchasing ads in related ezines to inform those ezine readers about the call as well. You should start notifying people no more than a week in advance, and no less than a few days before the all is to take place.

Don’t expect thousands of people on the call. You really don’t want more than 100, and free conference services usually won’t allow more than this without charging. Even if you just get five or ten people on the call, you are good to go.

Remember, these people are interested enough to dial a long distance number and listen to what you have to say. Your sales ratio from the people on the call will most likely be high, if the information presented was good.

You can also promote the call with PPC, and use the registrations from that to build your email list, if you don’t already have one. Again, this is a great way to build a quality list of qualified leads.

Finally, get the participants pumped up about the call. After they register, send them an email telling them in more detail what will be covered on the call, and how they will benefit from the information presented. A day before the call, send another email reminding them of the call, and again a few hours before the call is to start. People sign up for things and then promptly forget, you must remind them!

Have your next call in mind before the end of each teleseminar series, and let the participants know what is coming up in the future. You may already be able to send them to a registration page for the next teleseminar series. Registration for each call in a series should not be required – one sign up for the whole series is all that is needed, but registration for future series should be required.