Internet Marketing 101 by Bob Parker - HTML preview

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Chapter III How To Successfully Launch Your Internet Business

So now you've found your niche & the next step would be to setup a website around your product & ultimately get buying customers. Although very easy to do there are are some important measures we're going to want to take to ensure the lasting success of your website & business. We want to employ methods so that the customers come to you, rather than you spending hours pulling them over.

Setting Up A Website

The first step in setting up your business website is to find a domain name. A domain name is a unique name people can use to find & identify you online. I.E., etc.

Domains cost anywhere from $5-10 dollars per year. Below is a list of some of the most popular places to get a good domain name for a good price.

Note: You want to choose a domain with your niche “Keyword” in the title.

For Example: I have a website selling Dog Collars. I would want a domain such as , notice how I included the keyword “dog collar” in my domain.

By doing that from the start you automatically put your website in a good position for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Google loves websites with the relevant keyword(s) in the domain name.
After you have found a good domain name for your site. You will need a place to “host” it. Hosting is very cheap nowadays due to the high completion of hosting companies competing for your business. More & more people are getting their own websites that hosting has become affordable. You can find a basic hosting package for as little as $10/month. Below is a list of the most popular & affordable hosting companies. The company listed below have outstanding customer support and are on 24/7 to help you with getting setup.

Not A Web Designer? No Problem. You Don't have to be. In fact mostly all websites are designed by other people than the owners. Web Design can be very expensive, or very affordable.

Before you fork our thousands of dollars on a professionally designed website let me show you where to get a professionally designed website for your product/niche for under $300 dollars. Part of being successful online is knowing how to budget, knowing how to get more for your dollar. - I've been using this website to get all my web design work outsourced and professionally designed for under $300. This site is comprised of freelancers ( individuals who offer their services based on a project bid) . has thousands of freelancers from around the world eager to do design your website, write content, programming & pretty much anything & everything you need. You open up a project according to your needs , and freelancer registered at the site will bid on your listing. Prices can steep very low due to the completion of all the eager to work freelances, Making this a perfect site for all your technical needs.

Another easy and Cost Free alternative would be to pick up some HTML skills and design your website(s) yourself. However this can take time. Time that you could be spending marketing your website & products.

Quick Solutions for website would be to start a Blog. There are many blogging platforms and services to choose from. I personally prefer Wordpress over the rest. Wordpress provides more flexibility and customization options for your blog to make it your truly your own & unique. It's also fairly easy to design & edit Wordpress templates according to your taste.

By now you should have learned how to successfully setup your website in one medium or another. The next crucial step is to start writing content targeted to your niche. You'll hear on the Internet a lot “Content is King” - this statement can't be more accurate. The more unique content you publish on your site the better. This will keep your customers & search engine's constantly coming back for more. Writing quality content consistently also provides you with credibility and builds trust between your website and the users. This will ultimately determine weather or not they will buy from you or not.