Internet Marketing 101 by Bob Parker - HTML preview

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Chapter VIII Time Management

This is an area that I had a lot of trouble with when I first started into Internet marketing. I was like an Owl. I stayed up almost the entire night working or my websites, products & promotion. Not only was I staying up late at night, but I was coming home and spending the majority of my time on the PC. It kept me busy however my social life severely suffered. I wasn't allowing myself to hang out with friends, or spend time with loved ones. Long periods of this method of time management can be highly stressful. I've observer ed many new marketers falling into this mouse trap. I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen to you.

One day I stopped what I was doing and reflected on what I was actually doing with my time during those 14 hour work days online. I realized. I may have spent 3 hours actually getting some solid work done. And the other 11 hours surfing the Internet, tired & aimlessly. Spending hours flipping between sites. This is when I decided to take a plan of action. I was going to set myself up on a time management system. I was going to squeeze in work, family, friends & sleep without loading on the stress.

This is how it works! - Pick a set bracket of hours during the day where you are going to commit yourself to solid work. I.E. I picked 5am-12pm. I was going to squeeze in everything I wanted to accomplish that between those hours everyday. After 12pm I 'm not going to touch my computer! I found that I got more quality work done, and fit in the rest of my life along with it. By setting yourself on a time management system such as this one, You're actually allowing your mind to rest & be more productive when the next work session comes along. You'll find that the next time you sit back down at the PC to work that you'll be more productive, creative & excited to dive back in. You're the Boss now!, you control your work schedule. If you didn't like the tiresome hours of the typical 9 to 5 job. Why would you put yourself through 14 hour a day Hell?