How to get Rich From any MLM Program by Karen Kaminski - HTML preview

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156% jump in profits from a 20% improvement of conversion rate!

That's definitely worth leverage some of your profits for, right?! Now, imagine that you do this over and over until you've $5,000 per month coming in on autopilot.It’s a solid base of income generated with a minimum of time and effort.

You can now leverage this extra time and money to start promoting yet another program.

You take that program through the same process, leveraging your resources towards improving your results, and build that business up to, say, $8,000 per month on complete autopilot.

Now, you're making $13,000 per month. This is a 60% jump in overall income. It’s more than double what you were making before.


This is the true power of leverage!


Step Four: Duplication


Duplication, in this context, simply means working to achieve similar results across programs.

In other words, each time you begin marketing a new program, you must make all of the necessary investments of time and money in order to build your income from that program up to a level near that of your existing programs.

Of course, this may not always be possible depending on the program. For instance, you might be getting insanely high commissions from one program, while your new program is just meant to be a modest, residual income stream.

So, maybe you earn between $4,000-$8,000 per month from one program, due to it being based on “one time” payouts, downline performance, etc... Meanwhile, you enter into a new program for residual income, and manage to build it up to a solid $3,500 per month.

This is fine. You don't have to try and 'force' your results here if you've hit a ceiling. The point is that you are making your investment into each program worthwhile.


You don't want to jump from program to program making $500 here, $200 there, sometimes $1,000 over at this other want to accumulate LARGE amount, not small ones.


Again, the ultimate goal of duplication is to 're-create' sizable results (and similar) results in each new program, meaning:


ü You spend about the same each month on lead generation in each program...


ü You spend roughly the same amount of time managing the program onceit’s automated...

ü You achieve similar results in the new program enough to make the investment worthwhile. Should you find yourself in a program where this is not the case, where you are spending far more money and time to produce those results, then you should quickly drop that program and move on to a better one.

To sum up: You should be able to apply your marketing system to any program and duplicate your results.


Step Five: Replication


Yes, 'replication' is basically a synonym for 'duplication', but I am drawing a distinction between the two within this system.

Duplication concerns the creation of “similar results” from “similar investments.” Replication, on the other hand, is about copying your marketing system across programs, regardless of niche.

A large part of your success rests not just on having a marketing system, but on that system being powerful enough to work no matter what type of program you want to promote.


The system you've learned about here IS that powerful.


It is a template that you can apply again and again. Let's recap the elements of this marketing template:


ü Targeting leads on the Internet


ü Driving those leads to a landing page


ü Collecting those leads onto an 'opt-in' list


ü Following up with those leads via e-mail

These elements make up the core of the marketing system, and they can be replicated easily. It doesn't matter whether the MLM you're working sells vitamins, software, golf clubs or even hot air in a bottle....the point is that the landing page + lead capture + follow-up model works in every case.

Once you get the hang of it, this is an easy, “rinse and repeat” process that frees you from having to 'reinvent the wheel' on every program. You'll never be at a loss as to how to begin promoting a new program, how to build your downline, etc...

You've already got the winning formula....

Therefore, the Fifth Step to getting rich from MLM, is to replicate your marketing system in every new MLM you join, so that you can duplicate your results across the board for all of them.

Step Six: Automation


You're probably bored by the subject of 'automation' by now ;-) I've got good reasons for hammering on this point so much, though– even some you haven't learned about yet!


I'm sure you've grasped by now that automation is both a time and a money saver, and that this makes it a critical tool in gaining leverage.


What you might not have thought of yet is that you can automate even more of your routine business tasks. Automation isn't just limited to lead capture and follow-up.


Take a moment to ask yourself this question:


“Based on everything I've learned so far about this marketing system, what are some of the other things I could have automated, so that my business is even more handsfree?”


I'll tell you one of the big ones right now: content generation. The initial set up of this Internet-based marketing requires that you generate a fair amount of content.


This content includes, but is not limited to:


ü All of the copy for your landing page


ü All of the copy for the e-mails in your follow up series

ü All the content for any special reports or other types of 'freebies' you might use to entice people onto your list

ü All of the copy for your advertisements.....


All of these tasks take time. They require you to sit down, to think and to write. This could be especially problematic if any of those three are not your strong suit ;-)

Now, if content creation is taking up too much of your time – or if you hate it SO much that it blocks you from moving forward – then you need to find a way to automate it. In other words, you need a way for all this content to just “write itself” for you.....

If you have enough monetary resources available to leverage, then you can hire someone else to create content for you. Bingo! Instant automation! Now you don't even have to touch your keyboard.

There are plenty of freelance writers and ghostwriters willing to do this for you, and it’s usually not too costly. You can have your content created for you “to spec”, and most writers include a reasonable number of “edits” as part of their fee.

This will free up a serious chunk of time. Now, what else can you automate? How about automating the recruitment and training of your downline? You can set up a special opt-in list, apart from your general leads list, dedicated solely to your downline members.

I hear you asking: “How do I get them onto this special list?”


The trick is in your follow-ups. Any time you send out a message intended to recruit people into the program, you let them know about the other list.


For example, you might say something along these lines:

Join XYZ MLM today and I'll start your training right away. First, go here to sign up for the program: . THEN, go here: and subscribe to the XYZ MLM Success Newsletter.

