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Chapter V SEO Basics Getting Your Website Noticed by Google

Getting your website noticed by Google is VERY IMPORTANT. Over 80% of the traffic from the Internet is from search engine traffic. You want Google to be able to easily crawl your website and index your pages. You can direct Google to do so by optimizing your website in what is known as SEO (Search engine optimization). We're going to go over some of the basics of SEO and what you can do to easily ensure that Google give your site the traffic it deserves.

Keyword Research - We talked about this in the previous chapters. You've have to make sure you are using good keywords. Not something with a lot of competition but keywords that are just right. You can use Keyword Elite for your keyword research.

Title Tags – Google weighs the Title tags of your web pages heavily in it's ranking algorithms. You need to include your main Keyword(s) within the title. Everything following that needs to describe a little something about your website. A Good title is at least 160 Characters in length.

Example of an SEO Optimized Web page Title
Dog Collars – Offering a wide variety of Collars For Dogs at

Content & Articles – The same rules apply for content on your website as did the SEO in the ezine articles. You need to include your main keyword(s) in the heading of the article as well as the first couple sentences of the article.

Meta Tags – meta tags are another important way for the search engines to rank and identify your website.


<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Your descriptive sentence or two goes here.">

Above is an example of the “meta description” tag. Your website(s) should always include this tag. To optimize simply include your main keyword(s) in the description along with a couple sentences describing the services of your site(s).

Anther meta tag is the “meta keywords” tag. Google and other top search engine s really don't look at the meta keywords tag anymore. You won't need to worry about that one as much.

Building Backlinks. - This is probably one of the most important aspects of your SEO campaign. A big factor in effecting your rankings in Google relies on the relevancy of the sites linking to you. Sites that link to you form “One-way” back links. You can build links by writing quality content and driving traffic in the hope that other sites owners & blog owners will link back to you. This is known was link baiting. You can also post comments with a link back to your website on other blogs around the net.

Social Bookmarking – Submit your site(s) to various social bookmarking sites. To make it easier I use, this free service submits my site and articles to many different social networks at once.
Articles – As mentioned earlier writing lots of articles & including a link to you site in the reference at the end will provide of a wealth of back links to your site. – This is a great service that allows you to purchase one way links to your website. You can choose the website from their marketplace that are relevant to your site. Links are affordable ranging from $15-$50/month. You can get links from sites with PageRank 4-7 for a great price. Keeping these links linking back to you is a fast and affordable way of getting rank fairly fast.

Those are some of The Basics Of SEO. If you follows those guidelines you will not have a problem getting your website noticed by Google. Google provides a lot of traffic, natural traffic coming from Google can be some of the best traffic for your website. If you'd like to learn more in-depth about SEO and boost your rankings fast I would recommend you get SEO Elite. This is an extremely useful piece of software that will greatly help you to increase your rankings in Google.