Ideas: 101 Great Ideas for Increasing Your Visibility, Credibility and Profitability by Matt Schoenherr - HTML preview

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Ideas #13–17

One of the best ways to stay in front of your audience or market is to provide value first. One of the best ways to provide this value is to deliver great information, especially important in today's information-based society. Pulling together information and knowledge for people accomplishes a few things:

First, it helps you clarify your thoughts. Taking even a small amount of time to write on matters important to your industry will greatly assist you in those instances where you're called upon to speak on such topics.

Secondly, in providing useful information to others, you make yourself a resource, which is paramount in gaining credibility.

Third, in writing or compiling information, you are furthering your own education. Examples: Here are a number of ways you might deliver valuable information to others:

00002.jpg#13: Write an instructional brochure.


00002.jpg#14: Start a quarterly, monthly, or weekly newsletter.


00002.jpg#15: Submit an article to local newspapers or business magazines.



#16: Produce and distribute an audio or video presentation on a topic in your industry. Deliver this valuable information through an interactive CD or via the Internet.


#17: Publish a book. Create a referral program. (Read: Make it worth other people's time to help you reach new clients.) The goal of a referral program is to create revenue or to provide some other incentive for those who help you reach more people.

Example: Dreamscape Multimedia offers a referral program with our web hosting service and makes it free to sign up using a simple onepage form. We call it our Prosperity program, as it pays a hefty 50 percent monthly commission* on any active hosting accounts you refer to us.

*Giving back 50 percent of a revenue stream may not be possible for your company. Determine what a responsible return might look like, and proceed conservatively at first.