Your training will begin right away with a free, seven-part mini-course showing you how to work the program for maximum profit! .....

Simple as that. You get to separate your downline members out from the unconverted leads sitting on your first list, effectively reducing the amount of non-relevant e-mail you send out. This makes everyone happy.

You can use your new 'downline only' list to teach your downline how to model your marketing system. You can send them special tools, tips and reports. You can inspire, praise and motivate them.

Again, this will be totally automated and hands-free once you get it all set up.


Let's see, is there anything I've left out?

Ah yes, you can also automate your traffic generation and advertising to a large degree. This can be accomplished with a combination of special software tools and/or paying for professional assistance.

You can automate:

ü Your Pay-per-click campaigns. These will run on their own once you set them up in the first place, but if you don't want to manage them yourself, there are experts you can hire to manage your entire campaign for you.

ü Your content distribution - After you get your freelance writer to create a few dozen targeted articles for you, you can use “article submission software” to automate the entire process of submitting your articles to article directories.

ü Viral Traffic– Create a 'rebrandable' report that drives traffic to your site. This should be a free report that you allow others to download and give away (redistribute)** **Making this work requires that you build-in some incentive (e.g., allowing people to 'rebrand' the report with one of their own affiliate links).

...and there are likely even more program-specific details that can be automated as well.

To sum up: think about what can be automated, and try to find a way to do it. The more you automate, the more leverage you create– and you already know how important leverage is to this whole system!

Step Seven: Retention


The final step, Retention, deals with keeping your downline motivated and involved in the program.


There's nothing that will skyrocket your profits faster than a well-trained downline, and nothing better for maintaining those profits long-term than keeping that downline motivated.


The very first thing that 'kills' the motivation of a new member is a sense that the program is “too hard”, that he has no idea what to do or where to begin.


This is why you encourage all of your leads to join your dedicated 'downline training list' as soon as they're done signing up to the program.


This lets you combat the “it’s too hard”, motivation-killing thoughts by teaching them how to market the program using your “lazy”, Internet-based MLM marketing system.


You've seen the power of targeting, automation, leverage and replication– imagine how motivated your downline will be when they see it, too?


You've also seen how quickly your income grows and accumulates when you duplicate this system– imagine what can happen when your downline learns how to duplicate your results?


Providing this training should help a significant portion of your downline get off to a great start, but your relationship with them must not end there.


Some members will need additional help in understanding and implementing the system, while others just need a 'kick in the pants' now and then to redouble their efforts.

You can address both of these needs by creating additional training resources. You might want to survey your downline in order to find out exactly what it is they need. Maybe a lot of them don't understand how to set up their own web sites, or work with an autoresponder account?

It’s relatively easy to get a quick report thrown together that will train them on these subjects. Likewise, you might be able to work out a deal for your downline to get a discount on easy-touse web page design software.

You're downline will really thank you when you provide these types of solutions to them. Another factor in retention and motivation is “social proof”. Sometimes people just need to see some real-life success stories from people just like them. This can serve to motivate them through a sense of inspiration ('I can do this'), or even competition ('I can do better than that!').

You can actively solicit such success stories directly from your downline. One simple way to do this would be to include a request in the 'signature file' that's appended to all of your e-mail messages.

For example:

To your success!
Your Name
P.S. I want to hear how you're doing in XYZ MLM! If you have a success story you'd like to share, write it up and send it to me at: . If selected, your story will be featured in the newsletter.

Now, you might want to give people some incentive to send in their stories, too. For some, the ego-boost alone is enough. They're just happy to receive public recognition.

For others, though, money will be the biggest motivator. You'd need to check your MLM companies policies regarding upline members offering cash incentives outside of the program.

If your company does al low it, and if you've enough leverage, you can hold a “member of the month” contest, where the top earner not only gets featured in your newsletter, he also wins a 'performance' bonus.

Finally, make sure you keep your members updated on the latest company news, promotions, contests, etc..

They should be getting this information from the company to begin with, but you can pull out the highlights for them– especially the ones YOU want to emphasize– and help them to see how these bits of news fit into the 'lazy' marketing system. Show them how to capitalize on the information.

Follow these tips, and treat your downline like the valued PARTNERS they really are. You should have no problem keeping them in the program and highly motivated to succeed!




As you've seen in this report, real success in MLM is possible when you have a proven marketing system in place.


An Internet-based marketing system is by far the most powerful and most effective type of marketing system.

This is largely due to the fact that you can automate the most important business-building tasks. Automation gives you leverage, and leverage gives you the ability to multiply your profits.

There is one final point I'd you to consider. What do YOU hope to achieve with any MLM program? Do you want to make money as fast as possible, then get out? Or do you want to grow a real business for the long-term?

My recommendation is that you focus on the long-term, on longevity.

Building wealth requires a commitment to a long-range focus. If you just want to get in and get out fast, there's really no value to what you've learned here. Not in terms of “getting rich overnight”, as that's just not possible.

The system does work, and it works at lightning-speed compared to off-line methods. However, you have to commit yourself to building a real business in order to take advantage of the full power of this system.

Remember: your income accumulates over the long-term by replicating this system for multiple-streams of income. This requires patience and consistency.


If you're serious about using this system to build a business for yourself, then don't hesitate to take action. You can start today.


To your success!


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