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How To Really Make Money with Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 4
Tools of the Trade.................................................................................................................... 4
Promoting Products................................................................................................................. 5
Getting Ideas ......................................................................................................................... 5
Locating Products................................................................................................................. 6
Signing Up............................................................................................................................... 7
Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing......................................................................................... 7
Keywords..................................................................................................................................... 8
Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing Budget..................................................................... 9
Pay Per Click Programs........................................................................................................ 10
Google Adwords...................................................................................................................... 10
Landing Pages...................................................................................................................... 13
Landing Page Hosting....................................................................................................... 14
Landing Page Do’s.............................................................................................................. 16
Landing Page Do Not’s..................................................................................................... 16
Google Adwords Budget ...................................................................................................... 16
Google Adwords Sign Up............................................................................................. 16
Google Adwords Help Center..................................................................................... 16
Pay Per Click Advantages.................................................................................................... 16
Pay Per Click Do’s............................................................................................................... 17
Pay Per Click Do Not’s...................................................................................................... 17
Pay Per Click Ads.................................................................................................................... 17
Keywords............................................................................................................................... 18
Keyword Do’s................................................................................................................... 18
Keyword Do Not’s........................................................................................................... 18
Yahoo Search Marketing...................................................................................................... 18
MSN Ad Center........................................................................................................................ 19
Other Pay Per Click Providers............................................................................................ 19
RESOURCES.............................................................................................................................. 20
Affiliate Networks............................................................................................................... 20
Financial Formulas................................................................................................................. 20
GLOSSARY................................................................................................................................. 21

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Congratulations! You are now on your way to learning more about Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing.


Inside this report you’ll learn how to set up your first pay per click campaign as an affiliate marketer. You’ll learn how to use the power of pay per click to make money.


Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. It can be both fun and addictive. Ready to give pay per click a try?


Let’s Get Started!


Tools of the Trade

Achieving success with pay per click advertising doesn’t require a lot of fancy tools. Of course, there are some nifty ones out there that you’ll probably want to invest in later if you decide pay per click affiliate marketing is for you.

Right now, you’ll need a computer with reliable Internet access. If you have spreadsheet software and are accustomed to using it, you’ll probably find yourself using it. If you don’t’ have spreadsheet software and haven’t a clue how to use it, don’t worry.

High speed Internet isn’t a must for pay per click affiliate marketing, but it does make things easier. If DSL is available, you might want to switch once you get income coming in. You can also take advantage of a dialup accelerator.

Protect your computer and your data.

Your computer is at the center of your affiliate marketing business. Before you even log on to the Internet, make sure your computer is protected. Surfing the Internet, researching products and keywords can expose your computer to all sorts of viruses and spyware. Make sure the firewall on your computer is activated.
Many experts recommend using at least 2 anti-virus programs and 2 anti-spy programs. You can get free spyware and anti-virus protection fromAVG. There are several good paid programs also. Whatever protection you choose, remember to use. If it isn’t possible to set the software to run automatically, make a habit of manually running it daily. Backup data and files regularly.


Set up one email account specifically for affiliate marketing. Free accounts are available at yahoo and hotmail. Use this email address only when signing up for affiliate programs or managing pay per click accounts.

Get another email account to use when researching. Use this email address when signing up for free newsletters, reports, etc. You don’t want to use your personal or business email addresses because they’ll fill up fast.

Getting Paid


Most merchants and affiliate programs give you the option of payment by check, automatic deposit or PayPal. Some merchants use only PayPal. Some offer a variety of payment options. Sign up for a free PayPal account if you haven’t done so already. Use your affiliate email account for your Paypal email.


If you’ll be receiving commission checks by mail, you might want to get a Post Office Box if you don’t already have one. Paychecks may be safer in the post office box than in the mail box.

Preparation Checklist :
o Computer.
o Firewall on Computer.
o Anti-spy and Anti-virus software installed and running.
o Email address for Affiliate Marketing and Pay Per Click Ad Management. o Email address for research, newsletters and general web surfing.
o Paypal account, if needed.
o Post Office Box, optional.

