Internet Marketing Guide to Success by Ben Clemons - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: Autoresponders

Now that they are on your list you want to have at least 7 to 10 autoresponder messages set up to send to them for the first few weeks to recoup some of your list building costs and hopefully even turn a profit. These messages you will set up ahead of time in Aweber and they will automatically send out to new subscribers at set intervals once they have subscribed to your list.

In the first message of your autoresponder series there are a few things you want to make sure and do.

1. Re-send them a link to your giveaway from the squeeze page. Just in case they missed it while going through all the OTO's and stuff in the sign up process.

2. Establish the fact that you are a marketer and will be marketing to them. This is important to do right away. You're doing this as a business to make money so you may as well be up front about it and set their expectations appropriately.
In your first e-mail you should offer/recommend another product that they may be interested in.
By doing this right off the bat you'll drastically limit unsubscribers and potential problems down the road.

3. You want to get them excited and interested in future mailings from you. This will help your response and open rate on future mailings. This shouldn't be hard since you're going to be writing the first few messages all at the same time and will know exactly what's coming in the next mailings. You should easily be able to lead into the next message at the end of this one.

Here is a sample template of what your first autoresponder message should look like:




Hey {!firstname}, Here's Your Download Link

Hi {!firstname},
Thank you for requesting this report.
Here's the download link again in case you missed it on the confirmation page.

Download link (should point to a download page, not just straight to the actual download)


Also you may want to take a look at *insert product name here*. It's something I've used for a long time and Highly recommend.


Link to product


Thanks again, keep an eye on your in box, I'll send you a great tip on how you can easily get more traffic too your site soon.


To your success,

Your Name
Your Website Address Your autoresponder series is where you're going to make the majority of your money during the initial list building process.

Your first few messages should be able to generate enough money back to pay for your list building efforts. This means that if it costs you $1 on average to get a new subscriber to your list then you should aim for making back that $1 on average from the initial sign up and follow up series. This may sound difficult but its not really. In fact you'll often able to turn a profit on just this process alone, not to mention the fact that you're able to continue marketing to them for as long as they remain on your list!