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2. Multiple Streams Of Net Income

Understand that in order to really see a large return on your investment (your time) you don’t want to limit yourself to ONLY the sale of physical goods - albeit drop shipped or not.

Yes, you will make a very nice profit on the products you sell and have drop shipped (and this will be one of the keys to your success) but you really want to focus on dominating an entire “niche” by using every part of your website as a selling tool (and we'll cover some of these issues in future lessons)

Let me just close this section with this thought...

The most important tool for your success online is going to be your website. No if ’s and’s or but’s. Yes, you can sell exclusively on the online auctions, or perhaps you’re primarily interested in mail order campaigns in traditional publications. They are all great income sources. But bottom line is this...

You need a website to be successful online!

Your website will be your primary money generating tool. You will use your site to capture email addresses and follow up with your customers... And once you begin to build a large database of customers, this is when you’ll really see the big bucks rolling in.

Building Your Website From Scratch

Okay. Let’s jump right in and get your site setup correctly. The first thing you’ll want to do is download some software that will make this task a simple one.

I highly recommend you download Web Builder Pro. This is a free web builder program that will allow you to accomplish many web building tasks just as easily as if you purchased some of the more sophisticated software programs available online today such as Microsoft Front Page or Macromedia Dreamweaver.

You can download your free copy of Web Builder Pro Here. This software is free to use during the trial period , but once you’ve built your website using this software, you’ll need to purchase a license for commercial use at $24.95 (at the time of this writing). This is a real bargain… believe me – and probably one of the best investments you’ll make if you’re on a tight budget.

Once you have the software ( and FREE add-on templates) downloaded, take some time to read over the help files and familiarize yourself with the program. The best feature of the software is the fact that it is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor which means you do not need any programming skills or knowledge of HTML. It’s a simple and effective program to use at a very reasonable cost and there’s no need to purchase it until you’ve already decided whether or not you like it and want to use it to administer your website.

Free Graphics Editing Software And PC Videos

Here’s a special gift that I usually wouldn’t just “give” away. In the past I’ve charged $17 for this information alone, but it’s yours free just for enrolling in this e-course.


You Can Grab Your Free Videos Here


Let me tell you a little bit about this download. First of all, this is a Video Ebook which was created by Louis Allport.


In this video series, Louis will explain to you where to download your Free Graphics Editing Program. In addition, this ebook comes in the form of eleven “newbie” coaching videos totaling over ninety-eight minutes.

If you ’ve been struggling on how to make your site look professional by adding and editing graphics, creating just the right logo for your business, or just simply editing images to the right size and shape, this video series will help you get started on the right track.

And that’s not all...


Once you’ve downloaded this video ebook, you’re also given full master resale rights to the product. That means you can:


• sell from your own website


• offer it in a membership site (if you have one)


• you can sell it on ebay


• you can put it on a CD and sell it


• you can even GIVE IT AWAY just like I have done for you!


And you’ll also get the ready made marketing materials and website to sell this product from.


The choice is yours! I know you’ll find the videos not only informative but also a great resource.


You Can Grab Your Free Videos Here


So let’s recap a bit about what you should be thinking about right now. Basically, you’ve downloaded your free copy of Web Builder Pro.


Plus, you’ve downloaded your video series which will provide you with your free graphics editing software so you can start designing a website that is not only professional looking but also easily maintained. So, what’s next...

Free Shopping Cart With Built-In Affiliate Program

You need a reliable and affordable shopping cart that can accept orders from your customers.

Well let ’s grab your free shopping cart that will undoubtedly fulfill all your ecommerce needs (and then some). There’s only one shopping cart in particular that I highly recommend for anyone looking to add the functionality and security that usually only comes with the most advanced shopping cart systems.

Your free shopping cart is available from Mal’s E-commerce.

Mal ’s cart offers all the features you need to start selling goods and services from your website including calculating tax, shipping and handling, discounts and vouchers. Included with the cart is a Free Affiliate Program to help you promote you website.

There is also a Premium upgrade available which adds features which are designed primarily for busy merchants, for example: automated card processing, batch download of orders, direct access to UPS and USPS rates calculators, plus a little bit more influence over the look of the cart. But if you’re just getting started, the free version is more than you’ll ever need.

Important: You can switch the status of your shopping cart account between free and Premium any time you wish and without making any changes to your website.


Your cart is completely advertisement free except for a small logo in the footer of every page in the cart. If you have a Premium account you can even get rid of that too!


To learn more and signup for your free shopping cart, go to Mal’s E-commerce now and setup your account today! Be sure to also setup the mTracker affiliate program for your cart. It’s a great addition and also FREE!

Free Autoresponder Service

The most important aspect of your business is going to be your ability to grab the email addresses of as many website visitors as you possibly can.


There have been hundreds of books and courses written just on this one crucial element of your business alone and its well beyond the scope of this lesson (but we'll discuss this more in future lessons).


For now, it’s simply imperative for you to know and understand that you need to setup an autoresponder service and collect as many email addresses as you can so you can follow up with your website visitors.


There’s a free autoresponder service that you can use immediately called AutoBot. I haven’t used it personally, but I will say that I’ve read some great reviews about the service.