Promoting Products

Getting Ideas

It’s been said that the hardest part of selling anything is deciding what to sell. The best place to start is to consider what you know and what you live. Grab a sheet of paper and start listing everything you enjoy. What are you passionate about? Do you have special skills? What about hobbies or other interests?
Make a list of 10 or 12 things that you enjoy. Topics that make you smile when you think about them. Finding something you’re passionate about makes it easier to be passionate about your affiliate marketing business. Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

Accounting Arts & Crafts Automobiles Birds Baseball Books Calligraphy Carpentry Cats Catering Coaching Computers Cooking Dating Decorating Dogs EBooks Ezines Fitness Flowers Football Games Gardening Genealogy Golf Home Biz\ Home Décor Internet Landscaping Magazines Marketing Martial Arts Movies Music Parenting Pet Care Pet Grooming Pet Training Plants Plumbing Recipes Relationships Romance Sewing Skin Care Soccer Software Spirituality Teens Travel Websites Weight Loss

Have you made a nice, long list of possibilities? Make a shorter list now of your top ten or twelve ideas. What type of products or services could you sell for each of those ideas?

Locating Products

The quickest way to find merchants with affiliate programs and browse their products is to go directly to an Affiliate Network.


Clickbank, Paydotcom and Commission Junction are three popular ones.

Browsing the categories may give you even more ideas about products you’d like to promote. Take the time to look at commission rates, affiliate requirements and other fine print information. Make sure the commission you’ll earn is worth your time.

Look at payment options and times. How often does the merchant pay or network pay? How are affiliates paid? Some programs pay at least once a month. Some pay only 3 or 4 times a year. What is required to qualify for the affiliate program?

Some merchants require completed applications, established websites and specific traffic numbers before issuing approval. Others automatically approve all applicants.

With Clickbank and Paydotcom approval is usually instant and automatic. Commission Junction features merchants that have varying requirements. Some will approve you even if you don’t have a website. Others have stricter requirements.
There are other affiliate networks. We’ve included a list of them in the Resource section at the end of this report. The three we’re focusing on here tend to be the most popular and the easiest to get signed up for.

Signing Up

Sign up at with the affiliate network that has the products you wish to promote. You might want to go ahead and sign up at all three. There’s no charge to do so.

Once you are approved at Clickbank and Paydotcom, you choose the particular products you wish to promote. Whenever you choose a product, you’re given a special code that identifies you. This code is attached to the link that leads to the product page. This is your affiliate link.

Example of an affiliate link: You may have seen affiliate links in your web browser’s address page before. Since this link is an example and not a real one, it doesn’t work.

One of the first thing you’ll probably want to do as an affiliate marketer is to find a way to hide that code. Unfortunately, there are people who will change it or delete it, thereby cheating you out of a commission. There are several free and paid methods. We’ll cover them late.

Find 2 or 3 products for the top 2 or 3 ideas on your list. Bookmark the site(s) featuring them. You might even want to print out a copy of the site for reference later when you get into keyword selection.

o Sign up for an affiliate account.
o Choose 1 to 3 products.
o Copy and paste your affiliate link into notepad for later use.

Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing

What is pay per click affiliate marketing? It is the use of pay per click ads to sell products and/or services. When website owners and affiliate marketers use pay per click marketing, they write keyword based ads.

Once the ads are written, placement is decided by bid amount. There is no charge for ad placement until someone clicks on the ad. The key to success in pay per click is creating an eyecatching ad containing specific, focused keywords and monitoring ad cost.

When someone surfs the net and clicks on the ad, the cost is equal to the bid amount that has been set. For instance, if the bid is .$05 on the keyword hypnotherapist, a nickel will be deducted from the pay per click account every time someone clicks on the ad featuring the word hypnotherapist.



Success in any type of affiliate marketing advertising revolves around keywords. Keywords are especially important in pay per click. The cost of the ad is determined by the bid.

Keywords are the words that people type into the search bar when they’re looking for something online. Example: People looking for a Norah Jones CD will either type “Norah Jones CD” or the title of the CD into the search bar.

The key to selling a Norah Jones CD would be in using the keywords “Norah Jones CD” and not the generic terms “music” or “CD.” Keywords must be as specific and focused as possible. In order to compile a good keyword list, you’ll need to make use of a keyword research tool. Here are a few of the three popular ones:

Good Keywords a free downloadable software
Google Adwords Keyword Tool free online tool
SEOBook Keyword Tool free online tool
Wordtracker subscription but offers a free trial.
123Promotion free online tool featuring Overture & Wordtracker

When you type one of the words from your list into the search box on a keyword tool, the tool will tell you how many people searched that word or phrase recently. You’ll also see all the ways they searched for it.

Example: Go to the SEOBook Keyword Tool and type in the word music.

The results show that millions of searches have been done for the word music. Music is much too broad a keyword. It must be narrowed down. How do you know how many searches make a good place to start?

