Internet Marketing Guide to Success by Ben Clemons - HTML preview

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Chapter 6: Traffic!

Without visitors to your squeeze page all the tips, techniques, autoresponders and affiliate programs in the world aren't going to do you any good. Traffic is the number one thing that can make or break an internet business. While there are probably a million different ways to get traffic to your site, it's the quality of the traffic and what you're able to do with the traffic that counts. Since getting traffic can be both time consuming and expensive, you obviously want to do everything you can to maximize the return on your efforts. All the time I see people working hard to get traffic to a squeeze page that looks like crap and doesn't convert.

The difference between a 5% conversion and a 10% conversion can be the difference between your squeeze page being a success or a failure.

Lets say you're squeeze page is running an average of 5% conversion and it currently costs you on average $1 for each sign up you get.
So you send 1,000 people to your page, get 50 sign ups and it costs you $50. Now lets say you're able to market to these people enough at the beginning to recoup your initial $50 investment.

Ok, so you broke even.

Now what if you were able to convert at 10%? It would cost the exact same $50 to get those 1,000 visitors but you'd have reduced your cost down to $0.50 per sign up which means you'd be pulling a %100 profit off your list building efforts. Not only would it be paying for itself but you'd actually be making money from it. How much more could you do if you were making a profit off the sign ups? Couldn't you find ways to double and triple your efforts?
A few percentage points in your conversions can make the difference between a list that takes years to build or a list that explodes with growth!

One of the best ways to increase your conversions is to always keep in mind where the traffic you're sending to your page is coming from. If you're using multiple sources of traffic, then you should have multiple squeeze pages that each cater to their own specific traffic source.
Changing a few small things like the headline or the bullet points on your squeeze page isn't very hard to do and can pay off big time.

We'll sometimes put a generic squeeze page on the front of a site and then upload others to sub directories.


This will also help you with tracking so you can see what traffic methods are getting sign ups and which ones are not.

Just make sure you create a different "form" in Aweber for each page so when you check the stats in your Aweber account you can see which ones people are signing up to.

Probably one of the best investments we ever made in our business was the purchase of R.A.P. or Rapid Action Profits. This is a script that you can install on your website that lets you set up multiple squeeze pages, test conversions, set up an affiliate program, do giveaways and many many other things. We use it on many of our sites and it has easily paid for itself hundreds of times over.

This is a highly recommended tool if you are serious about list building. Click Here to Check out the Rapid Action Profits Script

There are a lot of good ways to get traffic to your site, but way too many to mention them all in this report, so let me just give you a brief overview of some of our favorites that have worked best for us.

NOTE: For a much more in-depth look at getting traffic to your site you need to check out


Justin Michie's Traffic Tips Report (only $7)
Ross Goldberg's Traffic Manifesto

Traffic Exchanges
These can be an excellent source of traffic if you know how to use them. A traffic exchange is where you agree to visit a certain number of peoples websites in order to get credits so that other people in the exchange will visit yours. Now Obviously the only people that are going to be interested in doing this are going to be other internet marketers that are trying to get traffic to their sites. So if you're selling something that these types of people would be interested in, like a way to get more traffic to a website, then they're going to be very interested in what you have to offer. However if you're selling something not related to making money or selling online then this one isn't going to be of much value.

One thing to keep in mind is that anyone using a traffic exchange is just clicking through websites very fast so they can build up credits. You're headline needs to be very strong to get their attention and keep them from just clicking on to the next one.

While there are thousands of traffic exchange sites on the web, it's best to focus your efforts on the biggest ones since they're going to have the most people and thus give you the best results.
Here are a few you can use:

1. Traffic Bunnies
2. Traffic-Splash
3. Advertising Know How
4. Dragon Surf
5. StartXchange
6. I Love Hits

You'll have the option to either surf other peoples sites to get credits or to purchase traffic credits. I recommend that you purchase them and not waste your time surfing other peoples sites. This way you can get a lot of quick, cheap traffic to your page for testing and optimization.

