How to Transform Your Humble Digital Presence Into An Authoritative Figure by Jonathan Seet - HTML preview

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Five Critical Pages You Need to Get Started


If you venture on the internet long term, you should consider getting a permanent address for your prospects to find you.

That’s where a corporate website comes into the picture.

It doesn’t have to be overly complicated at the start. In fact, many businesses start their first website with free solutions. Some even use the landing page creator softwares to build entire sites.

Now if you’re thinking of growing a brand, I wouldn’t recommend starting off in this manner as it becomes more difficult to organise further down the line.

That being said, many entrepreneurs choose this path as it will help them to get started faster and move closer to their goals.

Instead of being tasked with having to choose between either of these 2 options, I’m going to share with you just 5 critical webpages you should consider building first.

All you need are these 5 pages and you’ll have a well functioning marketing website for your business. And they also help in your overall conversion as you’ll soon see.

While a large website with thousands of pages is good for any digital marketing efforts, the fundamental thing that we need first is an online presence.

And getting started doesn’t require us to have fantastic effects or design, rather a focus on our marketing efforts. After all we want to use our online presence to grow our business don’t we?

So the fact of the matter is that we need to have these 5 key pages and we are all set to go.

  1. Home Page
  2. About Page
  3. Services (Offer) Page
  4. Contact Page
  5. Landing Page

And there you have it. Five critical pages that will help you get started, where you’re confident to tell your customers and friends to log on and take a look. After all it can become a powerful tool for your business.

But what exactly is the purpose of each of these pages?

Let’s take a closer look at each one of them.


Unlike a common misunderstanding that this page should contain every information about your business, the key function of the homepage is to act like a navigation map. Think about the maps you find in your local park that tells you where to find your destination.

Because that is the key function of your home page. To provide directions to the main pages of your website. Especially when your website has grown to over 200 pages.



Naturally as some readers learn about your services, they’ll want to find out more about you or your company. And that’s where the about page comes in handy to have those information ready.

Let your readers know more about you and why you’re the best person for the job. And if you’ve got all those great portfolio or testimonials ready, this is a good place to tell them about it and guide them in finding out even more.



Naturally the key purpose of us creating an online presence is to provide our services or offer so that anyone who is interested will engage us.

Your services page will be a brief overview of the range of things you can do for your prospect. Give them an overview and help them to locate the pages where they can find out even more about each service you offer and any of your promotions.



Everything you’ve done up to this point would be for naught if you’re lacking this critical page that tells your readers how to contact you. You can choose to include a form or just your contact details here. But ultimately the goal is to make it easy for them to find the right information to get in touch with you.



This is by far one of the most important pages and unlike the previous four pages we’ve looked into briefly, you’ll be having multiple landing pages in your digital marketing process.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, ideally it is best to have at least one landing page where you offer something in return for your readers contact information.

Why do we want this?

Simply because we want to have a way that we can follow up with every single person who is interested in our website. The key here is to get them to opt in.