Some successful affiliate marketers say that 15,000 searches are enough. Many affiliate marketing professionals recommend using keywords that have somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 searches per month.

If you look on down the returned music search list, you’ll see the number of searches for each phrase. You can choose one search term that has 30,000 to 50,000 searches or you can combine several keywords and add the total searches for each until the total adds up to 30,000 to 50,000 searches.

Now, let’s try typing the word music into the Google Adword Tool. We can choose to run an exact match, a broad match or a phrase match. Google will give us an idea of how often a phrase is being searched and how much competition there is for that keyword.
Type your product keywords into one of the keyword search tools. If you are an experienced spreadsheet user, copy and paste the results into a spreadsheet. Use more than one of the keyword tools. Keep adding to your list of potential keywords. Note the keyword or phrase (you can search phrases as well as individual words) that gets the most results for each product.

Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing Budget

Keyword Budget is an important part of pay per click marketing. Bid too much and you’ll go broke, possibly even without sales to show for it. Bid too low and you’ll never get clicks which mean you won’t get visitors. No visitors mean any sales.

The best way to set a keyword budget is to take sales figures and costs and do some calculations. However, if you’ve never sold anything before, there are no sales figures to plug into the formulas.

For the rest of the keyword and ad exercises, we’re going to use a Clickbank tattoo provider who pays $23.32 per sale and states that the product has a conversion rate of 100. This means that it takes 100 visitors to sell one item.

Let’s find out what a visitor is worth.
Visitor Value
Here’s what we know:
The Clickbank Merchant we signed with pays $23.32 per sale.
It takes 100 visitors to get one sale.
Visitor Value = commission amount divided by the number of visitors.
$23.32 ÷ 100 = $.23
So each visitor is worth 23 cents.

This is important to know because you don’t want to pay more for a click than that click (visitor) is worth.


Our click cost limit is 23 cents, preferably less.

Many people lose money on pay per click affiliate marketing because they do not keep up with how much they’re spending on ad campaigns and because they fail to check the return on investment for ads.

In our case, we know that spending more than 23 cents per visitor will mean losing money instead of making money. It’s very important, especially for the first few days of a new ad campaign, to pay close attention to the clicks and results.

Many marketers agree that after an ad has received 200 page views, you have enough information to do something. If there have been no sales, either the ad isn’t focused and well written or there just isn’t any market for the product. If you aren’t monitoring the ad information regularly, you won’t know when you’ve reached 200 views.

Let’s see what we can do with a Tattoo pay per click affiliate marketing campaign. Pay Per Click Programs
The two largest pay per click providers are Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing.

Google Adwords

Google is the king of pay per click programs. Cost to sign up is $5.00 (given as bid credit) and your ads can appear in as quick as ten minutes. Since Google is syndicated, ads appear in front of even more customers. You can target your ads to a particular country, area, or even zip code if you wish.

While there are less expensive pay per click programs, Google’s Adwords offers several advantages. Relevant ads rise, price monitoring is automatic, ads go live almost immediately, a low minimum deposit gets you started quickly, ad areas can be targeted by country or language, plenty of tools are provided for users and ad price can be set by the word or by the ad.

Google provides several tools to help users succeed. The Google Website Optimizer can help you test the potential conversion rate of your landing page. As with some other pay per click programs, Google awards relevancy. The more focused and relevant an ad is, the more viewers click through. The higher the click through rate, the lower the actual cost per click.

Once you register for a free account, you’re ready to start a pay per click campaign. Use the Google Keyword Tool to enter all of your keywords. If you haven’t already, you can use the tool to generate more keywords.

Start with As Many Keywords as Possible

Your keyword list should contain every word you can think of that applies to searching for your product. It’s okay to totally brainstorm and to add plenty of keywords with the Google Keyword tool. The point right now is to get as many keywords as possible.

Additional keyword sources include forums and groups. What words and phrases are people using? As you continue pay per click affiliate marketing, you’ll want to stay up to date on slang or buzz words related to your product. Consult an online or print thesaurus to find good synonyms.

Try typing your keyword in Google or another search engine. Visit the first few sites that come up in the search results. Click on View, then source to see what keywords the site is using. If the page isn’t encrypted, you’ll be able to read the list of keywords near the top of the source information.
Ad Campaigns are made up of ad groups. For instance, an ad campaign to promote tattoos could consist of separate ad groups focused on angel tattoos, dragon tattoos and fairy tattoos. Use different ad campaigns for separate product types, different projects or different websites.