If you have your autoresponder series and OTO's set up like we discussed earlier then you'll be able to have this method pay for itself.



Safelists are very similar to traffic exchanges in the sense that its mostly going to be other marketers that are using them. Basically, a safelist is just a group of people that have all agreed to receive e-mail from each other. If you sign up to one of these be sure not to use your main e-mail account as it will get overloaded.
Here are some of the top Safelist Resources:

Free Safelist Mailer Elite Safelist Global Safelist Newage Marketing

Article Directories:
There are several article sites that you can use to submit small 300 to 700 word articles relating to your niche. Though this has been a bit played out over the last few years its still a quality method of getting traffic, especially for smaller niches. When you submit an article to one of these sites they allow you to place a link to your site in the Author Bio area at the bottom of your article. This makes it so that every article you submit will have a link to your site. There are a lot of sites on the web that get their content from these articles sites so if you write a good article there is a strong chance that its going to get picked up by other sites and move its way around the web. The amount of links and traffic you can get to your site by doing this can really add up over time.

Here is a list of the top article sites:

Social Networking sites
Sites like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Youtube, ect.. are getting more and more popular every day. These really are the future of the internet. By using these sites to build a strong presence and online social network you can very quickly build up your list.

There are two main things you want to keep in mind about social networking sites. First, don't go on them trying to "sell". People hate that. Go on there with the intent of building a social network and making friends. The money will follow. The second thing to remember is to always have links in your profile pointing back to your squeeze page. This way when someone becomes interested in you enough to check out your profile they will click the link and hit your site.

List Building Sites
There are a few of these sites out there and they can be a great way to virally build your list. These sites work kind of like an MLM program or a Pyramid. You can e-mail your downline through the site. This means that if you send 5 people to the site and they each send 5 people and they each send 5 people.....ect.. until you have a million people on your list.


Here are the ones that we recommend:

ListDotCom List Bandit Your lucky list

Internet forums are similar to social networking sites in the way that you need to participate and build a relationship. The beauty of forums is that you can place a link to your site in your signature file so that every time you make a post that link is displayed. The more you post the more links you get to your site. Search engines then come along and index those posts. You get traffic from the members of the site and then continue to get traffic via the search engines for years to come.

A great resource that really explains in full detail all the methods of using forums to market can be found (along with free training videos) here: Instant Forum Profits

JV Giveaways
This is another powerful way to build your list. The way this works is several marketers will all upload something to giveaway on the site. Then each marketer will mail to their list promoting the giveaway site. As people come to the site they can browse through all the available products then sing up to each persons list to get the gift. The better you're giveaway item is the more people are going to sign up to your list.

To learn more about this you can check out: JV Giveaway Course

By posting regularly to a blog you're going to build up a following and also be able to attract search traffic. This is more of a long term strategy so the sooner you begin on it the better. This can be a great way to build a relationship with people on your list as well. Since it's your blog, you can post whatever you want in it. Your opinions, thoughts, product reviews, videos, ect..... You can also send an e-mail to your list with a link to your blog for people to read more or leave comments about something. Its a great way to build a good relationship with people and gives them a chance to see a different side of you than they get from just he e-mails.

To learn more about the importance of blogging, you should click below:


Blogging to the Bank v. 3.0
PPC advertising

Pay Per Click advertising can be the best way to build your list or the worst. It can be very expensive to do so if you don't have a good sales funnel set up to cover the costs you're going to lose a lot of money. However, once you get more advanced, have a good back end sales funnel, your e-mails tweaked to perfection and high conversion rates on your squeeze pages it can be one of the best and fastest ways to build your list. You just need to make sure that you have things set up enough to cover the cost.

The 2 best resources we have found on using Google Adwords is: Commission Blueprint Adwords Miracle

Once you've built a relationship and hopefully recouped any costs to get the subscribers its time to start making consistent regular money from your list.