If you’re looking for a paid service (usually under $20 a month) I highly recommend Aweber or GetResponse.

If you can afford it, I highly recommend using one of the Paid Services above. I personally use Aweber (even to deliver this e-course) and I can't say enough good things about their service. I've been using their service for years without issue! Building your email list is imperative to your success and I don't recommend using a FREE service unless you're just starting out online and would like to get your feet wet before diving in head first.

The important thing is that you have some type of an autoresponder service setup and collecting email addresses as soon as possible.


Now, all you need is to add some products to your website and you’re ready to make some sales.


That’s all there is to it.


Here’s a brief recap of everything you’ll need to get your site up and profiting in no time:


1. Register a domain name at
2. Download your free Web Builder Pro Software
3. Download your Free Video Ebook which includes a free graphics editing program and resale rights
4. Setup your Free Autoresponder Account


In my humble opinion, it's very easy to make a full time living online. The techniques that need to be followed are so simple to adopt that a 12 year old could do it.


But remember when setting up your website that you want to follow specific keys that will attract visitors, build your email list, and allow you unlimited profits.


Let's take a look at one of my "retired" websites so you'll have a good example of how things should be done to insure you make the sale!

My $60,000 A Year Online "Pet Shop"

Before the Internet was even beginning to become so popular, I owned several websites related to Dogs and Cats. One site in particular was a site related to dog training.


Now the site wasn't about every aspect of training your dog. It was a "Laser-Targeted" website that dealt with the issue of housebreaking a new puppy.


This one site raked in just over $60,000 in one year from a simple 6 or 7 page site... ... More importantly though was how I made that money from the site...

I found a reputable drop ship supplier for pet related products and gifts, but I knew that if I were to put up a site that was an "e-store" just selling pet gifts I wouldn't make much money. I wouldn't make any money selling these items on eBay either. I needed to be clever...

So what I did was I created a simple site that was ONLY geared towards housebreaking a new puppy. A "highly targeted niche" that would have little competition in the search engines.


Then I setup my website with ONE PRIMARY FOCUS. Get everyone who visited the site to give me their email address. How did I get their email? Simple... I offered a free downloadable report titled:


"6 Simple And Effective Ways To Housebreak Your New Puppy In 7 Days Or Less"

This report was prominently displayed on the main page (capture page) of my site with nothing else! There were no links to anything. You landed on my site and either downloaded the report or you didn't. If you did decide to enter your email and download the report, you were then redirected into the website.

This report was downloaded thousands upon thousands of times by visitors to my website. More importantly, I built a database of targeted email addresses that allowed me to follow up with and "back-end" products to my list on a consistent basis.

I knew everyone who downloaded the report just got a new puppy. That made it simple to create highly effective email copy. So I provided GREAT content in my follow up emails, plus I continuously offered affiliate product endorsements for other products that generated incredible affiliate commissions for me.

I only had one small text link on the site to the product catalog that simply read "Visit My Gift Shop", and this link wasn't even available to anyone unless they'd already given me their email address.


This "gift shop" link took a visitor directly to a small online gift shop where I sold some unique pet products and also my coveted "Pet Memorials" for a nice additional income.


I also had a "ghost writer" write an entire 84 page book for me on "Your Puppy's Health and Well Being". I paid the ghost writer $150 to write the entire book and sold over 1200 copies of it for $10 each.


Here's the rounded off numbers from that site:


• Affiliate Sales = $29,000


• Book Sales = $12,000


• Product Sales = $19,000


I made over $1000.00 per week from this little 7 page website and didn't have to ship one product or warehouse any goods.

Do you see the point I'm trying to make here? If I had a full blown web store that offered everything from dog bowls to cat nip and everything in between, and I didn't only focus on capturing email addresses, my business would have died a quick death.... GUARANTEED!

Folks aren't looking to get online and go shopping. They are looking for INFORMATION!

Let me say that again... Folks browsing the web are looking for INFORMATION!

And it's your job to provide them with this information. You can sell them "STUFF" later! You first need to build a relationship with them. Then, when you send an email to them they will be what is known as a "Highly Responsive" customer and they'll whip out their credit card and eagerly give you their money!

That's how you make sales and LOTS of money online!


You need to learn to build relationships with your website visitors and combine that with the "INCREDIBLE" power of email marketing to sell products and services to your customers on the "back-end".


That's also when your drop shipping sales will flourish!


Best of all... the information you provide could be on any subject - ANYTHING - as long as it relates to your target audience... Sales will follow!

What's Coming Up In Lesson 2...

3 Surefire Methods to gain immediate and highly responsive traffic to any website on a ZERO budget...


You're going to find the information in Lesson two a "priceless" asset in getting FREE traffic to your website without breaking the bank!


Plus, we're going to start building our "fictitious" website using many of the tools we've discovered in this lesson...


So start familiarizing yourself with everything we talked about because in our next lesson we going to start putting all of the pieces of the puzzle together - ONE-BY-ONE!.


By the time you're finished with this 12 lesson course, you're going to have your own incredible website online.... BUT NOT JUST ANY WEBSITE - A SITE THAT SELLS!


See you at the top,