Ad groups can be based on several different criteria, including design, style, misspellings, personality types, seasonal promotions, special promotions. Ad groups may contain just one ad or several ads.

Clean and Customize Keyword List

Look at your keyword list. Are there any words there that aren’t relevant to the product? Example: We’ve chosen a Clickbank tattoo site to promote. Three of the top designs on the site are an angel tattoo, a fairy tattoo and a dragon tattoo.

Our keyword list contains angel tattoo, tattoo design, tribal tattoo, tattoo removal, Celtic tattoo and skull tattoo, fairy tattoo and dragon tattoo, tattoo piercing, and tattoo needles.

The keywords tribal, removal, Celtic and skull can be deleted since they don’t directly apply to the designs we’ve chosen to promote. (This is a short example. Your first keyword list can be quite long before it’s cleaned up.)

We’ll now create one ad group on tattoos. There will be three ads in this group, one ad for each type of tattoo. Think of each ad as a sort of classified ad.

Google policy tells us how the ad must be written:
Line 1: headline, maximum of 25 characters
Line 2: maximum of 35 characters.
Line 3: maximum of 35 characters.
Line 4: URL

The word ‘online’ cannot be used on Line #1. Superlatives (best, most, etc.) are not allowed in any of the lines. Multiple exclamation points and other excessive punctuation is also prohibited. Line 1: Ad Headline

This will be the first thing viewers notice. It should get their attention, be focused enough to weed out the ‘tire kickers’ who are browsing, not buying, and should consist of your #1 keyword search term.

Line 2 : Emotional appeal to viewer. State your product’s best benefit here.
Line 3: Factual appeal to viewer. State your products most inspiring feature here. Display URL: Include words here that emphasize the product benefit
Destination URL: Actual URL that takes viewer to landing page.

Note: Ad readers like numbers. Try including product price ($xx), percentages (20% off) or other numbers in your ad.


Writing Angel Tattoo Ad:

Angel Tattoos.
Exclusive Designs. Quality Creations.

This doesn’t look bad but it’s missing a call to action. Let’s try again.

Angel Tattoos.
One-of-a-Kind Creations. Get your Guardian Angel Now.

It isn’t Hallmark but it does include a call to action – something that can increase your click through rate tremendously. The click through rate is determined by how many times viewers actually click on your add in ratio to how many times the ad was shown. A good click through rate not only can result in more affiliate sales, it can result in reduced pay per click fees.

When writing ads, make sure you don’t exceed the character limit. Your keywords should be as focused and specific as possible. A call to action (buy now, hurry, limited offer, etc.) should be included. Note: the action phrase click here is not allowed.

The important thing to remember when writing pay per click affiliate marketing ads is that you pay for every click. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to make your ad so focused and targeted that only potential buyers click on it

You don’t want to pay for the clicks of web surfers who are just browsing. In the case of the angel tattoo design, the goal is to provide specific information for someone who is already interested in and looking for an angel tattoo.

The same would apply to the dragon tattoo ad and the fairy tattoo ad. The simplest budget option for Adwords is to set a low daily budget ($5.00 or so) and to set a click price based on the entire ad instead of for each keyword.

As time goes by and you see which keywords are getting results, write more ads based on those words. Do monitor your ads closely. If you get too many clicks and not enough sales, try putting the price in your ad.

Don’t activate any ads yet. In order for the ad to function, you need a page waiting for the customer at the URL you’ve listed.
Why not just send the customer right to the merchant product page? There are several reasons. Google Adwords does not allow landing pages (the page where the customer will land when they click on the URL) to contain pop-ups or pop-unders. Most merchant pages are highly ‘tricked out’ with some sort of pop-up or floating ad.

By sending the customer to your page first, you get a chance to capture customer information, pre-sell the product (a very effective practice) and establish your web page. If you have no experience with websites, don’t worry. It doesn’t have to be hard.

Landing Pages

Google Adwords Rules and Regulations Adwords’ rules and regulations can and do change. Google provides a free guide to help you get started, along with information online and the Adwords Blog.


When it comes to landing pages, Google Adwords expects a link that works. (Seems like a nobrainer but they obviously had to put it in writing.)

Once a viewer clicks on your ad, the promoted product should not be more than 3 clicks away. The landing page cannot contain pop-ups or pop-unders. Clicking on the back arrow at any time must return the user to Google.

The landing page is a vital part of pay-per-click marketing. If you send viewers directly to the Clickbank merchant’s page, you’re required to show yourself as an af

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