How to get Rich From any MLM Program by Karen Kaminski - HTML preview

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The Plug-In-Profit System

Also known as 'PIPS', or “The Plug-In-Profit Site”, this program is best described as a turnkey solution or “business-in-abox.” As the name suggests, what you get with this program is a “complete money making web site” that's ready for you to “plug-in” and go.

What's being 'plugged-in' here is your affiliate links for all of the products available on your PIPS site.

And, actually, you don't even have to plug them in yourself. All you have to do is sign-up with each affiliate program, get your I.D.s, and send them along to Stone Evans (the creator of the program) after you've purchased your own plug-in-profit web site.

He plugs all of them in for you.


Awfully nice of him, too, because these sites are The Total Package. When you buy into the program, you get:


ü Complete web site with graphics


ü An autoresponder, pre-loaded with a promotional series for every, single product.


ü All of your affiliate links inserted onto the site and into the e-mails


ü A slew of bonus products to help you market your site


ü A training forum where you can talk to other PIPS site owners


All you have to do is buy your site, buy your own domain name and web hosting, and then upload the site to your web host.


Everything is set to run automatically for you. All you have to do is send targeted traffic to your site.


If you're feeling adventurous, though, you can go in and customize your site template, as well as customize the sales copy for both your site and your autoresponder messages.


You can even add some affiliate programs of your own choosing into the mix.


What you end up with is a site similar to this:


00002.jpgO.K., so these are the basics of what people are actually getting from the package– but there is something far more important here...


Take a moment to read through the sales page for this opportunity:


I know there's a lot to wade through there, so I'll summarize the most important points...


If you read through Stone Evan's story, you'll notice he talks about developing and perfecting a MARKETING SYSTEM.


This is critical.


These 'plug-in-profit' sites are based on the same system responsible for his success as an affiliate and multi-level marketer.

As he relates in the sales letter, one of the things he discovered is that he could make more money promoting multiple affiliate programs at once versus heavily promoting just one affiliate program.

The core principle behind this concept is that it is better to have multiple streams of income, than to rely on just one or two sources.

The PIPS style affiliate web site represents his solution to the “problem” of marketing multiple programs effectively in one place. Key to his solution is::

ü Good products with proven track records, and excellent payout structures.

ü Finding the right mix of products/programs. PIPS site products vary in price point, and payout. Some pay one-time commissions, while others are residual programs that pay out month after month.

ü Putting everything together in an automated promotional system.


The fact that he leveraged the solution itself into a salable product was a stroke of brilliance!


The Plug-In-Profits System continues to be my top-earning program, and has been a topearner for many others for a very long time. The proof is in the results.

Below, you'll find some screenshots of my own earnings with this program:


These are the kinds of results you can expect when you implement the 7 steps of the “How to Get Rich fromAny MLM Program”:

ü Marketing System


ü Multiple Streams of Income


ü Leverage


ü Duplication


ü Replication


ü Automation


ü Retention